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Created November 23, 2010 11:36
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A gawk script for tailing Rails 2.3.x logfiles to show more condensed output
#!/usr/bin/env gawk
# rails_log_tailer.gawk
# usage: tail -f log/production.log | gawk -f rails_log_tailer.gawk
# This gives you a nice condensed 1 line output from the Rails logfile
BEGIN { RS = "" }
/^Processing/ {
match($0, /Processing ([a-zA-Z#]+)/, processing)
match($0, /Completed in ([0-9]+)ms \((View: [0-9]+, )?DB: ([0-9]+)\) \| ([0-9]+) [a-zA-Z]+ \[(.*)\]/, completed)
match(completed[2], /View: ([0-9]+)/, view)
printf "%3s %4sms %-30s %4sms %4sms %s\n", completed[4], completed[1], processing[1], view[1], completed[3], completed[5], completed[6]
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