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Created August 5, 2014 16:40
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from random import choice
from moves import Rock, Paper, Scissors
class Game:
def __init__(self, rounds=3):
self.rounds = rounds
self.player = input("What's your name? ")
self.score = [0, 0]
def _convert_move(self, move):
if move == 'r':
return Rock()
elif move == 'p':
return Paper()
elif move == 's':
return Scissors()
def get_choice(self):
move = input("[R]ock, [P]aper, [S]cissors? ").lower()
if move not in list('rps'):
return self.get_choice()
return self._convert_move(move)
def game_round(self):
player_move = self.get_choice()
computer_move = self._convert_move(choice(list('rps')))
if player_move > computer_move:
self.score[0] += 1
print("You won that round, {}!".format(self.player))
elif computer_move > player_move:
self.score[1] += 1
print("You lost that round, {}!".format(self.player))
print("You tied!")
if __name__ == '__main__':
game = Game()
while 3 not in game.score:
if game.score[0] == 3:
print("{} wins!".format(game.player))
print("{} lost!".format(game.player))
print("Final score: {}: {}; Computer: {}".format(game.player, game.score[0], game.score[1]))
class Move:
better_than = None
worse_than = None
def __gt__(self, other):
return other.__class__.__name__ in self.better_than
def __lt__(self, other):
return other.__class__.__name__ in self.worse_than
def __eq__(self, other):
return type(other) == self.__class__
def __ne__(self, other):
return type(other) != self.__class__
class Rock(Move):
better_than = ['Scissors']
worse_than = ['Paper']
class Paper(Move):
better_than = ['Rock']
worse_than = ['Scissors']
class Scissors(Move):
better_than = ['Paper']
worse_than = ['Rock']
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if move[:1] not in list('rps'):

I want to type ROCK.

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