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Last active May 14, 2024 02:09
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Password screen where user enters a password and it grants/denies the user access. MASM32 x86 Assembly code
include \masm32\include\
; password is: masm32
; Note: This code is not safe for prod. |
; as password is in plaintext when exe |
; is examined by a hex viewer. |
hex_pw db 6Dh,61h,73h,6Dh,33h,32h,00h ; password stored as hex, ending with 00h
user_input db 1000 dup(?)
enter_password_screen db "Enter the password: ",0 ; 13,10 for newline
incorrect_pw_screen db "Incorrect password. ",13,10,0
correct_pw_screen db "Correct password.",13,10,0
display_message db "Display this message when the user enters the right password",0
invoke StdOut, offset enter_password_screen ; Prompt the user to enter a password.
push 1000 ; Max number of bytes user str input can be
push offset user_input
call StdIn ; Accept user input for a password
push offset hex_pw
push offset user_input
call crt__stricmp ; Compares the two strings. Sets the zero flag to eax if they are equal strings
cmp eax, 0 ; If eax=0, strings are equal so we grant the user access
je accessGranted
jne accessDenied
invoke StdOut, offset correct_pw_screen
invoke StdOut, offset display_message
jmp endProg ; Jump to end of the program after successful authentication
invoke StdOut, offset incorrect_pw_screen
mov user_input, 0 ; Replace the users input with zeros
jmp start ; Jump to ask user for password again if they get it wrong
invoke ExitProcess, 0
end start
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