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Created December 9, 2019 04:16
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Web framework using state
const __internal_VALID_ELEMENT_ID_CHARACTERS = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789'
const __internal_ELEMENT_ID_LENGTH = 36
let __internal_elements = () => []
const __internal_generateElementId = () =>
.map(() =>
Math.floor(Math.random() * __internal_VALID_ELEMENT_ID_CHARACTERS.length)
const State = {
increment: __internal_generateElementId(),
decrement: __internal_generateElementId()
const renderToString = elements =>
elements.reduce((acc, element) =>
typeof element === 'string'
? element
: element._render()
, '')
const render = elements => {
__internal_elements = elements
document.body.innerHTML = renderToString(elements())
const __internal_setState = obj => {
if (!Object.keys(obj).length)
return state
for (const key in obj) {
const newValue = obj[key]
if (newValue === State.increment) {
if (newValue === State.decrement) {
state[key] = newValue
return state
class __internal_Element {
constructor(name, isVoidElement = false) {
this._id = __internal_generateElementId()
this._name = name
this._isVoidElement = isVoidElement
this._children = []
this._attributes = {}
children = elements => {
this._children = [...this._children, ...elements]
return this
accept = value => {
this._attributes.accept = value
return this
acceptCharset = value => {
this._attributes['accept-charset'] = value
return this
accessKey = value => {
this._attributes.accesskey = value
return this
action = value => {
this._attributes.action = value
return this
alt = value => {
this._attributes.alt = value
return this
async = value => {
this._attributes.async = value
return this
autoComplete = value => {
this._attributes.autocomplete = value
return this
autoFocus = value => {
this._attributes.autofocus = value
return this
autoPlay = value => {
this._attributes.autoplay = value
return this
charset = value => {
this._attributes.charset = value
return this
checked = value => {
this._attributes.checked = value
return this
cite = value => {
this._attributes.cite = value
return this
class = (...values) => {
this._attributes.class = values.join(' ')
return this
cols = value => {
this._attributes.cols = value
return this
colSpan = value => {
this._attributes.colspan = value
return this
content = value => {
this._attributes.content = value
return this
contentEditable = value => {
this._attributes.contenteditable = value
return this
controls = value => {
this._attributes.controls = value
return this
coords = value => {
this._attributes.coords = value
return this
data = value => { = value
return this
dataWildcard = (extension, value) => {
this._attributes[`data-${extension}`] = value
return this
dateTime = value => {
this._attributes.datetime = value
return this
default = value => {
this._attributes.default = value
return this
defer = value => {
this._attributes.defer = value
return this
dir = value => {
this._attributes.dir = value
return this
dirName = value => {
this._attributes.dirname = value
return this
disabled = value => {
this._attributes.disabled = value
return this
download = value => { = value
return this
draggable = value => {
this._attributes.draggable = value
return this
dropZone = value => {
this._attributes.dropzone = value
return this
encType = value => {
this._attributes.enctype = value
return this
for = value => {
this._attributes.for = value
return this
form = value => {
this._attributes.form = value
return this
formAction = value => {
this._attributes.formaction = value
return this
headers = value => {
this._attributes.headers = value
return this
height = value => {
this._attributes.height = value
return this
hidden = value => {
this._attributes.hidden = value
return this
high = value => {
this._attributes.high = value
return this
href = value => {
this._attributes.href = value
return this
hrefLang = value => {
this._attributes.hreflang = value
return this
httpEquiv = value => {
this._attributes['http-equiv'] = value
return this
id = value => { = value
return this
isMap = value => {
this._attributes.ismap = value
return this
kind = value => {
this._attributes.kind = value
return this
label = value => {
this._attributes.label = value
return this
lang = value => {
this._attributes.lang = value
return this
list = value => {
this._attributes.list = value
return this
loop = value => {
this._attributes.loop = value
return this
low = value => {
this._attributes.low = value
return this
max = value => {
this._attributes.max = value
return this
maxLength = value => {
this._attributes.maxlength = value
return this
media = value => { = value
return this
method = value => {
this._attributes.method = value
return this
min = value => {
this._attributes.min = value
return this
multiple = value => {
this._attributes.multiple = value
return this
muted = value => {
this._attributes.muted = value
return this
name = value => { = value
return this
noValidate = value => {
this._attributes.novalidate = value
return this
onAbort = callback => {
const callbackName = `__internal_${this._id}_onAbort`
window[callbackName] = callback
this._attributes.onabort = `${callbackName}()`
return this
onAfterPrint = callback => {
const callbackName = `__internal_${this._id}_onAfterPrint`
window[callbackName] = callback
this._attributes.onafterprint = `${callbackName}()`
return this
onBeforePrint = callback => {
const callbackName = `__internal_${this._id}_onBeforePrint`
window[callbackName] = callback
this._attributes.onbeforeprint = `${callbackName}()`
return this
onBeforeUnload = callback => {
const callbackName = `__internal_${this._id}_onBeforeUnload`
window[callbackName] = callback
this._attributes.onbeforeunload = `${callbackName}()`
return this
onBlur = callback => {
const callbackName = `__internal_${this._id}_onBlur`
window[callbackName] = callback
this._attributes.onblur = `${callbackName}()`
return this
onCanPlay = callback => {
const callbackName = `__internal_${this._id}_onCanPlay`
window[callbackName] = callback
this._attributes.oncanplay = `${callbackName}()`
return this
onCanPlayThrough = callback => {
const callbackName = `__internal_${this._id}_onCanPlayThrough`
window[callbackName] = callback
this._attributes.oncanplaythrough = `${callbackName}()`
return this
onChange = callback => {
const callbackName = `__internal_${this._id}_onChange`
window[callbackName] = callback
this._attributes.onchange = `${callbackName}()`
return this
onClick = callback => {
const callbackName = `__internal_${this._id}_onClick`
window[callbackName] = callback
this._attributes.onclick = `${callbackName}()`
return this
onContextMenu = callback => {
const callbackName = `__internal_${this._id}_onContextMenu`
window[callbackName] = callback
this._attributes.oncontextmenu = `${callbackName}()`
return this
onCopy = callback => {
const callbackName = `__internal_${this._id}_onCopy`
window[callbackName] = callback
this._attributes.oncopy = `${callbackName}()`
return this
onCueChange = callback => {
const callbackName = `__internal_${this._id}_onCueChange`
window[callbackName] = callback
this._attributes.oncuechange = `${callbackName}()`
return this
onCut = callback => {
const callbackName = `__internal_${this._id}_onCut`
window[callbackName] = callback
this._attributes.oncut = `${callbackName}()`
return this
onDoubleClick = callback => {
const callbackName = `__internal_${this._id}_onDoubleClick`
window[callbackName] = callback
this._attributes.ondblclick = `${callbackName}()`
return this
onDrag = callback => {
const callbackName = `__internal_${this._id}_onDrag`
window[callbackName] = callback
this._attributes.ondrag = `${callbackName}()`
return this
onDragEnd = callback => {
const callbackName = `__internal_${this._id}_onDragEnd`
window[callbackName] = callback
this._attributes.ondragend = `${callbackName}()`
return this
onDragEnter = callback => {
const callbackName = `__internal_${this._id}_onDragEnter`
window[callbackName] = callback
this._attributes.ondragenter = `${callbackName}()`
return this
onDragLeave = callback => {
const callbackName = `__internal_${this._id}_onDragLeave`
window[callbackName] = callback
this._attributes.ondragleave = `${callbackName}()`
return this
onDragOver = callback => {
const callbackName = `__internal_${this._id}_onDragOver`
window[callbackName] = callback
this._attributes.ondragover = `${callbackName}()`
return this
onDragStart = callback => {
const callbackName = `__internal_${this._id}_onDragStart`
window[callbackName] = callback
this._attributes.ondragstart = `${callbackName}()`
return this
onDrop = callback => {
const callbackName = `__internal_${this._id}_onDrop`
window[callbackName] = callback
this._attributes.ondrop = `${callbackName}()`
return this
onDurationChange = callback => {
const callbackName = `__internal_${this._id}_onDurationChange`
window[callbackName] = callback
this._attributes.ondurationchange = `${callbackName}()`
return this
onEmptied = callback => {
const callbackName = `__internal_${this._id}_onEmptied`
window[callbackName] = callback
this._attributes.onemptied = `${callbackName}()`
return this
onEnded = callback => {
const callbackName = `__internal_${this._id}_onEnded`
window[callbackName] = callback
this._attributes.onended = `${callbackName}()`
return this
onError = callback => {
const callbackName = `__internal_${this._id}_onError`
window[callbackName] = callback
this._attributes.onerror = `${callbackName}()`
return this
onFocus = callback => {
const callbackName = `__internal_${this._id}_onFocus`
window[callbackName] = callback
this._attributes.onfocus = `${callbackName}()`
return this
onHashChange = callback => {
const callbackName = `__internal_${this._id}_onHashChange`
window[callbackName] = callback
this._attributes.onhashchange = `${callbackName}()`
return this
onInput = callback => {
const callbackName = `__internal_${this._id}_onInput`
window[callbackName] = callback
this._attributes.oninput = `${callbackName}()`
return this
onInvalid = callback => {
const callbackName = `__internal_${this._id}_onInvalid`
window[callbackName] = callback
this._attributes.oninvalid = `${callbackName}()`
return this
onKeyDown = callback => {
const callbackName = `__internal_${this._id}_onKeyDown`
window[callbackName] = callback
this._attributes.onkeydown = `${callbackName}()`
return this
onKeyPress = callback => {
const callbackName = `__internal_${this._id}_onKeyPress`
window[callbackName] = callback
this._attributes.onkeypress = `${callbackName}()`
return this
onKeyUp = callback => {
const callbackName = `__internal_${this._id}_onKeyUp`
window[callbackName] = callback
this._attributes.onkeyup = `${callbackName}()`
return this
onLoad = callback => {
const callbackName = `__internal_${this._id}_onLoad`
window[callbackName] = callback
this._attributes.onload = `${callbackName}()`
return this
onLoadedData = callback => {
const callbackName = `__internal_${this._id}_onLoadedData`
window[callbackName] = callback
this._attributes.onloadeddata = `${callbackName}()`
return this
onLoadedMetadata = callback => {
const callbackName = `__internal_${this._id}_onLoadedMetadata`
window[callbackName] = callback
this._attributes.onloadedmetadata = `${callbackName}()`
return this
onLoadStart = callback => {
const callbackName = `__internal_${this._id}_onLoadStart`
window[callbackName] = callback
this._attributes.onloadstart = `${callbackName}()`
return this
onMouseDown = callback => {
const callbackName = `__internal_${this._id}_onMouseDown`
window[callbackName] = callback
this._attributes.onmousedown = `${callbackName}()`
return this
onMouseMove = callback => {
const callbackName = `__internal_${this._id}_onMouseMove`
window[callbackName] = callback
this._attributes.onmousemove = `${callbackName}()`
return this
onMouseOut = callback => {
const callbackName = `__internal_${this._id}_onMouseOut`
window[callbackName] = callback
this._attributes.onmouseout = `${callbackName}()`
return this
onMouseOver = callback => {
const callbackName = `__internal_${this._id}_onMouseOver`
window[callbackName] = callback
this._attributes.onmouseover = `${callbackName}()`
return this
onMouseUp = callback => {
const callbackName = `__internal_${this._id}_onMouseUp`
window[callbackName] = callback
this._attributes.onmouseup = `${callbackName}()`
return this
onMouseWheel = callback => {
const callbackName = `__internal_${this._id}_onMouseWheel`
window[callbackName] = callback
this._attributes.onmousewheel = `${callbackName}()`
return this
onOffline = callback => {
const callbackName = `__internal_${this._id}_onOffline`
window[callbackName] = callback
this._attributes.onoffline = `${callbackName}()`
return this
onOnline = callback => {
const callbackName = `__internal_${this._id}_onOnline`
window[callbackName] = callback
this._attributes.ononline = `${callbackName}()`
return this
onPageShow = callback => {
const callbackName = `__internal_${this._id}_onPageShow`
window[callbackName] = callback
this._attributes.onpageshow = `${callbackName}()`
return this
onPaste = callback => {
const callbackName = `__internal_${this._id}_onPaste`
window[callbackName] = callback
this._attributes.onpaste = `${callbackName}()`
return this
onPause = callback => {
const callbackName = `__internal_${this._id}_onPause`
window[callbackName] = callback
this._attributes.onpause = `${callbackName}()`
return this
onPlay = callback => {
const callbackName = `__internal_${this._id}_onPlay`
window[callbackName] = callback
this._attributes.onplay = `${callbackName}()`
return this
onPlaying = callback => {
const callbackName = `__internal_${this._id}_onPlaying`
window[callbackName] = callback
this._attributes.onplaying = `${callbackName}()`
return this
onProgress = callback => {
const callbackName = `__internal_${this._id}_onProgress`
window[callbackName] = callback
this._attributes.onprogress = `${callbackName}()`
return this
onRateChange = callback => {
const callbackName = `__internal_${this._id}_onRateChange`
window[callbackName] = callback
this._attributes.onratechange = `${callbackName}()`
return this
onReset = callback => {
const callbackName = `__internal_${this._id}_onReset`
window[callbackName] = callback
this._attributes.onreset = `${callbackName}()`
return this
onResize = callback => {
const callbackName = `__internal_${this._id}_onResize`
window[callbackName] = callback
this._attributes.onresize = `${callbackName}()`
return this
onScroll = callback => {
const callbackName = `__internal_${this._id}_onScroll`
window[callbackName] = callback
this._attributes.onscroll = `${callbackName}()`
return this
onSearch = callback => {
const callbackName = `__internal_${this._id}_onSearch`
window[callbackName] = callback
this._attributes.onsearch = `${callbackName}()`
return this
onSeeked = callback => {
const callbackName = `__internal_${this._id}_onSeeked`
window[callbackName] = callback
this._attributes.onseeked = `${callbackName}()`
return this
onSeeking = callback => {
const callbackName = `__internal_${this._id}_onSeeking`
window[callbackName] = callback
this._attributes.onseeking = `${callbackName}()`
return this
onSelect = callback => {
const callbackName = `__internal_${this._id}_onSelect`
window[callbackName] = callback
this._attributes.onselect = `${callbackName}()`
return this
onStalled = callback => {
const callbackName = `__internal_${this._id}_onStalled`
window[callbackName] = callback
this._attributes.onstalled = `${callbackName}()`
return this
onSubmit = callback => {
const callbackName = `__internal_${this._id}_onSubmit`
window[callbackName] = callback
this._attributes.onsubmit = `${callbackName}()`
return this
onSuspend = callback => {
const callbackName = `__internal_${this._id}_onSuspend`
window[callbackName] = callback
this._attributes.onsuspend = `${callbackName}()`
return this
onTimeUpdate = callback => {
const callbackName = `__internal_${this._id}_onTimeUpdate`
window[callbackName] = callback
this._attributes.ontimeupdate = `${callbackName}()`
return this
onToggle = callback => {
const callbackName = `__internal_${this._id}_onToggle`
window[callbackName] = callback
this._attributes.ontoggle = `${callbackName}()`
return this
onUnload = callback => {
const callbackName = `__internal_${this._id}_onUnload`
window[callbackName] = callback
this._attributes.onunload = `${callbackName}()`
return this
onVolumeChange = callback => {
const callbackName = `__internal_${this._id}_onVolumeChange`
window[callbackName] = callback
this._attributes.onvolumechange = `${callbackName}()`
return this
onWaiting = callback => {
const callbackName = `__internal_${this._id}_onWaiting`
window[callbackName] = callback
this._attributes.onwaiting = `${callbackName}()`
return this
onWheel = callback => {
const callbackName = `__internal_${this._id}_onWheel`
window[callbackName] = callback
this._attributes.onwheel = `${callbackName}()`
return this
open = value => { = value
return this
optimum = value => {
this._attributes.optimum = value
return this
pattern = value => {
this._attributes.pattern = value
return this
placeholder = value => {
this._attributes.placeholder = value
return this
poster = value => {
this._attributes.poster = value
return this
preload = value => {
this._attributes.preload = value
return this
readonly = value => {
this._attributes.readonly = value
return this
rel = value => {
this._attributes.rel = value
return this
required = value => {
this._attributes.required = value
return this
reversed = value => {
this._attributes.reversed = value
return this
rows = value => {
this._attributes.rows = value
return this
rowSpan = value => {
this._attributes.rowspan = value
return this
sandbox = value => {
this._attributes.sandbox = value
return this
scope = value => {
this._attributes.scope = value
return this
selected = value => {
this._attributes.selected = value
return this
shape = value => {
this._attributes.shape = value
return this
size = value => {
this._attributes.size = value
return this
sizes = value => {
this._attributes.sizes = value
return this
span = value => {
this._attributes.span = value
return this
spellCheck = value => {
this._attributes.spellcheck = value
return this
src = value => {
this._attributes.src = value
return this
srcDoc = value => {
this._attributes.srcdoc = value
return this
srcLang = value => {
this._attributes.srclang = value
return this
srcSet = value => {
this._attributes.srcset = value
return this
start = value => {
this._attributes.start = value
return this
step = value => {
this._attributes.step = value
return this
style = value => { = typeof value === 'string'
? value
: Object.entries(value)
.map(([key, value]) => `${key}:${value}`)
return this
tabIndex = value => {
this._attributes.tabindex = value
return this
target = value => { = value
return this
title = value => {
this._attributes.title = value
return this
translate = value => {
this._attributes.translate = value
return this
type = value => {
this._attributes.type = value
return this
useMap = value => {
this._attributes.usemap = value
return this
value = value => {
this._attributes.value = value
return this
width = value => {
this._attributes.width = value
return this
wrap = value => {
this._attributes.wrap = value
return this
_render = () => {
let acc = `<${this._name}${this._renderAttributes()}>`
if (this._isVoidElement)
return acc
acc += renderToString(this._children)
return `${acc}</${this._name}>`
_renderAttributes = () => {
let acc = []
for (const key in this._attributes)
return acc.length ? ` ${acc.join(' ')}` : ''
const state = (name, value) =>
typeof name === 'object'
? name
: { [name]: value }
const a = () => new __internal_Element('a')
const abbr = () => new __internal_Element('abbr')
const address = () => new __internal_Element('address')
const article = () => new __internal_Element('article')
const aside = () => new __internal_Element('aside')
const audio = () => new __internal_Element('audio')
const b = () => new __internal_Element('b')
const bdi = () => new __internal_Element('bdi')
const bdo = () => new __internal_Element('bdo')
const blockquote = () => new __internal_Element('blockquote')
const body = () => new __internal_Element('body')
const button = () => new __internal_Element('button')
const canvas = () => new __internal_Element('canvas')
const caption = () => new __internal_Element('caption')
const cite = () => new __internal_Element('cite')
const code = () => new __internal_Element('code')
const colgroup = () => new __internal_Element('colgroup')
const data = () => new __internal_Element('data')
const datalist = () => new __internal_Element('datalist')
const dd = () => new __internal_Element('dd')
const del = () => new __internal_Element('del')
const details = () => new __internal_Element('details')
const dfn = () => new __internal_Element('dfn')
const dialog = () => new __internal_Element('dialog')
const div = () => new __internal_Element('div')
const dl = () => new __internal_Element('dl')
const dt = () => new __internal_Element('dt')
const em = () => new __internal_Element('em')
const fieldset = () => new __internal_Element('fieldset')
const figcaption = () => new __internal_Element('figcaption')
const figure = () => new __internal_Element('figure')
const footer = () => new __internal_Element('footer')
const form = () => new __internal_Element('form')
const h1 = () => new __internal_Element('h1')
const h2 = () => new __internal_Element('h2')
const h3 = () => new __internal_Element('h3')
const h4 = () => new __internal_Element('h4')
const h5 = () => new __internal_Element('h5')
const h6 = () => new __internal_Element('h6')
const head = () => new __internal_Element('head')
const header = () => new __internal_Element('header')
const hgroup = () => new __internal_Element('hgroup')
const html = () => new __internal_Element('html')
const i = () => new __internal_Element('i')
const iframe = () => new __internal_Element('iframe')
const ins = () => new __internal_Element('ins')
const kbd = () => new __internal_Element('kbd')
const label = () => new __internal_Element('label')
const legend = () => new __internal_Element('legend')
const li = () => new __internal_Element('li')
const main = () => new __internal_Element('main')
const map = () => new __internal_Element('map')
const mark = () => new __internal_Element('mark')
const math = () => new __internal_Element('math')
const menu = () => new __internal_Element('menu')
const meter = () => new __internal_Element('meter')
const nav = () => new __internal_Element('nav')
const noscript = () => new __internal_Element('noscript')
const object = () => new __internal_Element('object')
const ol = () => new __internal_Element('ol')
const optgroup = () => new __internal_Element('optgroup')
const option = () => new __internal_Element('option')
const output = () => new __internal_Element('output')
const p = () => new __internal_Element('p')
const picture = () => new __internal_Element('picture')
const pre = () => new __internal_Element('pre')
const progress = () => new __internal_Element('progress')
const q = () => new __internal_Element('q')
const rb = () => new __internal_Element('rb')
const rp = () => new __internal_Element('rp')
const rt = () => new __internal_Element('rt')
const rtc = () => new __internal_Element('rtc')
const ruby = () => new __internal_Element('ruby')
const s = () => new __internal_Element('s')
const samp = () => new __internal_Element('samp')
const script = () => new __internal_Element('script')
const section = () => new __internal_Element('section')
const select = () => new __internal_Element('select')
const slot = () => new __internal_Element('slot')
const small = () => new __internal_Element('small')
const span = () => new __internal_Element('span')
const strong = () => new __internal_Element('strong')
const style = () => new __internal_Element('style')
const sub = () => new __internal_Element('sub')
const summary = () => new __internal_Element('summary')
const sup = () => new __internal_Element('sup')
const svg = () => new __internal_Element('svg')
const table = () => new __internal_Element('table')
const tbody = () => new __internal_Element('tbody')
const td = () => new __internal_Element('td')
const template = () => new __internal_Element('template')
const textarea = () => new __internal_Element('textarea')
const tfoot = () => new __internal_Element('tfoot')
const th = () => new __internal_Element('th')
const thead = () => new __internal_Element('thead')
const time = () => new __internal_Element('time')
const title = () => new __internal_Element('title')
const tr = () => new __internal_Element('tr')
const u = () => new __internal_Element('u')
const ul = () => new __internal_Element('ul')
const var_ = () => new __internal_Element('var')
const video = () => new __internal_Element('video')
const area = () => new __internal_Element('area', true)
const base = () => new __internal_Element('base', true)
const br = () => new __internal_Element('br', true)
const col = () => new __internal_Element('col', true)
const embed = () => new __internal_Element('embed', true)
const hr = () => new __internal_Element('hr', true)
const img = () => new __internal_Element('img', true)
const input = () => new __internal_Element('input', true)
const link = () => new __internal_Element('link', true)
const menuitem = () => new __internal_Element('menuitem', true)
const meta = () => new __internal_Element('meta', true)
const param = () => new __internal_Element('param', true)
const source = () => new __internal_Element('source', true)
const track = () => new __internal_Element('track', true)
const wbr = () => new __internal_Element('wbr', true)
const selector = (key, rules) =>
({ key, rules })
const css = selectors =>
.map(({ key, rules }) =>
.map(([name, value]) => `${name}:${value}`)
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