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Created December 31, 2016 04:30
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ECS deploy shell script originally from
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Updates a pre-configured Amazon EC2 Container Service (ECS) cluster.
# Build a docker image in CWD, tag it and push it to
# Then Update an ECS services to run that newly available images.
# This script receives as a input a filename (Relative to this directory).
# That file must set the following Environment variables .
# DOCKER_USER : Docker username for
# DOCKER_PASSWORD : Docker password for
# DOCKER_EMAIL : The email address used for registration with
# DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG : The Docker image & tag we want to build & deploy Example : "daiglej/repo:MyTag"
# ECS_CLUSTER : The Name of the ECS cluster
# ECS_SERVICE : The name of the ECS service (Must exists within the cluster)
# ECS_FAMILY : Also know as the task name
# ECS_TASK_DEFINITION : A json string that holds the Task definition.
# NOTE : ECS Deploys strategy requires that the cluster is able to run one task during an update of the task.
# We assume that your cluster is not configured to be able to have 1 extra task running during the deploy.
# Therefore, we adopted the strategy of decreasing by 1 the number of running task before we trigger the update.
# If you are only running 1 instance of the task, this means you will have a DOWNTIME of approximately 30-60 seconds.
# Therefore, unless thats not an issue, we reccomend you have 2 instances of the task.
# This script was inspired/based on :
set -e
set -u
set -o pipefail
#set -o xtrace # Uncomment for debugging
JQ="jq --raw-output --exit-status"
JQ="jq --raw-output" # Comment for debugging
# Main function
function main() {
echo -e "\n\n$(date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") Executing $1"
my_dir="$(dirname "$0")"
source "$my_dir/$1"
echo "$(date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") Building, tagging & pushing docker image ($DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG)"
docker_build_and_push "$DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG";
echo -e "\n\n"
if [[ $DESIRED_COUNT>0 ]]; then
echo "$(date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") Decrease the desired numberof running task instances by one ($DESIRED_COUNT - 1 =$(expr $DESIRED_COUNT - 1))"
echo "Otherwise, the deploy will fail if cluster is not able to support one additional instance (We assume this is not the case)."
update_ecs_service $CURRENT_TASK_REVISION $(expr $DESIRED_COUNT - 1)
echo -e "$(date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") Service has currently 0 desired running instances. Setting the desired running task instance to 1"
echo "$(date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") Update the Task definition (Includes the new docker images to use)"
revision=$(update_ecs_task_def "$ECS_TASK_DEFINITION")
echo "$(date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") Update the service to use the newly created task revision ($CURRENT_TASK_REVISION)"
update_ecs_service "$CURRENT_TASK_REVISION" "$(expr $DESIRED_COUNT - 1)"
echo "$(date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") Waiting for the number of running task instance to decrease to $(expr $DESIRED_COUNT - 1)"
wait_ecs_nb_task $(expr $DESIRED_COUNT - 1)
echo "$(date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") Done ... Now we can now re-set the original desired number task instance ($DESIRED_COUNT)"
echo "$(date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") Waiting for the number of running task to reach the original desired number of instances ($DESIRED_COUNT)"
wait_ecs_nb_task $DESIRED_COUNT
echo "$(date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") Waiting for stale task to be replaced by their new revision"
echo "$(date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") Deploy completed successfully. "
# Log in to, build the docker image, tag it and push it to
# @params string $1 The Name of the docker image & tag Example daiglej/repo:TAG
# @reads string $DOCKER_EMAIL registration email
# @reads string $DOCKER_PASSWORD password
# @reads string $DOCKER_USER registration username
function docker_build_and_push() {
docker build -t $1 .
docker push $1
# Read various status info about the ECS services and set/update status variables accordingly.
# @reads string $ECS_CLUSTER The name of the ECS cluster
# @reads string $ECS_SERVICE The name of the ECS service (Inside the cluster)
# @reads string $AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID AWS Access key
# @reads string $AWS_DEFAULT_REGION AWS Default Region
# @reads string $AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY AWS Secret access key
# @sets int $CURRENT_DESIRED_COUNT The number of tasks that should be running
# @sets int $CURRENT_RUNNING_TASK The number of task that are running
# @sets int $CURRENT_STALE_TASK The number of running task, that are not of the current revision
# @sets string $CURRENT_TASK_REVISION The current task revision/version (Full ARN)
function get_ecs_status() {
DECRIBED_SERVICE=$(aws ecs describe-services --cluster $ECS_CLUSTER \
--services $ECS_SERVICE);
CURRENT_DESIRED_COUNT=$(echo $DECRIBED_SERVICE | $JQ ".services[0].desiredCount")
CURRENT_TASK_REVISION=$(echo $DECRIBED_SERVICE | $JQ ".services[0].taskDefinition")
CURRENT_RUNNING_TASK=$(echo $DECRIBED_SERVICE | $JQ ".services[0].runningCount")
CURRENT_STALE_TASK=$(echo $DECRIBED_SERVICE | $JQ ".services[0].deployments | .[] | select(.taskDefinition != \"$CURRENT_TASK_REVISION\") | .taskDefinition")
if [[ -z "$CURRENT_STALE_TASK" ]]; then
# Set the task definition revision/version and the desired task number of instances that the service should run.
# @params string $1 Version/revision the task definition (full ARN)
# @params int $2 The desired number of task instances to be run.
# @reads string $ECS_CLUSTER The name of the ECS cluster
# @reads string $ECS_SERVICE The name of the ECS service
# @reads string $AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID AWS Access key
# @reads string $AWS_DEFAULT_REGION AWS Default Region
# @reads string $AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY AWS Secret access key
function update_ecs_service() {
output=$(aws ecs update-service --cluster $ECS_CLUSTER \
--service $ECS_SERVICE \
--task-definition $1 \
--desired-count $2)
if [[ $(echo $output | $JQ '.service.taskDefinition') != $1 ]] || [[ $(echo $output | $JQ '.service.desiredCount') != $2 ]]; then
echo -e "\n$(date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") Error, in setting service"
exit 2
# Push/Update the task definition to ECS and set the newly created task revision full arn ($CURRENT_TASK_REVISION)
# @params string $1 Task Definition (JSON)
# @reads string $ECS_FAMILY The task family (aka name)
# @reads string $AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID AWS Access key
# @reads string $AWS_DEFAULT_REGION AWS Default Region
# @reads string $AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY AWS Secret access key
# @sets string $CURRENT_TASK_REVISION The task revision/version (Full ARN)
function update_ecs_task_def() {
if CURRENT_TASK_REVISION=$(aws ecs register-task-definition --container-definitions "$1" \
--family $ECS_FAMILY \
| $JQ '.taskDefinition.taskDefinitionArn'); then
echo -e "\n$(date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") Successfully register task definition :\n\tfamily : $ECS_FAMILY\n\tRevision : $CURRENT_TASK_REVISION\n"
return 0
echo -e "\n$(date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") Failed to register task definition :\n\tfamily : $ECS_FAMILY"
exit 1
# Wait until the service has reached The desired number of running task instances
# @uses get_ecs_status()
function wait_ecs_nb_task() {
for attempt in {1..120}; do
sleep 1
return 0
echo -e "\n\n$(date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") Waiting for running count to reach $CURRENT_DESIRED_COUNT took to long. Current running task : $CURRENT_RUNNING_TASK\n\n"
exit 3
# Wait for all stale task to disappear.
# Stale task = Task of not the current version/revision
# @param string $1 The current task revision
# @uses get_ecs_status()
function wait_ecs_no_stale_task() {
for attempt in {1..240}; do
echo "$(date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") Running : $CURRENT_RUNNING_TASK, Desired : $CURRENT_DESIRED_COUNT, Stale : $CURRENT_STALE_TASK"
if [[ $CURRENT_STALE_TASK>0 ]]; then
sleep 2
return 0
echo "\n\nService update took too long.\n\n"
exit 4
main "$@"
exit 0
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