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Created November 10, 2011 10:34
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DbTestCase for FuelPHP
* DbTestCase
* @package Fuel
* @author Kenji Suzuki
* @copyright 2011 Kenji Suzuki
* @link
class DbTestCase extends TestCase
// fixture data
// array of table name and yaml file name
protected $tables = array(
// table_name => yaml_file_name
protected function setUp()
if ( ! empty($this->tables))
protected function dbfixt($tables)
// support $this->dbfixt('table1', 'table2', ...) format
$tables = is_string($tables) ? func_get_args() : $tables;
foreach ($tables as $table => $yaml)
// read yaml file
$file_name = $yaml . '_fixt.yml';
$file = APPPATH . 'tests/fixture/' . $file_name;
if ( ! file_exists($file))
exit('No such file: ' . $file . PHP_EOL);
$data = file_get_contents($file);
$table = is_int($table) ? $yaml : $table;
$fixt_name = $table . '_fixt';
$this->$fixt_name = Format::forge($data, 'yaml')->to_array();
// truncate table
if (DBUtil::table_exists($table))
exit('No such table: ' . $table . PHP_EOL);
// insert data
foreach ($this->$fixt_name as $row)
list($insert_id, $rows_affected) = DB::insert($table)->set($row)->execute();
$ret = Log::info('Table Fixture ' . $file_name . ' -> ' . $fixt_name . ' loaded', __METHOD__);
public function test_foo() {}
/* End of file app/classes/dbtestcase.php */
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