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Last active May 7, 2024 01:45
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takes user input for a number and squares it. Written in MASM32 x86 assembly
include \masm32\include\
prompt db "input a number to square here: ", 0
prntNumBuffer dw ?
prntSqrBuffer dw ?
prompt2 db "your number was: ", 0
prompt3 db "the square is: ", 0
square dw ?
success1 db "Successfully squared your integer. ",13,10,0
integer dw ?
newline db 13,10,0
dummy db " ",13,10,0 ; dummy variable to print a new line
invoke StdOut, offset prompt ; prints the prompt
invoke crt_scanf, chr$("%d"), addr integer
invoke StdOut, offset prompt2 ; prints the prompt2
movzx eax, integer ; move number to convert to string into eax
lea edi, prntNumBuffer ; buffer to store converted number in
call to_string ; convert number to string before printing
invoke StdOut, offset prntNumBuffer ; print the inputted number
invoke StdOut, offset dummy ; print a new line
push offset integer
call square_number ; square the number using square_number proc=
movzx eax, square
lea edi, prntSqrBuffer
call to_string ; convert the squared input to string
invoke StdOut, offset prompt3 ; print the prompt3
invoke StdOut, offset prntSqrBuffer ; print the square
invoke StdOut, offset dummy ; print a new line
invoke StdOut, offset success1
square_number PROC
mov ax, integer
mov cx, integer
mul cx ; multiply ax=ax*cx where cx=ax=integer
mov square, ax ; move the result from ax->square
square_number ENDP
to_string PROC ; converts a decimal number to a string
mov ebx, 10
xor ecx, ecx
xor edx, edx
div ebx
push dx
add cl,1
or eax,eax
jnz repeated_division
pop ax
or al, 00110000b ; transforms to ascii
stosb ; store al into edi. edi = pointer to buffer
loop load_digits
mov byte ptr [edi], 0
to_string ENDP
end start
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