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Created March 29, 2016 17:59
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//: Playground - noun: a place where people can play
import Foundation
class Thunder { }
class Fire { }
protocol Pokemon {
typealias PokemonType //swift2.2ではassociatedTypeって書くんだっけ
func attack(move:PokemonType) //move=わざ
struct Pikachu: Pokemon {
typealias PokemonType = Thunder
func attack(move: Thunder) { print("サンダー") }
class Raichu: Pokemon {
typealias PokemonType = Thunder
func attack(move: Thunder) { print("サンダー") }
class Charmander: Pokemon {
func attack(move: Fire) { print("ファイア") }
let thunderAttack = Thunder()
let fireAttack = Fire()
//let pikachu = Pikachu()
//let raichu = Raichu()
//// let pikachu:Pokemon = Pikachu() //これはNG
//let electricPokemons:[Pokemon] = [pikachu, raichu] //これもNG
//for pokemon in electricPokemons {
// pokemon.attack(thunderAttack)
class AnyPokemon <PokemonType>: Pokemon {
private let _attack: ((PokemonType) -> Void)
required init<U:Pokemon where U.PokemonType == PokemonType>(_ pokemon: U) {
_attack = pokemon.attack
func attack(type:PokemonType) {
return _attack(type)
let pikachu = AnyPokemon(Pikachu())
let raichu = AnyPokemon(Raichu())
let electricPokemons:[AnyPokemon<Thunder>] = [pikachu, raichu]
for pokemon in electricPokemons {
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