A quick example Harp app that uses the correct title for your blog in the correct place.
The App
|- _harp.json
|- _layout.ejs
|- index.ejs
|+ posts/
|- _data.json
|- there-is-no-spoon.md
|- by-the-way.md
"globals": {
"title": "egeozcan",
"tagline": "My Awesome Harp Based Blog"
"there-is-no-spoon": {
"title": "There Is No Spoon",
"tags": ["intro", "personal"],
"date": "2012-02-07"
"by-the-way": {
"title": "By The Way",
"tags": ["intro", "javascript"],
"date": "2012-02-07"
<title><%= title %> | <%= tagline %></title>
<%- yield %>
<h1><%= title %></h1>
<% for (var slug in public.posts._data) { %>
<% var post = public.posts._data[slug] %>
<a href="posts/<%= slug %>">
<%= post.title %>
<% } %>
So, if I’m at /posts/there-is-no-spoon, there’s a corresponding title in the _data.json
, so my title tag will be <title>There Is No Spoon | My Awesome Harp Based Blog</title>
. There is no _data.json
file in the root directory, so there is no metadata for the index page. This means title
falls back to whatever’s in the harp.json
, if there is anything. So, on the index page, the title is <title>There Is No Spoon | My Awesome Harp Based Blog</title>
You could even take this further. If I wanted to add a different tagline on the By The Way post:
"there-is-no-spoon": {
"title": "There Is No Spoon",
"tags": ["intro", "personal"],
"date": "2012-02-07"
"by-the-way": {
"title": "By The Way",
"tags": ["intro", "javascript"],
"date": "2012-02-07",
"tagline": "This is my Harp post"
Now, one /posts/by-the-way, the title will be <title>By The Way | This is my Harp post</title>