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Created July 9, 2020 16:51
How to store logical objects inside physical Aerospike objects to reduce key space size
public static final int BIT_MASK_SIZE = 25;
public static final BigInteger BIT_MASK = (new BigInteger("2")).pow(BIT_MASK_SIZE).subtract(new BigInteger("1"));
public static final String METADATA_BIN_NAME = "deviceMetaData";
public static final AerospikeClient aeroClient = new AerospikeClient(hostName,aerospikeServicePort);
* Store device meta data in Aerospike using 'blocking' technique
* @param deviceIDasUUID - device id
* @param deviceMetaData - metadat
public void storeDeviceMetaData(UUID deviceIDasUUID ,Map<String,Object> deviceMetaData){
// Turn UUID into a BigInteger to help with bit masking
BigInteger deviceID = new BigInteger(deviceIDasUUID.toString().replace("-",""),32);
// Do bit masking
BigInteger physicalKey = deviceID.and(BIT_MASK);
// Construct Aerospike key using key built using bit masking
Key aerospikeKey= new Key(deviceDataNamespace,deviceDataSetName,physicalKey.toString());
// Store using Map API - stores device metadata in an Aerospike object using the bit masked key
// but within that object inserts to a map using the device id as a key
aeroClient.operate(new WritePolicy(),aerospikeKey,
MapOperation.put(new MapPolicy(),METADATA_BIN_NAME,Value.get(deviceIDasUUID.toString()), Value.get(deviceMetaData)));
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