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Kenneth John kennethjohnbalgos

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"created" => 1326853478,
"livemode" => false,
"id" => "evt_00000000000000",
"type" => "charge.dispute.created",
"object" => "event",
"request" => nil,
"pending_webhooks" => 1,
"api_version" => "2015-10-16",
"data" =>
~/Rails/rsportz-app (develop ✔) ᐅ be rake test:spec TESTOPTS="-v"
Run options: -v --seed 20732
# Running tests:
* An organization (@child_organization) with parent organization (@parent_organization)
* (@child_organization) does not inherits membership options from (@parent_organization)
* (@child_organization) has waiver set
* (@parent_organization) has waiver set
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deploy 5341 0.0 0.0 4404 104 ? Ss 13:20 0:00 /bin/sh -c /bin/bash -l -c 'cd /mnt/www/lms-bgjobs-stage/releases/20151130022839 && RAILS_ENV=staging bundle exec rake rss:add_random_image_to_blogs --silent >> /log/cron-staging.log 2>&1'
deploy 5347 0.0 0.0 15096 2860 ? S 13:20 0:00 /bin/bash -l -c cd /mnt/www/lms-bgjobs-stage/releases/20151130022839 && RAILS_ENV=staging bundle exec rake rss:add_random_image_to_blogs --silent >> /log/cron-staging.log 2>&1
deploy 6072 4.4 5.4 487824 209264 ? Rl 13:20 1:14 ruby /mnt/www/lms-bgjobs-stage/shared/bundle/ruby/2.1.0/bin/rake rss:add_random_image_to_blogs --silent
deploy 6348 0.0 0.0 4404 100 ? Ss 13:25 0:00 /bin/sh -c /bin/bash -l -c 'cd /mnt/www/lms-bgjobs-stage/releases/20151130022839 && RAILS_ENV=staging bundle exec rake rss:run_update_status --silent >> /log/cron-staging.log 2>&1'
deploy 6349 0.0 0.0 4404 104 ? Ss 13:25 0:00 /bin/sh -c /bin/bash -l -c 'cd /mnt/www/lms-bgjob
#!/System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/Current/usr/bin/ruby -W0
std_trap = trap("INT") { exit! 130 } # no backtrace thanks
if ARGV == %w{--prefix}
puts File.dirname(File.dirname(HOMEBREW_BREW_FILE))
exit 0
"content":"Quantimetrix, a family business since 1974, has been very busy handcrafting world-class, ready-to-use laboratory quality control products such as: urinalysis controls, spinal fluid controls, pediatric bilirubin controls, diabetes controls. We’ve earned a trusted reputation for superior quality and great customer service. Our product portfolio includes: Dipper®, Dropper®, Dropper® Plus, QuanTscopics®, and Dip&Spin®. They are compatible with most major laboratory and POCT analyzers including Siemens, IRIS, Beckman Coulter, Roche and many more. Our Lipoprint® Lipoprotein Subfractions Testing System is the only test that measures LDL & HDL subfraction cholesterol and is used in clinical & research laboratories providing useful information in the risk assessment for atherosclerotic disease.<br/><br/>Every Quantimetrix team member embodies the iQi core values: Integrity, Quality, and Innovation. We maintain the highest standards in our produ
def refresh_trend_data
@begin_date = ( - 3.months).end_of_week(:sunday)
@end_date =
@begin_date = @chart.trend_start_date.end_of_week(:sunday) if @chart.trend_start_date
@end_date = @chart.trend_end_date.end_of_week(:sunday) if @chart.trend_end_date
if @chart.trend_all_movements
@displayed_movements = @movements
kennethjohnbalgos / trend_tracker_process
Created March 25, 2015 08:32
Started POST "/charts/update_trend_movements" for at 2015-03-25 16:28:50 +0800
Processing by ChartsController#update_trend_movements as JS
Parameters: {"utf8"=>"✓", "authenticity_token"=>"Mnv8ruZDOi5a+Yr41lN2Hu2UIroqwkhAaKyv4syu6ho=", "all"=>"false", "movements"=>["7151", "7138", "7013", "7175", "7176", "7177", "7178", "5994", "7868", "5570", "7536", "7537", "7538", "7834", "7395", "6708", "7164", "8261", "8262", "8265", "8266", "8267", "7686", "8259", "8260"], "start_date"=>"2014-11-01", "end_date"=>"2014-11-30", "commit"=>"Update Chart"}
User Load (1.8ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 2200843 LIMIT 1
Person Load (1.6ms) SELECT `people`.* FROM `people` WHERE `people`.`user_id` = 2200843 LIMIT 1
Chart Load (1.6ms) SELECT `charts`.* FROM `charts` WHERE `charts`.`person_id` = 2370365 AND (chart_type = 'trend') LIMIT 1
ChartOrganization Load (15.7ms) SELECT `chart_organizations`.* FROM `chart_organizations` WHERE `chart_organizations`.`chart_id` = 1019