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Created March 16, 2015 18:56
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CS106A: Assignment 2.5
* File:
* Name:
* Section Leader:
* --------------------
* This file is the starter file for the FindRange problem.
import acm.program.*;
public class FindRange extends ConsoleProgram {
private static final int SENTINEL = 0;
public void run() {
// displays welcome message
private void displayWelcomeMessage() {
println("This program displays the smallest and largest numbers.");
// takes user input and finds smallest and largest numbers
private void findRange() {
int firstNumber = readInt("?");
// if first number entered is not equal to SENTINEL then program continues
if (firstNumber != SENTINEL) {
// initially, both the smallest and largest numbers are assigned the value of the first entered integer
int smallestNumber = firstNumber;
int largestNumber = firstNumber;
while (true) {
int value = readInt("?");
// if the SENTINEL is entered then the program exits this code block
if (value == SENTINEL) break;
// if the smallest number is greater than the user input, it is assigned the value of the user input
if (smallestNumber > value) {
smallestNumber = value;
// if the largest number is smaller than the user input, it is assigned the value of the user input
if (largestNumber < value) {
largestNumber = value;
println("smallest number: "+ smallestNumber +"");
println("largest number: "+largestNumber+"");
} else {
// for special case when user inputs 0 as the first integer
println("No values have been entered. (0 does not count!)");
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