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Last active May 25, 2018 10:29
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Check_MK local check for OMERO server which returns count of unique users logged-in to an OMERO server
from commands import getstatusoutput
import datetime
import socket
# This code is a Check_MK local check, designed to query an OMERO server via `omero sessions who`
# and return the number of logged in OMERO users to Check_MK.
# Check_MK reference:
# License
# run command / exit status code from: (license by-nc-sa/3.0)
# Customise these following vars for your OMERO deployment
# Full path to OMERO CLI
omero_command = '/opt/omero/server/OMERO.server/bin/omero'
# OMERO operating system user to run OMERO CLI
os_user_cli = 'omero-server'
# OMERO user account username this script will use to log in to the OMERO server.
# Password can be in environment variable `OMERO_PASSWORD` or coded into the variable
# `$cmd` below.
omero_user_cli = 'monitoring'
# A file which should be readable by root only, containing the
# password of the OMERO account which will be used to log into OMERO
omero_user_cli_pwd_file = '/root/omero_user_cli_password.txt'
# The OMERO user account username of the omero "public user" to be
# removed from "active sessions".
# If you have no public user defined, safe to leave this as
# 'PUBLIC'. Do not set to empty.
omero_public_user = 'PUBLIC'
# Read the password for the monitoring user from a file
# only readable by the root user
file = open(omero_user_cli_pwd_file, "r")
for line in file:
monitoring_password = line.strip()
# Run bin/omero sessions who, removing the non-human users and pretty-printing.
# Count only unique usernames seen.
cmd = 'OMERO_PASSWORD=\"' + monitoring_password + '\" HOME=\"$(getent passwd %s | cut -d: -f6)\" sudo -E -u %s sh -c \'%s -s localhost --user %s ' % (os_user_cli, os_user_cli, omero_command, omero_user_cli) + ' ' + ' sessions who | grep -Ev "(root|rows|guest|\-\+\-|agent|%s|%s)" | awk \"{ print \$1 }\" | sort | uniq | wc -l\'' % (omero_public_user, omero_user_cli)
status, text = getstatusoutput(cmd)
exit_code = status >> 8 # high byte
debug = False
if debug:
print 'Ran: "%s"' % cmd
print 'Status: x%04x' % status
# Output from command:
print 'Output: %s' % text
print 'Just the count of users?: %s' % text.split('\n', 1)[1]
exit = '%d' % (exit_code)
# above is a string
if debug:
exit = '1' # debugging, testing with other exit codes
print 'Just the exit code: %s' % (exit)
# Example format:
# echo "0 omero-user-sessions count=${user_sessions} OK - ${user_sessions} OMERO users logged in at $(date)"
# The number of logged-in users is in the var 'text'
# If exit code 0, then return OK to check_mk along with user count
# string comparison
if exit == '0':
# Okay, we've likely got good output from our command. Let's populate the vars we require from command output.
count_of_users = text.split('\n', 1)[1]
# Exit code of OMERO command is == status to check_mk, i.e.
# if the command worked, check is OK.
print '%s omero-user-sessions-unique_users count=%s OK - %s total unique OMERO (non system, public or monitoring) user(s) connected at %s, output: %s' % (exit, count_of_users, count_of_users,'%c'), text)
print '%s omero-user-sessions-unique_users count=0 CRITICAL - Problem with the omero user sessions command, investigate script in /usr/share/check-mk-agent/local on host %s ' % (exit, socket.gethostname())
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