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Created April 18, 2014 23:25
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# geographic postgis
>> DB.get :st.distance( :st.geogfromwkb( :st.makepoint(-122.6764, 45.5165) ), :st.geogfromwkb( :st.makepoint(-122.6864, 45.5265) ) )
=> 1358.549604392
# geomteric postgis (?)
>> DB.get :st.distance( :st.transform(:st.setsrid(:st.makepoint(-122.6764, 45.5165), 4326), 3857), :st.transform(:st.setsrid(:st.makepoint(-122.6864, 45.5265), 4326), 3857) )
=> 1939.9894392485
# terraformer ruby (using port of mapattack js gc distance)
>>, 45.5165).great_circle_distance, 45.5265)
=> 1357.7162840942958
# terraformer + mapattack js
> gc_distance(new tf.Point([-122.6764, 45.5165]), new tf.Point([-122.6864, 45.5265]));
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aaronpk commented Apr 19, 2014

# redis-geo
> geoadd test 45.5165 -122.6764 a 45.5265 -122.6864 b
> georadius test 45.5165 -122.6764 1360 m withdistance
1) 1) "a"
   2) "0.13"
2) 1) "b"
   2) "1358.13"

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