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Forked from pascalpoitras/
Created November 9, 2016 21:45
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My always up-to-date WeeChat configuration (weechat-dev)

WeeChat Screenshot

Enable mouse support

/mouse enable

Encrypted password in sec.conf

/secure passphrase <pass>
/secure set bncpass <pass>
/secure set relaypass <pass>


Default settings on server creation

/set irc.server_default.nicks r3m
/set irc.server_default.ssl_verify off
/set irc.server_default.capabilities "account-notify,away-notify,cap-notify,multi-prefix,server-time,"

the last line request some IRCv3 capabilities. Capabilities supported by WeeChat are: account-notify, away-notify, cap-notify, extended-join, multi-prefix, server-time, userhost-in-names. See IRCv3 Specifications to learn more about IRCv3 capabilities.

Network-specific settings

/server add bitlbee -ssl -autoconnect
/set irc.server.bitlbee.password r3m/bitlbee:${}

/server add freenode -ssl -autoconnect
/set irc.server.freenode.password r3m/freenode:${}

/server add snoonet -ssl -autoconnect
/set irc.server.snoonet.password r3m/snoonet:${}

/server add oftc -ssl -autoconnect
/set irc.server.oftc.password r3m/oftc:${}

/server add divinitycoding -ssl -autoconnect
/set irc.server.divinitycoding.password r3m/divinitycoding:${}

/server add tripsit -ssl -autoconnect
/set irc.server.tripsit.password r3m/tripsit:${}

/server add dairc -ssl -autoconnect
/set irc.server.dairc.password r3m/dairc:${}

/server add evolunet -ssl -autoconnect
/set irc.server.evolunet.password r3m/evolunet:${}

/server add gitter -ssl
/set irc.server.gitter.password r3m/gitter:${}

/connect -all


Plugins to load at startup

/set weechat.plugin.autoload "*,!lua,!tcl,!ruby,!fifo,!xfer"

this will load all module except lua, tcl, ruby, fifo and xfer


/set aspell.check.default_dict en
/set aspell.check.suggestions 3
/set aspell.color.suggestions *green
/aspell enable

Set the dictionnary based on the channel name

/trigger add setdict signal *,irc_in2_join
/trigger set setdict conditions "${nick} == ${info:irc_nick,${server}} && ${channel} =~ [.-](fr|it|es)$ && ${aspell.dict.irc.${server}.${channel}} =="
/trigger set setdict regex "/.*[.-](fr|it|es)$/${re:1}/"
/trigger set setdict command "/set aspell.dict.irc.${server}.${channel} ${tg_signal_data}"

This trigger will set the french dictionnary for channel ending in .fr and -fr Same for it and es.

Note: we will add the suggestions to the statusbar later.


/relay sslcertkey
/relay add ssl.weechat <port>
/set ${}

If you want a trusted certificate, use let's encrypt! with weechat relay.

Note: Even if I use a bouncer (ZNC), this is quite useful to enable relay. Like this you have access to all IRC client (ZNC) and all weechat remote interface (WeeChat Relay). Of course, WeeChat can do both but ZNC is multi-user.


/set logger.level.irc 0
/set logger.file.path /home/launch/.znc/users/r3m/moddata/log
/set logger.mask.irc %Y/$server/$channel.%m-%d.log

Note: I do not log IRC conversation via WeeChat (I log via ZNC). However, I use the script and this script check the value of logger.file.path. If the module is not loaded, the value is not accessible. You could load logger, then set the correct path and run /logs to build the index and then disable logger but I had an issue when I upgrade WeeChat.


/script install

/set plugins.var.perl.highmon.alignment "nchannel"

/set plugins.var.python.urlserver.http_hostname "<my vps IP>"
/set plugins.var.python.urlserver.http_port "<port>"
/set plugins.var.python.urlserver.http_allowed_ips "^<my home IP>$"
/set plugins.var.python.urlserver.http_url_prefix xox
/set plugins.var.python.urlserver.msg_ignore_buffers core.weechat,python.grep,irc.BitlBee.#security,irc.BitlBee.#technews,perl.highmon
/set plugins.var.python.urlserver.http_embed_youtube on

/set iset.color.bg_selected 31
/set iset.color.option_selected *white
/set iset.color.type_selected *229
/set iset.color.value_selected *121
/set iset.color.type 229
/set iset.color.value 121

/autosort replacements add ## #
/autosort rules add irc.server.*.&* = 0
/autosort rules add irc.server.*.#* = 1
/autosort rules add irc.server.*.\*status = 2

channels (begin with & and #) will appears right below the server, private message from *status will follow and finally the rest.


exec conky at startup and right now

/set weechat.startup.command_after_plugins "/exec -norc -noln -buffer conky conky"
/exec -norc -noln -buffer conky conky

change the title of the conky window

/autosetbuffer add exec.exec.conky title Conky - the light-weight system monitor

It will change the title of the conky window from Executed commands to Conky - the light-weight system monitor

this trigger will beautify the output of conky

/trigger add conky_tag_color modifier weechat_print
/trigger set conky_tag_color conditions ${tg_buffer} == exec.exec.conky
/trigger set conky_tag_color regex /\t(Uptime|CPU|RAM|Swap|Networking|Up|Down):(.*)/${color:31}${re:1}\t${color:reset}${re:2}/

my .conkyrc

background no
cpu_avg_samples 2
net_avg_samples 2
no_buffers yes
out_to_stderr no
update_interval 1.0
uppercase no
use_spacer none

Uptime: $uptime
CPU: $cpu%
RAM: $memperc%
Swap: $swapperc%
Up: ${upspeed venet0}
Down: ${downspeed venet0}

Note: you need conky-cli package on Debian, same for Arch Linux


Bar buffers

unmerge servers buffers from core and indent

/set irc.look.server_buffer independent
/set buffers.look.indenting on

Note: show channels and privates buffers under their respective server instead of mixing them all.

main color scheme

/set buffers.color.current_fg 31
/set buffers.color.current_bg white
/set buffers.color.hotlist_message_fg 229
/set buffers.color.hotlist_private_fg 121
/set buffers.color.hotlist_highlight_fg 163

whitelist color scheme

/set buffers.color.whitelist_default_bg 31
/set buffers.color.whitelist_highlight_bg 31
/set buffers.color.whitelist_low_bg 31
/set buffers.color.whitelist_message_bg 31
/set buffers.color.whitelist_private_bg 31
/set buffers.color.whitelist_highlight_fg 53
/set buffers.color.whitelist_message_fg 221
/set buffers.color.whitelist_private_fg 83

this trigger will update whitelist on server creation/deletion

/trigger add update_whitelist_on_serv_add_rename_del print ""
/trigger set update_whitelist_on_serv_add_rename_del conditions "${buffer.full_name} == core.weechat && ${tg_message_nocolor} =~ ^irc: server \S+ (added|has been)"
/trigger set update_whitelist_on_serv_add_rename_del regex "/^irc: server (\S+) added.*/^ server.${re:1},/tg_message_nocolor /^irc: server (\S+) has been renamed to (.*)/server.${re:1}, server.${re:2},/tg_message_nocolor /^irc: server (\S+) has been deleted/server.${re:1},/tg_message_nocolor"
/trigger set update_whitelist_on_serv_add_rename_del command "/perlexec my ($oldname,$newname) = split(/ /, q(${tg_message_nocolor}))\; my $newvalue = q(${buffers.look.whitelist_buffers})\; $newvalue =~ s/$oldname/$newname/\; weechat::command(q(), q(/set buffers.look.whitelist_buffers ) . $newvalue)"

Add already created server to whitelist

/allserv eval /set buffers.look.whitelist_buffers server.$server,${buffers.look.whitelist_buffers}

Note: the whitelist is a list of buffers which use another color scheme. I use the whitelist for the servers buffers. (different background color so different foreground color too). There is also two options, buffers.color.none_channel_bg, buffers.color.none_channel_fg) which set a different color for core, servers and plugins buffers but they dont have options for low, highlight and message, therefore, as soon as you receive a message on a server buffer, you will loose your background color.

and the rest of the options

/set 14
/set buffers.color.number 239
/set buffers.color.number_char 245

Bar active title

/bar add activetitle window top 1 0 buffer_title
/set 500
/set "${active}"
/set white
/set 31
/set on

Note: This bar will be different from the already created one. I set the conditions to ${active} so this bar will be displayed on the active window only. The other one will be used for other windows.

Bar title

/set "${inactive}"
/set black
/set 31

Bar status

/bar add rootstatus root bottom 1 0 [time],[buffer_count],[buffer_plugin],buffer_number+:+buffer_name+(buffer_modes)+{buffer_nicklist_count}+buffer_filter,[bitlbee_typing_notice],[lag],[aspell_dict],[aspell_suggest],[hotlist],completion,scroll
/set 31
/set 234
/set on
/set 500
/bar del status
/bar set rootstatus name status

Note: the built-in status bar is of type window. I prefer a status bar of type root which means it will be outside any window. At this time, you can't change the type of a bar. So we delete the status bar and create a new one.

Bar input

/bar add rootinput root bottom 1 0 [buffer_name]+[input_prompt]+(away),[input_search],[input_paste],input_text,[spell_correction]
/set black
/set 1000
/bar del input
/bar set rootinput name input

Note: the built-in input bar is of type window. I prefer a input bar of type root which means it will be outside any window. At this time, you can't change the type of a bar. So we delete the status bar and create a new one.

Bar Nicklist

/set 229
/set on
/set "${nicklist} && ${window.number} == 1"
/set 14
/set 14

Note: I changed the conditions to display the nicklist only on buffer of type channels ${nicklist} and on the window number 1, which is my chat window (2 being my highlight window and 3 my conky window). In my case, I could remove ${window.numer} == 1 because the highmon and exec buffer (conky) are not of type channels so ${nicklist} is enough.

Bar ZNC (see this dedicated gist)

/set plugins.var.python.text_item.znc_commands "private "

/bar add znc_commands window right 14 1 znc_commands
/set "${buffer.full_name} =~ \.*status$ && ${window.number} == 1"
/set 14

/trigger add hsignal_znc_commands hsignal znc_commands
/trigger set hsignal_znc_commands command "/command -buffer ${buffer.full_name} * /quote znc help ${_bar_item_line};/command -buffer ${buffer.full_name} * /input delete_line;/command -buffer ${buffer.full_name} * /input insert ${_bar_item_line}\x20"

/trigger add znc_create_commands_list_and_regex print ""
/trigger set znc_create_commands_list_and_regex conditions "${buffer.full_name} =~ \.*status$ && ${tg_message_nocolor} =~ ^(Command:|\|) [a-zA-Z]+\s && ${tg_message_nocolor} !~ ^\S+ Command\s"
/trigger set znc_create_commands_list_and_regex regex "/^(Command:|\|) ([a-zA-Z]+).*/${re:2}/tg_message_nocolor /.*/${tg_message_nocolor}/tg_message /^(Add|Enable|Set|Load|Attach).*/${color:121}${re:0}${color:reset}/tg_message_nocolor /^(Del|Disable|Unload|Detach).*/${color:163}${re:0}${color:reset}/tg_message_nocolor /^(List|Show).*/${color:31}${re:0}${color:reset}/tg_message_nocolor /^Clear.*/${color:229}${re:0}${color:reset}/tg_message_nocolor"
/trigger set znc_create_commands_list_and_regex command "/mute set plugins.var.python.text_item.znc_commands ${plugins.var.python.text_item.znc_commands}${tg_message_nocolor}\${\n};/perlexec my $number = split(/ /, q(${trigger.trigger.hsignal_znc_commands.regex}))\; weechat::command(q(), q(/mute trigger set hsignal_znc_commands regex ${trigger.trigger.hsignal_znc_commands.regex} /^) . $number . q($/${tg_message}/_bar_item_line))"

/key bindctxt mouse @item(znc_commands):button1 hsignal:znc_commands  

/set irc.server.freenode.anti_flood_prio_high 0
/perlexec foreach ('a'..'z') { weechat::command(q(), qq(/msg -server freenode *status help $_)) }
/set irc.server.freenode.anti_flood_prio_high 2

wait for "No matches for 'z'" before disabling the trigger and clicking on a command in the bar

/trigger disable znc_create_commands_list_and_regex

This bar will be exactly like a default nicklist bar. That is, right-positionned with vertical filling. But instead of nicknames, it will contains a znc command per line. If you click on a command, the input bar will be filled with the command name, then you add whatever you want or simply press enter. Futhermore, this will send help command to znc.

now the hard part to explain. We need to bind the left mouse button to a hsignal. The hsignal will receive the line number whenever you click on a line in the bar. This hsignal will get the corresponding command name for this line number. But that's not all, we need to create a trigger to fill the bar item with the znc commands and create the appropriate regex for the hsignal. This trigger need to be disabled (or deleted) after all znc commands are in the bar.


Layout highlight

/perlexec my $total = weechat::hdata_integer(weechat::hdata_get("window"), weechat::current_window(), "win_height"); weechat::command($buffer, "/window splith " . int(8 / $total * 100));
/buffer perl.highmon
/window 1
/layout store highlight

Note: Instead of having only one window, we split it to create another one that we will use to show all highlights.

Layout highlight-conky

/window 2
/window splitv 85
/buffer exec.conky
/window 1
/layout store highlight-conky

Note: split the highlight monitor window in 2 and show conky in the new one


/filter add rss irc.freenode.##news irc_privmsg !^\[(/r/netsec|XKCD|Ars Technica|Wired|Wikinews|freenode|EFF|erry|techdirt|TorrentFreak|Science Daily)
/trigger add redirect_newsbin_to_news modifier weechat_print
/trigger set redirect_newsbin_to_news conditions "${tg_buffer} == irc.freenode.#newsbin && ${tg_tag_nick} == slack3r"
/trigger set redirect_newsbin_to_news regex "/.*//"
/trigger set redirect_newsbin_to_news command "/print -buffer irc.freenode.##news ${tg_prefix}\t${tg_message}"
/autosetbuffer add irc.freenode.#newsbin hidden 1

##news and #newsbin are two channels dedicated to live news. On ##news, I use a filter to hide news from site other than those I explicitly mention. On #newsbin, I do not create any filter. Then, the trigger will redirect message from #newsbin to ##news. This way I can see all the news on one buffer. Finally, we hide #newsbin buffer in the buffers bar.


/set weechat.look.highlight_regex .*pascalpoitras.*
/autosetbuffer add irc.BitlBee.#twitter_pascalpoitras* highlight_regex .*weechat.*
/autosetbuffer add irc.BitlBee.#twitter_pascalpoitras* highlight_words freenode,snoonet
/autosetbuffer add irc.BitlBee.#LET highlight_regex .*
/autosetbuffer add irc.BitlBee.#deals highlight_regex .*
/autosetbuffer add irc.freenode.##reddit-hockey highlight_regex (^GOAL: MTL.*|^Le But: MTL.*)


/trigger add upgrade_scripts signal day_changed
/trigger set upgrade_scripts command "/script update;/wait 10s /script upgrade"
/trigger add send_to_active_grep_log_nick command send_to_active_grep_log_nick
/trigger set send_to_active_grep_log_nick conditions ${tg_argv_eol1} && ${type} =~ ^(private|channel)$
/trigger set send_to_active_grep_log_nick regex /\\\$/\\\\/tg_argv1
/trigger set send_to_active_grep_log_nick command /input delete_line;/input insert /exec -sh -norc -pipe "/say grep -hiP '^\[\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}\] (<|\* )\Q${tg_argv1}\E>? ${tg_argv_eol2} " grep -hiP '^\[\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}\] (<|\* )\Q${tg_argv1}\E>? ${tg_argv_eol2}' ~/.znc/users/r3m/moddata/log/`date "+%Y"`/'${server}'/'${buffer.short_name}'.* | shuf -n 1

The trigger upgrade_scripts will update the local script cache and then upgrade all the installed scripts at midnight. The send_to_active_grep_log_nick will search in log for something a user said before. Then it will send the output to IRC. I use the when searching in log for myself but I created this trigger to return a random line from a user.


/key bindctxt cursor @item(buffer_nicklist):v /window ${_window_number};/voice ${nick}
/key bindctxt cursor @item(buffer_nicklist):o /window ${_window_number};/op ${nick}
/key bindctxt cursor @item(buffer_nicklist):V /window ${_window_number};/devoice ${nick}
/key bindctxt cursor @item(buffer_nicklist):O /window ${_window_number};/deop ${nick}
/key bindctxt cursor @chat(*):s /window ${_window_number};/slap ${_chat_line_nick};/cursor stop
/key bindctxt cursor @item(buffer_nicklist):s /window ${_window_number};/slap ${nick};/cursor stop
/key bindctxt cursor @item(buffers):h /command -buffer ${full_name} irc /allchan -current buffer hide;/command -buffer ${full_name} irc /allpv -current buffer hide;/cursor stop
/key bindctxt cursor @item(buffers):H /command -buffer ${full_name} irc /allchan -current buffer unhide;/command -buffer ${full_name} irc /allpv -current buffer unhide;/cursor stop
/key bindctxt cursor @chat(*):g /window ${_window_number};/customgrep ${_chat_line_nick};/cursor stop
/key bindctxt cursor @item(buffer_nicklist):g /window ${_window_number};/customgrep ${nick};/cursor stop
/key bindctxt cursor @chat(*):G /window ${_window_number};/input delete_line;/input insert /send_to_active_grep_log_nick ${_chat_line_nick}\x20;/cursor stop
/key bindctxt cursor @item(buffer_nicklist):G /window ${_window_number};/input delete_line;/input insert /send_to_active_grep_log_nick ${nick}\x20;/cursor stop

Others Keyboard shortcuts

/key bind meta-meta2-A /bar scroll nicklist * -100%
/key bind meta-meta2-B /bar scroll nicklist * +100%
/key bind meta2-A /input history_global_previous
/key bind meta2-B /input history_global_next


/alias add cq allpv /buffer close
/alias add slap /me slaps $1 around a bit with a large trout
/alias add customgrep /input delete_line;/input insert /grep log */$server/$channel.* -a ^\[\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}\] <%{escape $1}>\x20


/set irc.look.smart_filter on
/filter add irc_smart *,!irc.undernet.* irc_smart_filter *

The remaining IRC options

/set irc.server_default.away_check 5
/set irc.server_default.away_check_max_nicks 25
/set irc.color.nick_prefixes "q:lightred;a:lightcyan;o:121;h:lightmagenta;v:229;*:lightblue"
/set "*!*@$host"
/set irc.look.color_nicks_in_nicklist on

The remaining Weechat options

/set weechat.look.bar_more_down "▼"
/set weechat.look.bar_more_left "◀"
/set weechat.look.bar_more_right "▶"
/set weechat.look.bar_more_up "▲"
/set weechat.look.buffer_time_format "${253}%H${245}%M"
/set weechat.look.color_inactive_message off
/set weechat.look.color_inactive_prefix off
/set weechat.look.color_inactive_prefix_buffer off
/set weechat.look.color_inactive_window off
/set weechat.look.day_change_message_1date ▬▬▶ %a, %d %b %Y ◀▬▬
/set weechat.look.day_change_message_2dates ▬▬▶ %%a, %%d %%b %%Y (%a, %d %b %Y) ◀▬▬
/set weechat.look.hotlist_count_max 0
/set weechat.look.hotlist_names_count 10
/set weechat.look.item_buffer_filter "•"
/set weechat.look.prefix_align_min 0
/set weechat.look.prefix_align_max 10
/set weechat.look.prefix_join "▬▬▶"
/set weechat.look.prefix_quit "◀▬▬"
/set weechat.look.prefix_suffix "│"
/set weechat.look.read_marker_string "─"
/set weechat.look.separator_horizontal "="

/set weechat.color.bar_more 229
/set weechat.color.chat_highlight lightred
/set weechat.color.chat_highlight_bg default
/set weechat.color.chat_nick_colors 25,31,37,43,49,61,67,73,79,85,97,103,109,115,121,133,139,145,151,157,163,169,175,181,187,193,199,205,211,217,223,229
/set weechat.color.chat_prefix_join 121
/set weechat.color.chat_prefix_more 229
/set weechat.color.chat_prefix_quit 163
/set weechat.color.chat_prefix_suffix 31
/set weechat.color.chat_read_marker 31
/set weechat.color.chat_time 239
/set weechat.color.chat_delimiters 31
/set weechat.color.separator 31
/set weechat.color.status_data_highlight 163
/set weechat.color.status_data_msg 229
/set weechat.color.status_data_private 121
/set weechat.color.status_more 229
/set weechat.color.status_name 121
/set weechat.color.status_name_ssl 121
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