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Created May 19, 2011 06:19
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CASL II Assembler
(ns casl-assembler
(:use [clojure.test :only (deftest is run-tests)]
[clojure.contrib.str-utils :only (re-split)]))
(def prog0
"DATA1 DC 1"
"DATA2 DC 2"
"ANS DS 1"
" END"]
 2.1 行をラベルとオペレータに分割する
  2.1.1 ラベルがあった場合は、現在のメモリカウンタをラベルと対応付ける
  2.1.2 オペレータを元にメモリカウンタを増加する
 3.1 行からオペレータを取り出す
 3.2 オペレータをオペコードとオペランドに分割する
  3.2.1 オペコードに対応した処理に、オペランドとラベルテーブルを渡し、マシンコードを得る
(defn third [x]
(first (next (next x))))
(deftest test-third
(is (= nil (third nil)))
(is (= "3rd" (third '("1st" "2nd" "3rd"))))
(is (= nil (third '("1st" "2nd")))))
(def registers {"GR0" 0 "GR1" 1 "GR2" 2 "GR3" 3 "GR4" 4 "GR5" 5 "GR6" 6 "GR7" 7})
(defn register-name? [str]
(not (nil? (registers str))))
(deftest test-register-name?
(is (= false (register-name? "GR8")))
(is (= true (register-name? "GR0")))
(is (= true (register-name? "GR1")))
(is (= true (register-name? "GR2")))
(is (= true (register-name? "GR3")))
(is (= true (register-name? "GR4")))
(is (= true (register-name? "GR5")))
(is (= true (register-name? "GR6")))
(is (= true (register-name? "GR7"))))
(defn remove-comment [asm-line]
(.trim (re-find #"^[^;]*" asm-line)))
(deftest test-remove-comment
(is (thrown? NullPointerException (remove-comment nil)))
(is (= "" (remove-comment "")))
(is (= "" (remove-comment " ")))
(is (= "" (remove-comment ";comment")))
(is (= "OPCODE OPERAND" (remove-comment " OPCODE OPERAND;comment"))))
(defn label-and-operator [asm-line]
(rest (re-find #"^(\w*)\s+(.*)" asm-line)))
(deftest test-label-and-operator
(is (thrown? NullPointerException (label-and-operator nil)))
(is (= '("LABEL" "OPECODE OPERAND") (label-and-operator "LABEL OPECODE OPERAND")))
(is (= '("" "OPECODE OPERAND") (label-and-operator " OPECODE OPERAND"))))
(defn opcode-and-operand [operator]
(let [splits (re-split #"\s+" operator)]
(if (= (count splits) 1) (cons (first splits) '(nil)) splits)))
(deftest test-opcode-and-orerand
(is (thrown? NullPointerException (opcode-and-operand nil)))
(is (= '("" nil) (opcode-and-operand "")))
(is (= '("" "OPERAND") (opcode-and-operand " OPERAND")))
(is (= '("OPCODE" "OPERAND") (opcode-and-operand "OPCODE OPERAND"))))
(defn split-operand [operand]
(if (nil? operand) nil
(re-split #"[\s,]+" operand)))
(deftest test-split-operand
(is (= nil (split-operand nil)))
(is (= '("r1" "r2")) (split-operand "r1,r2"))
(is (= '("r" "adr" "x")) (split-operand "r,adr,x"))
(is (= '("r")) (split-operand "r")))
(defn r1-r2? [operand-coll]
(if (and (= (count operand-coll) 2)
(register-name? (first operand-coll))
(register-name? (second operand-coll)))
(deftest test-r1-r2?
(is (= false (r1-r2? nil)))
(is (= true (r1-r2? '("GR0" "GR1"))))
(is (= false (r1-r2? '("GR8" "GR1"))))
(is (= false (r1-r2? '("GR1" "ADR"))))
(is (= false (r1-r2? '("GR1" "GR2" "GR3"))))
(is (= false (r1-r2? '("GR1" "ADR" "GR3")))))
(defn r-adr? [operand-coll]
(if (and (= (count operand-coll) 2)
(register-name? (first operand-coll))
(not (register-name? (second operand-coll))))
(deftest test-r-adr?
(is (= false (r-adr? nil)))
(is (= false (r-adr? '("GR0" "GR1"))))
(is (= false (r-adr? '("GR8" "GR1"))))
(is (= true (r-adr? '("GR1" "ADR"))))
(is (= false (r-adr? '("GR1" "GR2" "GR3"))))
(is (= false (r-adr? '("GR1" "ADR" "GR3")))))
(defn r-adr-x? [operand-coll]
(if (and (= (count operand-coll) 3)
(register-name? (first operand-coll))
(not (register-name? (second operand-coll)))
(register-name? (third operand-coll)))
(deftest test-r-adr-x?
(is (= false (r-adr-x? nil)))
(is (= false (r-adr-x? '("GR0" "GR1"))))
(is (= false (r-adr-x? '("GR8" "GR1"))))
(is (= false (r-adr-x? '("GR1" "ADR"))))
(is (= false (r-adr-x? '("GR1" "GR2" "GR3"))))
(is (= true (r-adr-x? '("GR1" "ADR" "GR3")))))
(defn adr-x? [operand-coll]
(if (and (= (count operand-coll) 2)
(not (register-name? (first operand-coll)))
(register-name? (second operand-coll)))
(deftest test-adr-x?
(is (= false (adr-x? nil)))
(is (= false (adr-x? '("GR0" "GR1"))))
(is (= true (adr-x? '("ADR" "GR1"))))
(is (= false (adr-x? '("GR1" "ADR"))))
(is (= false (adr-x? '("GR1" "GR2" "GR3"))))
(is (= false (adr-x? '("GR1" "ADR" "GR3")))))
(defn r? [operand-coll]
(if (and (= (count operand-coll) 1)
(register-name? (first operand-coll)))
(deftest test-r?
(is (= false (r? nil)))
(is (= true (r? '("GR1"))))
(is (= false (r? '("GR0" "GR1"))))
(is (= false (r? '("ADR" "GR1"))))
(is (= false (r? '("GR1" "ADR"))))
(is (= false (r? '("GR1" "GR2" "GR3"))))
(is (= false (r? '("GR1" "ADR" "GR3")))))
(defn get-adr [adr-str label-table]
(if (nil? (label-table adr-str)) (Integer/parseInt adr-str)
(label-table adr-str)))
(deftest test-get-adr
(is (thrown? NumberFormatException (get-adr nil {})))
(is (= 42 (get-adr "42" {})))
(is (= 42 (get-adr "ANSWER" {"ANSWER" 42}))))
(defn get-operand-code-1-word [oprs opcode-word]
(cond (nil? oprs) 0x0000
(r? oprs) (bit-or opcode-word (bit-shift-left (registers (first oprs)) 4))
(r1-r2? oprs) (bit-or opcode-word (bit-or (bit-shift-left (registers (first oprs)) 4)
(registers (second oprs))))
:else (throw (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException))))
(defn get-operand-code-2-words [oprs label-table opcode-word]
(cond (r-adr? oprs) (list
(bit-or opcode-word
(bit-shift-left (registers (first oprs)) 4))
(get-adr (second oprs) label-table))
(r-adr-x? oprs) (list
(bit-or opcode-word (bit-or (bit-shift-left (registers (first oprs)) 4)
(registers (third oprs))))
(get-adr (second oprs) label-table))
:else (throw (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException))))
(defn string->code [str]
(let [[_ string] (re-find #"^'(.*)'$" str)]
(loop [seq-string (seq string) out '()]
(if (empty? seq-string) (reverse out)
(let [fst (first seq-string)]
(if (= fst \') (rest (rest seq-string)) (rest seq-string))
(cons (int fst) out)))))))
(deftest test-string->code
(is (thrown? Exception (string->code nil)))
(is (= '() (string->code "")))
(is (= '(65 66 67) (string->code "'ABC'"))))
(defn get-dc-code [oprs label-table]
(cond (not (nil? (re-find #"^[0-9].*" (first oprs)))) (Integer/parseInt (first oprs))
(not (nil? (re-find #"^#(.*)" (first oprs))))
(let [[_ val] (re-find #"^#(.*)" (first oprs))] (Integer/parseInt val 16))
(not (nil? (re-find #"^'.*" (first oprs)))) (string->code (first oprs))
:else (get-adr label-table)))
(defn get-code [operator label-table]
(let [[opcode operand] (opcode-and-operand operator)
oprs (split-operand operand)]
(case opcode
"NOP" '(0x0000)
"LD" (cond (or (r-adr? oprs) (r-adr-x? oprs)) (get-operand-code-2-words oprs label-table 0x1000)
(r1-r2? oprs) (get-operand-code-1-word oprs 0x1400)
:else (throw (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException)))
"ST" (get-operand-code-2-words oprs label-table 0x1100)
"LAD" (get-operand-code-2-words oprs label-table 0x1200)
"ADDA" (cond (or (r-adr? oprs) (r-adr-x? oprs)) (get-operand-code-2-words oprs label-table 0x2000)
(r1-r2? oprs) (get-operand-code-1-word oprs 0x2400))
"SUBA" (cond (or (r-adr? oprs) (r-adr-x? oprs)) (get-operand-code-2-words oprs label-table 0x2100)
(r1-r2? oprs) (get-operand-code-1-word oprs 0x2500))
"ADDL" (cond (or (r-adr? oprs) (r-adr-x? oprs)) (get-operand-code-2-words oprs label-table 0x2200)
(r1-r2? oprs) (get-operand-code-1-word oprs 0x2600))
"SUBL" (cond (or (r-adr? oprs) (r-adr-x? oprs)) (get-operand-code-2-words oprs label-table 0x2300)
(r1-r2? oprs) (get-operand-code-1-word oprs 0x2700))
"AND" (cond (or (r-adr? oprs) (r-adr-x? oprs)) (get-operand-code-2-words oprs label-table 0x3000)
(r1-r2? oprs) (get-operand-code-1-word oprs 0x3400))
"OR" (cond (or (r-adr? oprs) (r-adr-x? oprs)) (get-operand-code-2-words oprs label-table 0x3100)
(r1-r2? oprs) (get-operand-code-1-word oprs 0x3500))
"XOR" (cond (or (r-adr? oprs) (r-adr-x? oprs)) (get-operand-code-2-words oprs label-table 0x3200)
(r1-r2? oprs) (get-operand-code-1-word oprs 0x3600))
"CPA" (cond (or (r-adr? oprs) (r-adr-x? oprs)) (get-operand-code-2-words oprs label-table 0x4000)
(r1-r2? oprs) (get-operand-code-1-word oprs 0x4400))
"CPL" (cond (or (r-adr? oprs) (r-adr-x? oprs)) (get-operand-code-2-words oprs label-table 0x4100)
(r1-r2? oprs) (get-operand-code-1-word oprs 0x4500))
"SLA" (get-operand-code-2-words oprs label-table 0x5000)
"SRA" (get-operand-code-2-words oprs label-table 0x5100)
"SLL" (get-operand-code-2-words oprs label-table 0x5200)
"SRL" (get-operand-code-2-words oprs label-table 0x5300)
"JMI" (get-operand-code-2-words oprs label-table 0x6100)
"JNZ" (get-operand-code-2-words oprs label-table 0x6200)
"JZE" (get-operand-code-2-words oprs label-table 0x6300)
"JUMP" (get-operand-code-2-words oprs label-table 0x6400)
"JPL" (get-operand-code-2-words oprs label-table 0x6500)
"JOV" (get-operand-code-2-words oprs label-table 0x6600)
"PUSH" (get-operand-code-2-words oprs label-table 0x7000)
"POP" (get-operand-code-1-word oprs 0x7100)
"CALL" (get-operand-code-2-words oprs label-table 0x8000)
"RET" 0x8100
"SVC" (get-operand-code-2-words oprs label-table 0xF000)
"START" nil
"END" nil
"DC" 1
"DS" (for [x (range 0 (Integer/parseInt (first oprs)))] 0x0000)
:else (throw (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException (str "ERROR:" opcode)))
(defn count-codesize [operator]
(let [[opcode operand] (opcode-and-operand operator)
oprs (split-operand operand)]
(case opcode
"NOP" 1
"LD" (cond (r-adr? oprs) 2
(r-adr-x? oprs)2
(r1-r2? oprs) 1
:else (throw (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException.
(str "ERROR:" operator))))
"ST" 2
"LAD" 2
"ADDA" (cond (r-adr? oprs) 2
(r-adr-x? oprs) 2
(r1-r2? oprs) 1
:else (throw (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException.
(str "ERROR:" operator))))
"SUBA" (cond (r-adr? oprs) 2
(r-adr-x? oprs) 2
(r1-r2? oprs) 1
:else (throw (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException.
(str "ERROR:" operator))))
"ADDL" (cond (r-adr? oprs) 2
(r-adr-x? oprs) 2
(r1-r2? oprs) 1
:else (throw (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException.
(str "ERROR:" operator))))
"SUBL" (cond (r-adr? oprs) 2
(r-adr-x? oprs) 2
(r1-r2? oprs) 1
:else (throw (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException.
(str "ERROR:" operator))))
"AND" (cond (r-adr? oprs) 2
(r-adr-x? oprs) 2
(r1-r2? oprs) 1
:else (throw (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException.
(str "ERROR:" operator))))
"OR" (cond (r-adr? oprs) 2
(r-adr-x? oprs) 2
(r1-r2? oprs) 1
:else (throw (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException.
(str "ERROR:" operator))))
"XOR" (cond (r-adr? oprs) 2
(r-adr-x? oprs) 2
(r1-r2? oprs) 1
:else (throw (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException.
(str "ERROR:" operator))))
"CPA" (cond (r-adr? oprs) 2
(r-adr-x? oprs) 2
(r1-r2? oprs) 1
:else (throw (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException.
(str "ERROR:" operator))))
"CPL" (cond (r-adr? oprs) 2
(r-adr-x? oprs) 2
(r1-r2? oprs) 1
:else (throw (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException.
(str "ERROR:" operator))))
"SLA" 2
"SRA" 2
"SLL" 2
"SRL" 2
"JMI" 2
"JNZ" 2
"JZE" 2
"JUMP" 2
"JPL" 2
"JOV" 2
"PUSH" 2
"POP" 1
"CALL" 2
"RET" 1
"SVC" 2
"END" 0
"DC" (count (string->code (first oprs)))
"DS" (Integer/parseInt (first oprs))
(defn update-label-table [label adr table]
(if (not= label "") (merge {label adr} table) table))
(defn calc-counter [label-operator address-counter label-table]
(let [[label operator] (label-and-operator label-operator)]
(list (+ address-counter (count-codesize operator))
(update-label-table label address-counter label-table))))
(defn make-label-table [list-of-asm]
(loop [current-line (first list-of-asm)
rest-lines (rest list-of-asm)
adr 0
label-table {}]
(if (nil? current-line) (list adr label-table)
(let [[new-adr new-table] (calc-counter current-line adr label-table)]
(recur (first rest-lines) (rest rest-lines) new-adr new-table)))))
(defn get-machine-code [label-operator label-table]
(let [[label operator] (label-and-operator label-operator)]
(get-code operator label-table)))
(defn make-machine-code [list-of-asm label-table]
(loop [current-line (first list-of-asm)
rest-lines (rest list-of-asm)
machine-code []]
(if (nil? current-line) machine-code
(recur (first rest-lines)
(rest rest-lines)
(conj machine-code (get-machine-code current-line label-table))))))
(defn asm [program]
(remove nil? (flatten (make-machine-code program (second (make-label-table program))))))
(defn print-hex [coll]
(for [c coll] (format "%04x" c)))
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