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Kyle E. Mitchell kemitchell

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Mortarboard Stability License

Development Draft

Licensor: [licensor's legal name]

Project: [project name]

Repository: [repository URL]

Mortarboard Revenue License

Development Draft

Licensor: [licensor's legal name]

Project: [project name]

Repository: [repository URL]

Mortarboard Contributors License

Development Draft

Licensor: [licensor's legal name]

Project: [project name]

Repository: [repository URL]

Mortarboard Streak License

Version 1.0.0

Licensor: [licensor's legal name]

Project: [project name]

Repository: [repository URL]

Mortarboard Stability License

Version 1.0.0

Licensor: [licensor's legal name]

Project: [project name]

Repository: [repository URL]

Mortarboard Revenue License

Version 1.0.0

Licensor: [licensor's legal name]

Project: [project name]

Repository: [repository URL]

Mortarboard Contributors License

Version 1.0.0

Licensor: [licensor's legal name]

Project: [project name]

Repository: [repository URL]

Cryptographic Autonomy License version 1.0-Beta 2019-05-09

This Cryptographic Autonomy License (the "License") applies to any Work whose owner has marked it with any of the following notices:

"Licensed under the Cryptographic Autonomy License version 1.0," or "CAL-1.0", or

"Licensed under the Cryptographic Autonomy License version 1.0, with Combined Work Exception," or "CAL-1.0-With-Exception."

The owner may also specify in the same location as the notice a jurisdiction for disputes arising from the use of a particular Work:

digraph {
ShouldWithhold[label="Withhold stuff\nfor money?"];
SellAds[label="Sell ads or sponsorships?"];
WithholdWhat[label="Withhold what?"];
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