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Last active March 15, 2020 22:59
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Clojure macro for taking values from a number of channels, short-circuiting on an error value
(defn is-error-clause? [expr]
(and (sequential? expr)
(= 'on-error (first expr))))
(defn parse-clauses [exprs]
(let [[body error-clauses] (partition-by is-error-clause? exprs)
[_ error-name & error-body] (first error-clauses)]
{:body body
:error-name error-name
:error-body error-body}))
(defmacro <all
"Given a set of bindings where the righthand evaluates to a channel that
may succeed with `[:ok val]` or fail with `[:error err]`, run the first body
clause with all bindings bound to the success values. A second clause may be
given with a var and a body, in which case any error value will be handled by
this clause, and the error value will be bound to the var given.
Must be called from inside a go block.
(<all [v1 chan1
v2 (get-chan)
v3 chan3]
(println v1)
(println v2)
(println v3)
(on-error err
(println \"Error:\" err))))"
[bindings & exprs]
(let [{:keys [body error-name error-body]} (parse-clauses exprs)
val-sym (gensym)]
(if (seq bindings)
(let [[name expr & next] bindings]
`(let [[status# ~val-sym] (cljs.core.async/<! ~expr)]
(if (= status# :ok)
(let [~name ~val-sym]
(<all ~next ~@exprs))
~(if error-name
`(let [~error-name ~val-sym] (do ~@error-body))
`(do ~@body))))
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