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Created June 14, 2019 14:31
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My simple vimrc
colo torte
syntax on
filetype plugin on
" stop trying to be vi; you're vim, goddammit, start acting like it!
set nocompatible
" show line numbers and don't word wrap by default
set nu nowrap
" tabs => 2 spaces
set ts=2 sts=2 sw=2 expandtab smarttab
" indet for me, C-style (since I usually write JavaScript, which is C-style)
set autoindent cindent
" search as I type, highlight all matches, and ignore case in searches
set incsearch hlsearch ignorecase
" use a sane behavior for backspacing
set backspace=indent,eol,start
" use , as the leader character
let mapleader=","
""" Handy normal-mode shortcuts
" I hate using the shift key to end commands
nmap ; :
" clear current search highlighting
nmap <leader>/ :noh<cr>
" add a line above/below and return to normal mode
nmap <leader>o o<esc>
nmap <leader>O O<esc>
""" Autocorrect common misspellings
iab teh the
iab hte the
iab oyu you
iab verison version
iab funciton function
iab functoin function
""" Statusline
set laststatus=2
set statusline=%f%m%r\ %y%h%w%q%=%-32(\ Row:\ %l/%L,\ Col:\ %v%)\ %{strftime('%c',\ getftime(expand('%')))}
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