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Created April 13, 2023 06:57
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Telegraf custom config

This output of the Telegraf custom config is from a Server 4.x setup where my telegraf.config.custom_config_file is set to empty string.

# parse and save Telegraf config as TOML
$ kubectl -n circleci get cm/telegraf-custom-config -o=yaml | yq '.data."telegraf_custom.conf"' > default.toml

# run through a TOML linter

$ docker run -i tomll < default.toml
collection_jitter = '0s'
debug = false
flush_interval = '10s'
flush_jitter = '0s'
hostname = '$HOSTNAME'
interval = '30s'
logfile = ''
metric_batch_size = 1000
metric_buffer_limit = 10000
omit_hostname = true
precision = ''
quiet = false
round_interval = true

collect_memstats = false

datadog_extensions = true
metric_separator = '.'
percentile_limit = 1000
percentiles = [50, 95, 99]
service_address = ':8125'

files = ['stdout']

listen = ':9273'
path = '/metrics'

dest = 'status_code'
field = 'status'

critical = 3
healthy = 1
problem = 2
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