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Created June 14, 2020 03:14
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Implementation of a very basic actor system
(:require [reagent.core :as r]
[cljs.core.async :refer [go-loop pub sub chan <! >! put! timeout]]))
(defn actor-system []
(atom {}))
(defn mailbox [address]
[address (chan)])
(defn register-mailbox! [system mailbox]
(let [[addr ch] mailbox]
(swap! system assoc addr ch)))
(defn lookup [system addr]
(get @system addr))
(defn send-to! [system from to msg]
(when-let [ch (lookup system to)]
(put! ch [from msg])))
(defn actor [system address & {:as handlers}]
(let [mbox (mailbox address)
[_ in-ch] mbox]
(register-mailbox! system mbox)
(go-loop []
(let [m (<! in-ch)
_ (println "received" m)
[sender [type & payload]] m]
(case type
::poison-pill (println "Stopping actor @" address)
(when-let [handler (get handlers type)]
(when-let [reply (apply handler payload)]
(send-to! system address sender reply)))
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