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Created May 30, 2019 00:27
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#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
; #Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
SetCapsLockState, AlwaysOff
#If GetKeyState("CapsLock","P")
; Superscript & subscript
1::Send {U+00B9} ; ¹ 1 superscript
2::Send {U+00B2} ; ² 2 superscript
3::Send {U+00B3} ; ³ 3 superscript
4::Send {U+2074} ; ⁴ 4 superscript
5::Send {U+2075} ; ⁵ 5 superscript
6::Send {U+2076} ; ⁶ 6 superscript
7::Send {U+2077} ; ⁷ 7 superscript
8::Send {U+2078} ; ⁸ 8 superscript
9::Send {U+2079} ; ⁹ 9 superscript
0::Send {U+2070} ; ⁰ 0 superscript
+1::Send {U+2081} ; ₁ 1 subscript
+2::Send {U+2082} ; ₂ 2 subscript
+3::Send {U+2083} ; ₃ 3 subscript
+4::Send {U+2084} ; ₄ 4 subscript
+5::Send {U+2085} ; ₅ 5 subscript
+6::Send {U+2086} ; ₆ 6 subscript
+7::Send {U+2087} ; ₇ 7 subscript
+8::Send {U+2088} ; ₈ 8 subscript
+9::Send {U+2089} ; ₉ 9 subscript
+0::Send {U+2080} ; ₀ 0 subscript
; See for a Greek alphabet mapping.
; Arrows
Left::Send {U+2190} ; ← left arrow
Up::Send {U+2191} ; ↑ up arrow
Right::Send {U+2192} ; → right arrow
Down::Send {U+2193} ; ↓ down arrow
; Misc symbols
!o::Send {U+00B0} ; ° degree
!p::Send {U+00B1} ; ± plus-minus
.::Send {U+0307} ; ẋ combining dot
+.::Send {U+0308} ; ẍ combining diaeresis
!d::Send {U+2202} ; ∂ partial derivative
!n::Send {U+2207} ; ∇ nabla
!q::Send {U+221A} ; √ square root
!8::Send {U+221E} ; ∞ infinity
!i::Send {U+222B} ; ∫ integral
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