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Created July 22, 2016 21:49
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Azure VM Improvement Example
azure_vm { 'sample':
location => 'eastus',
image => 'linux:',
# Possible implementation
# user_image_type => 'linux',
# user_image_uri => ''
user => 'azureuser',
password => 'Password',
size => 'Standard_A0',
resource_group => 'testresacc01',
storage_account => 'teststoracc01',
storage_account_type => 'Standard_GRS',
os_disk_name => 'osdisk01',
os_disk_caching => 'ReadWrite',
os_disk_create_option => 'fromImage',
os_disk_vhd_container_name => 'conttest1',
os_disk_vhd_name => 'vhdtest1',
dns_domain_name => 'mydomain01',
dns_servers => '',
public_ip_allocation_method => 'None',
public_ip_address_name => 'ip_name_test01pubip',
virtual_network_name => 'vnettest01',
virtual_network_address_space => '',
subnet_name => 'subnet111',
subnet_address_prefix => '',
ip_configuration_name => 'ip_config_test01',
private_ip_allocation_method => 'Dynamic',
network_interface_name => 'nicspec01',
availability_set_name => 'myAvailabilitySet',
customData => 'base64-encoded-string',
plan => 'puppet:puppet-enterprise:2016-1'
# Alternate implementation
# plan_name => '2016-1',
# plan_product => 'puppet-enterprise',
# plan_publisher => 'puppet',
# or
# plan => {
# name => '2016-1',
# product => 'puppet-enterprise',
# publisher => 'puppet',
# }
boot_diagnostics => {
enabled => true,
storage_uri => 'http://storageaccount/uri/to/write/to',
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