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Created September 4, 2012 22:56
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Save kenkubiak/3627688 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Building an SVG Sprite from SVG icon assets ... in PHP
* Create an SVG sprite as a DOMDocument.
class Sprite {
* The URI for the SVG namespace.
* @var string
const SVG_NS = '';
* Fraction of icon size to pad icons with.
* @var float
const PAD = .05;
* The horizontal/vertical center-to-center distance between icons.
* @var integer
private $grid = 100;
* The nominal size of the icons.
* @var integer
private $nominal = 64;
* The SVG document we are creating.
* @var DOMDocument
private $out;
* The height of the resulting sprite, extended as icons are added.
* @var integer
private $maxheight = 0;
* The width of the resulting sprite.
* @var integer
private $maxwidth;
* The default state icon color
* @var string
private $default = '#a49d95';
* The selected state icon color
* @var string
private $selected = '#6a635a';
* The hover state icon color
* @var string
private $hover = '#ed693b';
* The active state icon color
* @var string
private $active = '#eeeeee';
* Construct an empty Sprite.
* @param integer $grid Size (height and width) of grid.
public function __construct() {
$this->out = new DOMDocument();
$this->out->formatOutput = true;
$root = $this->out->createElementNS(self::SVG_NS, 'svg:svg');
$root->setAttribute('xmlns', self::SVG_NS);
$this->maxwidth = (4 * $this->grid);
* Make IDs unique by prefixing them.
* @param DOMElement $element Element whose attributes will be checked.
* @param string $prefix Prefix to add.
* @return void
private function _prefixId(DOMElement $element, $prefix) {
if ($element->hasAttribute('id')) {
$element->setAttribute('id', $prefix . $element->getAttribute('id'));
foreach (array('clip-path', 'mask') as $attr) {
if ($element->hasAttribute($attr)) {
$ref = $element->getAttribute($attr);
$ref = str_replace('url(#', 'url(#' . $prefix, $ref);
$element->setAttribute($attr, $ref);
* Load an SVG file and place it at $row, $col in the sprite.
* @param string $filename File to load.
* @param mixed $fill Fill color (e.g., #FFFFFF) or false for none.
* @param integer $row Row at which to locate icon in sprite.
* @param integer $col Column at which to locate icon in sprite.
* @return void
public function add($filename, $fill, $row, $col = 0) {
static $gensym = 0;
$prefix = 'x' . ($gensym++);
$in = new DOMDocument();
$src = $in->documentElement;
$this->maxheight = max($this->maxheight, ($this->grid * ($row + 1)));
// Make IDs unique.
foreach (array('svg', 'path', 'clipPath', 'g', 'image', 'mask') as $tag) {
foreach ($in->getElementsByTagName($tag) as $element) {
$this->_prefixId($element, $prefix);
// Fill all the paths.
if ($fill) {
foreach ($in->getElementsByTagName('path') as $element) {
$style = $element->getAttribute('style');
$style = preg_replace('/fill:#?[0-9A-Fa-f]+;/',
'fill:' . $fill . ';', $style);
$style = preg_replace('/stroke:#?[0-9A-Fa-f]+;/',
'stroke:' . $fill . ';', $style);
$element->setAttribute('style', $style);
// Compute transformation to fit icon into sprite.
$h = $src->getAttribute('height');
$w = $src->getAttribute('width');
$scale = (($this->nominal * (1 - (2 * self::PAD))) / $h);
$x = (((($col + .5) * $this->grid) / $scale) - ($w / 2));
$y = (((($row + .5) * $this->grid) / $scale) - ($h / 2));
// Copy source <svg> element to output <g> element.
$g = $this->out->createElementNS(self::SVG_NS, 'g');
$g->setAttribute('id', $src->getAttribute('id'));
'scale(' . $scale . ') translate(' . $x . ',' . $y . ')');
foreach ($src->childNodes as $child) {
if ($child->nodeType === XML_ELEMENT_NODE
&& $child->tagName !== 'metadata'
) {
$g->appendChild($this->out->importNode($child, true));
* Load an SVG file, colorize all states, and place it at $row the sprite.
* @param string $filename File to load.
* @param integer $row Row at which to locate icon in sprite.
* @return void
public function addAllStates($filename, $row ) {
$this->add($filename, $this->default, $row);
$this->add($filename, $this->selected, $row, 1);
$this->add($filename, $this->hover, $row, 2);
$this->add($filename, $this->active, $row, 3);
* Echo the resulting Sprite.
* @return void
public function output() {
$root = $this->out->documentElement;
$root->setAttribute('height', $this->maxheight . 'px');
$root->setAttribute('width', $this->maxwidth . 'px');
'0 0 ' . $this->maxwidth . ' ' . $this->maxheight);
echo $this->out->saveXML();
$s = new Sprite();
$s->addAllStates('add.svg', 0);
$s->addAllStates('comment.svg', 1);
$s->addAllStates('trash.svg', 2);
$s->addAllStates('share.svg', 3);
$s->addAllStates('tick.svg', 4);
$s->addAllStates('edit.svg', 5);
$s->addAllStates('x.svg', 6);
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I was missing this Fraction of icon size to pad icons with (const PAD = .05;) thing and all images were getting clipped off by 1px. from each size. Updating script with this thing worked. Thanks.

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