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Created January 27, 2011 16:21
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Save kenahoo/798719 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
"Append RAqua libs to R_LIBS" = NO;
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"auto.close.parens" = YES;
"Background Color" = <040b7374 7265616d 74797065 6481e803 84014084 8484074e 53436f6c 6f720084 84084e53 4f626a65 63740085 84016301 84046666 66660101 010186>;
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"External Editor Name" = "/Applications/Writing/";
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"NSToolbar Configuration R Toolbar Identifier" = {
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"New Quartz Device Item Identifier",
"X11 Item Identifier",
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"Stderr Color" = <040b7374 7265616d 74797065 6481e803 84014084 8484074e 53436f6c 6f720084 84084e53 4f626a65 63740085 84016301 84046666 66660100 000186>;
"Stdout Color" = <040b7374 7265616d 74797065 6481e803 84014084 8484074e 53436f6c 6f720084 84084e53 4f626a65 63740085 84016303 84026666 83000000 3f0186>;
"Strip comment history entries" = NO;
"Use Internal Editor" = YES;
"Use QuartzPrefPane values" = NO;
"" = NO;
"WebIconDatabaseDirectoryDefaultsKey" = "~/Library/Icons";
"Working directory" = "~";
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