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Last active June 13, 2018 02:09
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System.out.println("Hello world!");
System.out.println("Hello world!")
System.out.println "Hello world!"
println("Hello world!");
println("Hello world!")
println "Hello world!"
def name = "John"
def s1 = "Hello $name" // $name will be replaced
def s2 = 'Hello $name' // $name will not be replaced
println s1
println s2
println s1.class
println s2.class
def date = new Date()
println "We met at $date"
println "We met at ${date.format('MM/dd/yy')}"
public class Person{
String firstName
String lastName
int age
def address
Person p = new Person()
// use the generated access methods
// this will still use the generated access method, it is not a direct access!
p.lastName = "Vogel"
p.address = ("Homestreet 3")
println(p.firstName + " " + p.lastName)
// use the generated constructor
p = new Person(firstName: "Peter", lastName:"Mueller");
println(p.firstName + " " + p.lastName);
def mylist= [1,2,"Lars","4"]
mylist.each{ println it }
class Math {
static sum(a,b,c=0) {
println Math.sum(1,5)
println Math.sum(1,2,5)
// valid variable definitions
// typed
String name3
int x
Integer y
// untyped
def list
def map
def todo
10.times {println "Test"}
for (i in 0..9) {
println ("Hello $i" )
assert 'B'..'E' == ['B', 'C', 'D', 'E']
for (a in 'B'..'E') {
println ("$a")
class PersonV2{
String firstName;
String lastName;
PersonV2(String firstName, String lastName){
this.firstName = firstName
this.lastName= lastName
List<Integer> listv2 = [1,2,3,4]
println listv2[0]
println listv2[1]
println listv2[2]
def String[] strings = "This is a long sentence".split()
// convert Array to list
def List listStrings = strings
// convert List back to Array
def String[] arrayStrings = listStrings
def listv3 = ["Hello", "Test", "Lars"]
// calculate the length of every String in the list
def sizeList = listv3*.size()
assert sizeList == [5, 4, 4]
def l1 = ['test', 12, 20, true]
// check with grep that one element is a Boolean
assert [true] == l1.grep(Boolean)
// grep for all elements which start with a pattern
assert ['Groovy'] == ['test', 'Groovy', 'Java'].grep(~/^G.*/)
// grep for if the list contains b and c
assert ['b', 'c'] == ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'].grep(['b', 'c'])
// grep for elements which are contained in the range
assert [14, 16] == [5, 14, 16, 75, 12].grep(13..17)
// grep for elements which are equal to 42.031
assert [42.031] == [15, 'Peter', 42.031, 42.032].grep(42.031)
// grep for elements which are larger than 40 based on the closure
assert [50, 100, 300] == [10, 12, 30, 50, 100, 300].grep({ it > 40 })
// create map
def mapv2 = ["Jim":"Knopf", "Thomas":"Edison"]
// the dot operator is overloaded to access the value
// create map without quotes for the keys
def anotherMap = [Jim:"Knopf", Thomas:"Edison"]
// size is used to determine the number of elements
assert anotherMap.size() == 2
// if key should be evaluated put it into brackets
def xv2 ="a"
// not true, as x is interpreted as "x"
println ([a:1]==[xv2:1])
// force Groovy to see x as expression
println ([a:1]==[(xv2):1])
// create empty map
def emptyMap = [:]
def mymap = [1:"Jim Knopf", 2:"Thomas Edison", 3:"Lars Vogel"]
mymap.each {entry -> println (entry.key > 1)}
mymap.each {entry -> println (entry.value.contains("o"))}
println "Lars contained:" + mymap.any {entry -> entry.value.contains("Lars")}
println "Every key small than 4:" + mymap.every {entry -> entry.key < 4}
def result =''
for (key in mymap.keySet()) {
result += key
println result
mymap.each { key, value ->
print key + " "
println value
mymap.each { entry ->
print entry.key + " "
println entry.value
class Address {
String street, city
class PersonV3 {
String name
Address address
String phoneNumber
def moveToNewPlace(inputAsMap, newPhoneNumber) {
address.street = inputAsMap.street =
phoneNumber = newPhoneNumber
def address = new Address(street: 'Reeperbahn', city: 'Hamburg')
def pv2 = new PersonV3(name: 'Lars', address: address, phoneNumber: '123456789')
// Groovy translates the following call to:
// p.move([street: 'Saselbeck', city: 'Hamburg'], '23456789')
// p.moveToNewPlace(street: 'Saselbeck', '23456789', city: 'Hamburg')
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