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Last active December 1, 2020 05:15
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Cross Referenceable Equation with Preview in RMarkdown:
title: Math environment inside $$
author: Kenji Sato
toc: false
fig_caption: yes
knit: .render_for_tex
# Matheamtical equation with `bookdown::pdf_document2`
You can cross-reference equations in Rmarkdown if you set output to
`bookdown::pdf_document2` and write equations within
`\begin{align} ~ \end{align}` or `\begin{equation} ~ \end{equation}`
An example:
f(x) = f(0) + \int_0^x f'(y) dy, (\#eq:ftc)
which we can cross-reference with a syntax different from LaTeX: Equation \@ref(eq:ftc). See [this stackoverflow answer by Yihui Xie]( and
[the related section of his bookdown book]( for more detail.
`\begin{equation*} ~ \end{equation*}` also produces an equation without
a^n + b^n = c^n
# Drawback
A drawback of using `\begin{align} ~ \end{align}` or the like is that
RStudio doesn't support math preview for them (yet). You must embrace
the whole math environment with `$$`. (Figure \@ref(fig:preview))
```{r preview, fig.cap="Math preview", echo=FALSE}
The former however causes the "Bad mathe delimiter" error
in the process of tex compilation.
# Workaround
### Step 1 {-}
Put the following code snippet in .Rprofile file of the project.
.beginMath = c(
.endMath = c(
.render_for_tex = function(input, ...){
output_file = gsub("\\.[R|r]md$", ".tex", input)
lines = readLines(input, encoding = "UTF-8");
for (i in seq_along(lines)) {
# Remove $$ before \begin{equation} or the like.
if (stringr::str_trim(lines[i]) == "$$") {
if (any(startsWith(lines[i + 1], .beginMath))) {
lines[i] = ""
} else if (any(endsWith(lines[i - 1], .endMath))) {
lines[i] = ""
writeLines(lines,"temp.Rmd"); on.exit(unlink('temp.Rmd'))
rmarkdown::render("temp.Rmd", output_file = output_file)
### Step 2 {-}
Add `knit: .render_for_math` to the YAML header of your Rmd file.
Then the Knit button of RStudio is overwritten with the custom renderer
with preprocessing defined in .Rprofile.
.beginMath = c(
.endMath = c(
.render_for_tex = function(input, ...){
output_file = gsub("\\.[R|r]md$", ".tex", input)
lines = readLines(input, encoding = "UTF-8");
for (i in seq_along(lines)) {
# Remove $$ before \begin{equation} or the like.
if (stringr::str_trim(lines[i]) == "$$") {
if (any(startsWith(lines[i + 1], .beginMath))) {
lines[i] = ""
} else if (any(endsWith(lines[i - 1], .endMath))) {
lines[i] = ""
writeLines(lines,"temp.Rmd"); on.exit(unlink('temp.Rmd'))
rmarkdown::render("temp.Rmd", output_file = output_file)
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