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Created April 5, 2010 07:27
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#!/usr/bin/env php
$nDays = 300; // How many days of backups to keep?
// MySQL variables
$bBackupMySQL = true; // Do you want to backup MySQL databases?
$mysql = '/usr/bin/mysql';
$mysqldump = '/usr/bin/mysqldump';
$mysql_server = '';
$mysql_username = 'xxxx';
$mysql_password = 'xxxx';
// httpdocs variables
$bBackuphttpd = true; // Do you want to backup httpd (web) docs?
$cVhostsDir = '/var/www/vhosts/'; // Include trailing slash
// Used to compress backup data
$tar = '/bin/tar';
// Where you'll be running the script, most likely
$workingDir = '/root/backups/';
// Amazon S3 set-up
$bAMZNS3 = true; // Backup to S3?
if ($bAMZNS3) {
$accessKeyId = 'xxxxxx';
$secretAccessKey = 'xxxxxxx';
$bucketName = 'xxxxxxx';
* Amazon S3 PHP class
* @link
} // ends if ($bAMZNS3)
// FTP set-up
$bFTP = false; // Backup to FTP?
if ($bFTP) {
$ftp_server = '';
$ftp_username = 'ftpuser';
$ftp_password = 'ftppass!';
} // ends if ($bFTP)
| What suffix to add to filenames
| if daily, make it the date
| if you're going to run this hourly, or 2x / day, make it unique
$suffix = date("Ymd");
// Done editing script
$oMysql = mysql_connect($mysql_server, $mysql_username, $mysql_password);
if ($bAMZNS3) {
$s3 = new S3($accessKeyId, $secretAccessKey);
} // ends if ($bAMZNS3)
if ($bFTP) {
$oFTP = ftp_connect($ftp_server);
ftp_login($oFTP, $ftp_username, $ftp_password);
} // ends if ($bFTP)
// Mysql Database Backups
if ($bBackupMySQL) {
// Get a list of the databases
$oDBList = mysql_list_dbs($oMysql);
while ($rsData = mysql_fetch_object($oDBList)) {
$cDatabase = $rsData->Database;
$cSQLFilename = $cDatabase . '_' . $suffix . '.sql';
$cTarGZFilename = $cSQLFilename . '.tar.gz';
// Dump them
$cliResult = `$mysqldump -u$mysql_username -p$mysql_password $cDatabase > $cSQLFilename`;
// Tar them up
$cliResult = `$tar -cpzf $cTarGZFilename $cSQLFilename`;
if ($bAMZNS3) {
// Send to Amazon
$s3->putObjectFile($cTarGZFilename, $bucketName, $cTarGZFilename, S3::ACL_PRIVATE);
} // ends if ($bAMZNS3)
if ($bFTP) {
// FTP to server
ftp_put($oFTP, $cTarGZFilename, $cTarGZFilename, FTP_BINARY);
} // ends if ($bFTP)
echo("Saved $cTarGZFilename\n");
// Cleanup
} // ends while ($rsData = mysql_fetch_object($oDBList))
} // ends if ($bBackupMySQL)
// Ends MySQL Backups
// Mysql httpdocs Backups
if ($bBackuphttpd) {
// Get a list of the sites
if ($oDir = opendir($cVhostsDir)) {
while (false !== ($cFilename = readdir($oDir))) {
if (!in_array($cFilename, array('.', '..', 'chroot', 'default', '.skel'))) {
$cTarGZFilename = $cFilename . '_' . $suffix . '.tar.gz';
$cTarGZPath = $workingDir . $cTarGZFilename;
$cSourceFiles = $cFilename . '/httpdocs/';
// Tar them up
`$tar -cpzf $cTarGZPath $cSourceFiles`;
if ($bAMZNS3) {
// Send to Amazon
$s3->putObjectFile($cTarGZPath, $bucketName, $cTarGZFilename, S3::ACL_PRIVATE);
} // ends if ($bAMZNS3)
if ($bFTP) {
// FTP to server
ftp_put($oFTP, $cTarGZFilename, $cTarGZPath, FTP_BINARY);
} // ends if ($bFTP)
echo("Saved $cTarGZFilename\n");
// Cleanup
} // ends if (!in_array($cFilename, array(...
} // ends while (false !== ($cFilename = readdir($oDir)))
} // ends if ($oDir = opendir('/var/www/vhosts/'))
} // ends if ($bBackuphttpd)
// Ends httpdocs backups
echo("Done writing backup - starting cleanup.\n");
// Cleanup old files from the server
if ($bAMZNS3) {
$aS3Files = $s3->getBucket($bucketName);
while (list($cFilename, $rsFileData) = each($aS3Files)) {
if ($rsFileData['time']+($nDays*24*60*60) < time()) {
$s3->deleteObject($bucketName, $cFilename);
} // ends if ($tsModTime+432000 < time(void))
} // ends while (list($cFilename, $rsFileData) = each($s3->getBucket($bucketName)))
} // ends if ($bAMZNS3)
if ($bFTP) {
$list=@ftp_rawlist($oFTP, '.') ;
$items=array() ;
foreach($list as $_)
"owner"=>"$5", "group"=>"$7",
"mod_time"=>"$10 $12 $14:$15",
$_) ; # :p
// Remove anything older than 5 days
foreach ($items as $rsFTPFile) {
$cFilename = trim($rsFTPFile['file']);
$tsModTime = strtotime($rsFTPFile['mod_time']);
if ($tsModTime+($nDays*24*60*60) < time()) {
ftp_delete($oFTP, $cFilename);
} // ends if ($tsModTime+432000 < time(void))
} // ends foreach ($items as $rsFTPFile)
} // ends if ($bFTP)
// Ends cleanup
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