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Kenneth kendfss

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kendfss / css_colours-hexes.json
Last active April 1, 2021 17:44
Scraping CSS Colours and Entities from W3schools
["#F0F8FF", "#FAEBD7", "#00FFFF", "#7FFFD4", "#F0FFFF", "#F5F5DC", "#FFE4C4", "#000000", "#FFEBCD", "#0000FF", "#8A2BE2", "#A52A2A", "#DEB887", "#5F9EA0", "#7FFF00", "#D2691E", "#FF7F50", "#6495ED", "#FFF8DC", "#DC143C", "#00FFFF", "#00008B", "#008B8B", "#B8860B", "#A9A9A9", "#A9A9A9", "#006400", "#BDB76B", "#8B008B", "#556B2F", "#FF8C00", "#9932CC", "#8B0000", "#E9967A", "#8FBC8F", "#483D8B", "#2F4F4F", "#2F4F4F", "#00CED1", "#9400D3", "#FF1493", "#00BFFF", "#696969", "#696969", "#1E90FF", "#B22222", "#FFFAF0", "#228B22", "#FF00FF", "#DCDCDC", "#F8F8FF", "#FFD700", "#DAA520", "#808080", "#808080", "#008000", "#ADFF2F", "#F0FFF0", "#FF69B4", "#CD5C5C", "#4B0082", "#FFFFF0", "#F0E68C", "#E6E6FA", "#FFF0F5", "#7CFC00", "#FFFACD", "#ADD8E6", "#F08080", "#E0FFFF", "#FAFAD2", "#D3D3D3", "#D3D3D3", "#90EE90", "#FFB6C1", "#FFA07A", "#20B2AA", "#87CEFA", "#778899", "#778899", "#B0C4DE", "#FFFFE0", "#00FF00", "#32CD32", "#FAF0E6", "#FF00FF", "#800000", "#66CDAA", "#0000CD", "#BA55D3", "#9370DB", "#3CB371", "#7B68EE",
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kendfss / magic_numbers.json
Created March 26, 2021 14:01
Magic numbers for 500+ common file extensions
// Derived from Gary Kessler's raw txt
// Having seen some erroneous rips, I had a go myself. Turns out the original had its fair share of issues too, but I think this is it
// {
// "these|extensions|share|a|profile": {
// "description": String,
// "head": Array,
// "kind": String,
// "offset": Integer,
// "tail": Array,
kendfss /
Created March 26, 2021 13:49
Simple little countdown timer to demonstrate asynchronous execution
This script will count down from 5 and exit... unless you can press enter first ;)
import keyboard, asyncio, time as t
async def get(key_checker):
await key_checker.wait()
kendfss /
Created March 26, 2021 13:46
Simple script for nagivating the windows registry.
I was working on this until I found a more simple library:
Feel free to use/extend it if you really want to handle key objects for some reason, otherwise go ahead and try Shpaker's library because it really naturalizes the workflow without going for any of my arbitrary decisions
__all__ = 'RegKey paths image_line hkeys access_code_names'.split()
from winreg import HKEY_CURRENT_USER, KEY_READ, OpenKey, EnumKey, EnumValue, QueryInfoKey, QueryValue, QueryValueEx
import os, winreg
from tabulate import tabulate