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Created January 14, 2014 18:30
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Stardog 2.2 graph analytics embedded in SPARQL queries
# graph for shortest path with reasoning
@prefix rule: <tag:stardog:api:rule:> .
@prefix : <urn:test:> .
@prefix g: <tag:stardog:api:property:graph:> .
# the graph
:one :to :two .
:one :to :four .
:two :to :four .
:two :to :five .
:three :to :one .
:three :to :six .
:four :to :three .
:four :to :five .
:four :to :six .
:four :to :seven .
:five :to :seven .
:seven :to :six .
:eight :to :nine .
:nine :to :ten .
:ten :to :eight .
:five a :reasoner .
# the rules
[] a rule:SPARQLRule ;
rule:content """
IF {
?node a :reasoner
?node :to :nine
select ?s ?score {
(?s ?score) stardog:property:graph:pageRank (100 .80)
order by ?score
limit 10
prefix uni: <>
select ?index ?source ?predicate ?target {
(?source ?predicate ?target ?index) stardog:property:graph:shortestPath (uni:UndergraduateStudent299 uni:Course0)
select distinct ?cluster ?subject {
(?cluster ?subject) stardog:property:graph:strongComponents ()
order by ?cluster
# from
@prefix : <urn:test:> .
@prefix g: <tag:stardog:api:property:graph:> .
:one :to :two .
:two :to :four .
:three :to :two .
:three :to :four .
:three :to :six .
:four :to :one .
:five :to :four .
:five :to :eight .
:six :to :three .
:six :to :five .
:seven :to :six .
:seven :to :seven .
:seven :to :eight .
:eight :to :five .
select ?cluster (count(?cluster) as ?count) {
(?cluster ?subject) stardog:property:graph:weakComponents ()
group by ?cluster
order by ?cluster
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