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Created May 8, 2019 07:57
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Wrapper Function to create Sankey Diagram from DataFrame
def genSankey(df,cat_cols=[],value_cols='',title='Sankey Diagram'):
# maximum of 6 value cols -> 6 colors
colorPalette = ['#4B8BBE','#306998','#FFE873','#FFD43B','#646464']
labelList = []
colorNumList = []
for catCol in cat_cols:
labelListTemp = list(set(df[catCol].values))
labelList = labelList + labelListTemp
# remove duplicates from labelList
labelList = list(dict.fromkeys(labelList))
# define colors based on number of levels
colorList = []
for idx, colorNum in enumerate(colorNumList):
colorList = colorList + [colorPalette[idx]]*colorNum
# transform df into a source-target pair
for i in range(len(cat_cols)-1):
if i==0:
sourceTargetDf = df[[cat_cols[i],cat_cols[i+1],value_cols]]
sourceTargetDf.columns = ['source','target','count']
tempDf = df[[cat_cols[i],cat_cols[i+1],value_cols]]
tempDf.columns = ['source','target','count']
sourceTargetDf = pd.concat([sourceTargetDf,tempDf])
sourceTargetDf = sourceTargetDf.groupby(['source','target']).agg({'count':'sum'}).reset_index()
# add index for source-target pair
sourceTargetDf['sourceID'] = sourceTargetDf['source'].apply(lambda x: labelList.index(x))
sourceTargetDf['targetID'] = sourceTargetDf['target'].apply(lambda x: labelList.index(x))
# creating the sankey diagram
data = dict(
node = dict(
pad = 15,
thickness = 20,
line = dict(
color = "black",
width = 0.5
label = labelList,
color = colorList
link = dict(
source = sourceTargetDf['sourceID'],
target = sourceTargetDf['targetID'],
value = sourceTargetDf['count']
layout = dict(
title = title,
font = dict(
size = 10
fig = dict(data=[data], layout=layout)
return fig
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Thanks I use it for a diagnostic plot in a modelling pipeline we're building.

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ken333135 commented Sep 26, 2019 via email

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jpsteege commented Nov 5, 2020

Nice piece of code and very usable Medium article!
For my own use, I added a code snippet that creates the needed number of colors based on the number of cat_cols using Seaborn color palettes (here: 'Spectral'). For more palette options, check

import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns

def genSankey(df,cat_cols=[],value_cols='',title='Sankey Diagram'):
    # Source:
    # Create colors based on the number of categorical columns
    colorPalette = sns.color_palette("Spectral", len(cat_cols)).as_hex()
    labelList = []
    colorNumList = []


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rrosasl commented Dec 2, 2020

Hi Ken,

I have used this Sankey so many times :D
Most recently here

There I also have some useful code for converting many DataFrames into the necessary format for the Sankey Diagram :)

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Thanks for the code!

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