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Last active December 20, 2015 04:10
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Provides the management of configurations.




Provides the management of configurations.

module.exports() ⏏

Process the configurations using inputs and environment variables.

Kind: Exported function


Kind: global constant
Default: ["debug","vault_host","vault_port","vault_ssl","vault_token","ssl_ciphers","ssl_cert_file","ssl_pem_file","ssl_pem_passphrase","ssl_ca_cert","ssl_verify","proxy_address","proxy_port","proxy_username","proxy_password","timeout","secret_shares","secret_threshold","backup_dir"]


Vaulted Methods

Vaulted Method Vault API (/v1)
getInitStatus GET sys/init
init PUT sys/init
getSealedStatus GET sys/seal-status
seal PUT sys/seal
unSeal PUT sys/unseal
getMounts GET sys/mounts
deleteMount DELETE sys/mounts/:id
createMount POST sys/mounts/:id
reMount POST sys/remount
getAuditMounts GET sys/audit
enableAudit PUT sys/audit/:id
disableAudit DELETE sys/audit/:id
enableFileAudit PUT sys/audit/:id
enableSyslogAudit PUT sys/audit/:id
getPolicies GET sys/policy
createPolicy PUT sys/policy/:id
deletePolicy DELETE sys/policy/:id
getLeader GET sys/leader
checkHealth GET sys/health
getKeyStatus GET sys/key-status
rotateKey PUT sys/rotate
getRekeyStatus GET sys/rekey/init
startRekey PUT sys/rekey/init
stopRekey DELETE sys/rekey/init
updateRekey PUT sys/rekey/update
getAuthMounts GET sys/auth
deleteAuthMount DELETE sys/auth/:id
createAuthMount POST sys/auth/:id
createToken POST auth/token/create
renewToken POST auth/token/renew/:id
lookupToken GET auth/token/lookup/:id
revokeToken POST auth/token/revoke/:id
revokeTokenOrphan POST auth/token/revoke-orphan/:id
revokeTokenPrefix POST auth/token/revoke-prefix/:id
lookupTokenSelf GET auth/token/lookup-self
revokeTokenSelf POST auth/token/revoke-self
getApp GET auth/app-id/map/app-id/:id
createApp POST auth/app-id/map/app-id/:id
deleteApp DELETE auth/app-id/map/app-id/:id
getUser GET auth/app-id/map/user-id/:id
createUser POST auth/app-id/map/user-id/:id
deleteUser DELETE auth/app-id/map/user-id/:id
appLogin POST auth/app-id/login
read GET secret/:id
write PUT secret/:id
delete DELETE secret/:id
configConsulAccess POST consul/config/access
getConsulRole GET consul/roles/:id
createConsulRole POST consul/roles/:id
deleteConsulRole DELETE consul/roles/:id
generateConsulRoleToken GET consul/creds/:id

Available Options

Attribute Environment Variable Default Value Description
vault_host VAULT_HOST Vault server hostname
vault_port VAULT_PORT 8200 Vault server port
vault_ssl VAULT_SSL true (enabled) Use SSL?
vault_token VAULT_TOKEN Token to use to access the vault
ssl_ciphers VAULT_SSL_CIPHERS TLSv1.2 The ciphers that will be used when communicating with vault over ssl
ssl_cert_file VAULT_SSL_CERT Path to custom SSL cert file
ssl_pem_file VAULT_SSL_CERT_KEY Path of SSL cert PEM file to use with custom SSL verification
ssl_pem_passphrase VAULT_SSL_CERT_PASSPHRASE Passphrase associated SSL cert PEM file to use with custom SSL verification
ssl_ca_cert VAULT_CACERT CA cert path used for certification verification
ssl_verify VAULT_SSL_VERIFY true validate SSL requests?
timeout VAULT_TIMEOUT milliseconds to wait for response headers
proxy_address VAULT_PROXY_ADDRESS HTTP Proxy server address
proxy_password VAULT_PROXY_PASSWORD HTTP Proxy user password
proxy_port VAULT_PROXY_PORT HTTP Proxy server port
proxy_username VAULT_PROXY_USERNAME HTTP Proxy server username
debug DEBUG Show verbose messages, network requests
secret_shares SECRET_SHARES 3 Number of shared secret keys to generate
secret_threshold SECRET_THRESHOLD 2 Threshold at which to unseal vault (must be <= SECRET_SHARES)
backup_dir VAULT_SAFE ~/.vault Directory to backup keys

audit ⇐ Vaulted

Provides implementation for the Vault Audit APIs

Extends: Vaulted

audit~getAuditMounts() ⇒ Promise

Gets the list of mounted audit backends for the vault.

Kind: inner method of audit
Resolve: [Mounts] Resolves with current list of mounted audit backends
Reject: Error An error indicating what went wrong

audit~enableAudit(options) ⇒ Promise

Enable a specific audit backend for use with the vault.

Kind: inner method of audit
Resolve: success
Reject: Error An error indicating what went wrong

Param Type Description
options Object object of options to send to API request string unique identifier for the audit mount
options.body Object holds the attributes passed as inputs
options.body.type string the type of audit ('file', 'syslog')
[options.body.description] string a description of the audit backend for operators.
[options.body.options] Object options for configuring a specific type of audit backend

audit~disableAudit(options) ⇒ Promise

Disable a specific audit backend from the vault.

Kind: inner method of audit
Resolve: success
Reject: Error An error indicating what went wrong

Param Type Description
options Object object of options to send to API request string unique identifier for the audit mount

audit~enableFileAudit(options) ⇒ Promise

Convenience method to enable the file audit backend for use with the vault.

Kind: inner method of audit
Resolve: success
Reject: Error An error indicating what went wrong

Param Type Default Description
options Object object of options to send to API request string unique identifier for the file audit mount
options.body Object holds the attributes passed as inputs
options.body.path string the directory where to write the audit files
[options.body.description] string a description of the file audit backend for operators.
[options.body.log_raw] Object false Should security sensitive information be logged raw.

audit~enableSyslogAudit(options) ⇒ Promise

Convenience method to enable the syslog audit backend for use with the vault.

Kind: inner method of audit
Resolve: success
Reject: Error An error indicating what went wrong

Param Type Default Description
options Object object of options to send to API request string unique identifier for the syslog audit mount
options.body Object holds the attributes passed as inputs
[options.body.description] string a description of the syslog audit backend for operators.
[options.body.facility] string "AUTH" The syslog facility to use.
[options.body.tag] string "vault" The syslog tag to use.
[options.body.log_raw] Object false Should security sensitive information be logged raw.
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