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Created June 6, 2018 05:25
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Output for modelnet-test
/home/kenenbek/Github-cloned/codes/build/tests/.libs/modelnet-test --sync=1 -- tests/conf/modelnet-test.conf
Wed Jun 6 08:19:58 2018
ROSS Revision: 17acc5488761b49b70f7ce5edcf199cdc7f8ef42
tw_net_start: Found world size to be 1
NIC num injection port not specified, setting to 1
NIC seq delay not specified, setting to 10.000000
NIC num copy queues not specified, setting to 1
Bandwidth of compute node channels not specified, setting to 20.000000
within node transfer per byte delay is 0.050000
Within-node eager limit (node_eager_limit) not specified, setting to 16000
ROSS Core Configuration:
Total Nodes 1
Total Processors [Nodes (1) x PE_per_Node (1)] 1
Total KPs [Nodes (1) x KPs (16)] 16
Total LPs 32
Simulation End Time 31536000000000000.00
LP-to-PE Mapping model defined
ROSS Event Memory Allocation:
Model events 8193
Network events 16
Total events 8208
Set num_servers per router 1, servers per injection queue per router 1, servers per node copy queue per node 1
server 0 recvd 8192 bytes in 0.000001 seconds, 8469.276751 MiB/s sent_count 2 recvd_count 2 local_count 4
server 2 recvd 8192 bytes in 0.000001 seconds, 8494.557928 MiB/s sent_count 2 recvd_count 2 local_count 4
server 4 recvd 8192 bytes in 0.000001 seconds, 8495.898414 MiB/s sent_count 2 recvd_count 2 local_count 4
server 6 recvd 8192 bytes in 0.000001 seconds, 8483.895115 MiB/s sent_count 2 recvd_count 2 local_count 4
server 8 recvd 8192 bytes in 0.000001 seconds, 8489.431099 MiB/s sent_count 2 recvd_count 2 local_count 4
server 10 recvd 8192 bytes in 0.000001 seconds, 8494.787503 MiB/s sent_count 2 recvd_count 2 local_count 4
server 12 recvd 8192 bytes in 0.000001 seconds, 8477.149997 MiB/s sent_count 2 recvd_count 2 local_count 4
server 14 recvd 8192 bytes in 0.000001 seconds, 8494.417175 MiB/s sent_count 2 recvd_count 2 local_count 4
server 16 recvd 8192 bytes in 0.000001 seconds, 8480.339344 MiB/s sent_count 2 recvd_count 2 local_count 4
server 18 recvd 8192 bytes in 0.000001 seconds, 8463.283517 MiB/s sent_count 2 recvd_count 2 local_count 4
server 20 recvd 8192 bytes in 0.000001 seconds, 8495.748364 MiB/s sent_count 2 recvd_count 2 local_count 4
server 22 recvd 8192 bytes in 0.000001 seconds, 8475.350252 MiB/s sent_count 2 recvd_count 2 local_count 4
server 24 recvd 8192 bytes in 0.000001 seconds, 8499.280597 MiB/s sent_count 2 recvd_count 2 local_count 4
server 26 recvd 8192 bytes in 0.000001 seconds, 8504.634787 MiB/s sent_count 2 recvd_count 2 local_count 4
server 28 recvd 8192 bytes in 0.000001 seconds, 8495.539914 MiB/s sent_count 2 recvd_count 2 local_count 4
server 30 recvd 8192 bytes in 0.000001 seconds, 8491.133978 MiB/s sent_count 2 recvd_count 2 local_count 4
: Running Time = 0.0015 seconds
TW Library Statistics:
Total Events Processed 1808
Events Aborted (part of RBs) 0
Events Rolled Back 0
Event Ties Detected in PE Queues 0
Efficiency 100.00 %
Total Remote (shared mem) Events Processed 0
Percent Remote Events 0.00 %
Total Remote (network) Events Processed 0
Percent Remote Events 0.00 %
Total Roll Backs 0
Primary Roll Backs 0
Secondary Roll Backs 0
Fossil Collect Attempts 0
Total GVT Computations 0
Net Events Processed 1808
Event Rate (events/sec) 1189473.7
Total Events Scheduled Past End Time 0
TW Memory Statistics:
Events Allocated 8209
Memory Allocated 4362
Memory Wasted 446
TW Data Structure sizes in bytes (sizeof):
PE struct 608
KP struct 144
LP struct 128
LP Model struct 96
LP RNGs 80
Total LP 304
Event struct 152
Event struct with Model 536
TW Clock Cycle Statistics (MAX values in secs at 1.0000 GHz):
Priority Queue (enq/deq) 0.0000
AVL Tree (insert/delete) 0.0000
LZ4 (de)compression 0.0000
Buddy system 0.0000
Event Processing 0.0000
Event Cancel 0.0000
Event Abort 0.0000
GVT 0.0000
Fossil Collect 0.0000
Primary Rollbacks 0.0000
Network Read 0.0000
Statistics Computation 0.0000
Statistics Write 0.0000
Total Time (Note: Using Running Time above for Speedup) 0.0032
TW GVT Statistics: MPI AllReduce
GVT Interval 16
GVT Real Time Interval (cycles) 0
GVT Real Time Interval (sec) 0.00000000
Batch Size 16
Forced GVT 0
Total GVT Computations 0
Total All Reduce Calls 0
Average Reduction / GVT -nan
LP-IO: writing output to modelnet-test-22052-1528262398/
LP-IO: data files:
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