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Created November 21, 2023 00:04
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# The Seven Rays concept from the esoteric teachings of Alice A. Bailey can be described using Python code
# in a metaphorical way. The code will outline each Ray and its associated qualities.
# Define the Seven Rays as a dictionary
seven_rays = {
"1st Ray": {
"Name": "Ray of Will or Power",
"Qualities": ["Power", "Will", "Purpose", "Leadership"],
"Color": "Red"
"2nd Ray": {
"Name": "Ray of Love-Wisdom",
"Qualities": ["Love", "Wisdom", "Understanding", "Inclusivity"],
"Color": "Blue"
"3rd Ray": {
"Name": "Ray of Active Intelligence",
"Qualities": ["Intelligence", "Creativity", "Adaptability", "Mental Agility"],
"Color": "Yellow"
"4th Ray": {
"Name": "Ray of Harmony through Conflict",
"Qualities": ["Harmony", "Beauty", "Artistry", "Balance"],
"Color": "Green"
"5th Ray": {
"Name": "Ray of Concrete Knowledge or Science",
"Qualities": ["Knowledge", "Science", "Detail-Oriented", "Analytical"],
"Color": "Orange"
"6th Ray": {
"Name": "Ray of Devotion or Abstract Idealism",
"Qualities": ["Devotion", "Loyalty", "Idealism", "Faith"],
"Color": "Indigo"
"7th Ray": {
"Name": "Ray of Ceremonial Order or Magic",
"Qualities": ["Order", "Ritual", "Magic", "Organizational Skills"],
"Color": "Violet"
# Display the information about each Ray
for ray, details in seven_rays.items():
print(f"{ray}: {details['Name']}")
print(f"Qualities: {', '.join(details['Qualities'])}")
print(f"Color: {details['Color']}\n")
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