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Last active April 16, 2017 19:27
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# Find the first instance of text like "[something]" on each line in a visual selection and replace each line with "something"
# Replace `div` tags with `p` tags
# On Mac OS X, the default Vim when run from Terminal can't access the clipboard ("pasteboard"). This command will run the `pbcopy` program to copy the current visual selection:
w !pbcopy
# Generate a 32 character password by calling `pwgen`:
r !pwgen -s -y 32
# Copied from an old *.vimrc* of mine:
imap <F3> <C-R>=strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")<CR>
# Source my *.vimrc*:
source $MYVIMRC
# Yank the file name of the current buffer into the "unnamed register", i.e. just use <kbd>p</kbd>
# From [this StackOverflow answer](
:let @" = expand("%")
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