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Created November 23, 2017 02:25
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Simple C++ Mudd


g++ main.cpp chmod +x a.out ./a.out

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;
// function declarations
void newGame();
void initPlayer();
void printPlayer();
void initArea();
void generateRandomEnemies();
void printArea();
void printMenu();
void getPlayerInput();
bool isAlive();
int isEnemy();
void fight(struct Enemy& enemy);
void gameOver();
int dice(int sides);
// common structures
struct Location {
int x; // the x position in the area
int y; // the y position in the area
struct Weapon {
string name; // name of weapon
int damage; // max damage
int crit; // critical hit range (1 to 20)
struct Armor {
string name; // name of armor
int defence; // defense modifier
struct Shield {
string name; // name of armor
int defence; // defense modifier
struct Player {
string name;// name of player
int job; // job (class) of the player
int hp; // current hp
int hpm; // hp max
int str; // strength
int dex; // dexterity
int con; // constitution
int iq; // intelligence
int wis; // widsom
int cha; // charisma
int bab; // base attack bonus
int fort; // fortitude
int reflex; // reflex
int will; // will
int ac; // armor class
int level; // level
int xp; // current xp
int gold; // amount of gold
struct Weapon weapon;
struct Armor armor;
struct Shield shield;
struct Location location;
struct Enemy {
string name;// enemy name
int hp; // current hp
int str; // strength
int ac; // armor class
int gold; // amount of gold enemy is carrying
struct Location location;
// create a simple area default 30x30
int AREA_WIDTH = 20;
int AREA_HEIGHT = 12;
int** area; // 2 dimensional array for the area
const int AREA_WALKABLE = 0;
const int AREA_WALL = 1;
// default player structure
Player player;
// default array of enemies (for now lets assume 10 enemies per area)
Enemy* enemies;
const int ENEMIES_MAX_NUM = 100;
// main function
int main() {
srand(time(0)); // generate new random seed (for use with rand() in the dice() function)
while(isAlive()) {
int enemyIndex = isEnemy();
if(enemyIndex> -1) {
return 0;
// function definitions
bool isAlive() {
if(player.hp > 0) {
return true;
return false;
void gameOver() {
cout << "Thou Art Dead" << endl;
void newGame() {
void initArea() {
area = new int*[AREA_WIDTH];
for(int x = 0; x < AREA_WIDTH; ++x) {
area[x] = new int[AREA_HEIGHT];
for(int y = 0; y < AREA_HEIGHT; ++y) { // initialize the values, this is optional, but recommended
if(dice(4) >= 2) {
area[x][y] = AREA_WALKABLE;
} else {
area[x][y] = AREA_WALL;
void generateRandomEnemies() {
enemies = new Enemy[ENEMIES_MAX_NUM];
for(int i = 0; i < ENEMIES_MAX_NUM; i++) {
enemies[i].name = "slime";
enemies[i].hp = 4;
enemies[i].str = 2;
enemies[i].ac = 8;
enemies[i].gold = dice(5);
enemies[i].location.x = dice(AREA_WIDTH) - 1;
enemies[i].location.y = dice(AREA_HEIGHT) - 1;
void initPlayer() { = "Kenny";
player.hp = 20;
player.hpm = 20;
player.str = 10;
player.dex = 10;
player.con = 10; = 10;
player.wis = 10;
player.cha = 10;
player.bab = 0;
player.fort = 2;
player.reflex = 2;
player.will = 2; = 10;
player.level = 1;
player.xp = 0; = 200; = "Wood Sword";
player.weapon.damage = 4;
player.weapon.crit = 19; = "Leather";
player.armor.defence = 1; = "Wood";
player.shield.defence = 1;
player.location.x = 5;
player.location.y = 5;
void printPlayer() {
cout << << endl;
cout << "HP " << player.hp << "/" << player.hpm << endl;
cout << "XP " << player.xp << "\t Lvl " << player.level << endl;
cout << "STR " << player.str << "\t INT " << << endl;
cout << "DEX " << player.dex << "\t WIS " << player.wis << endl;
cout << "CON " << player.con << "\t CHA " << player.cha << endl;
cout << "BAB +" << player.bab << "\tAC " << << endl;
cout << "FORT +" << player.fort << "\tREFLEX +" << player.reflex << "\tWILL +" << player.will << endl;
cout << "GOLD " << << endl;
cout << "WEAPON " << << ": 1D" << player.weapon.damage << " crit (" << player.weapon.crit << "-20) x2" << endl;
cout << "ARMOR " << << ": +" << player.armor.defence << endl;
cout << "SHIELD " << << ": +" << player.shield.defence << endl;
void printArea() {
for(int y = 0; y < AREA_HEIGHT; ++y) {
for(int x = 0; x < AREA_WIDTH; ++x) {
if(player.location.x == x && player.location.y == y) {
cout << "@";
} else {
if(area[x][y] == AREA_WALKABLE) {
cout << " ";
} else if(area[x][y] == AREA_WALL) {
cout << "#";
cout << endl;
void printMenu() {
cout << "Commands" << endl;
cout << "L - move left\tR - move right" << endl;
cout << "U - move up\tD - move down" << endl;
cout << "S - print stats\tX - exit game" << endl;
cout << ">";
void getPlayerInput() {
char input;
cin >> input;
cout << endl; // go to the next line
if(input == 'U' || input == 'u') { // move up
if(player.location.y - 1 >= 0
&& area[player.location.x][player.location.y - 1] != AREA_WALL) {
} else {
cout << "Can not move there!" << endl;
} else if(input == 'D' || input == 'd') { // move down
if(player.location.y + 1 < AREA_HEIGHT
&& area[player.location.x][player.location.y + 1] != AREA_WALL) {
} else {
cout << "Can not move there!" << endl;
} else if(input == 'L' || input == 'l') { // move left
if(player.location.x - 1 >= 0
&& area[player.location.x - 1][player.location.y] != AREA_WALL) {
} else {
cout << "Can not move there!" << endl;
} else if(input == 'R' || input == 'r') { // move right
if(player.location.x + 1 < AREA_WIDTH
&& area[player.location.x + 1][player.location.y] != AREA_WALL) {
} else {
cout << "Can not move there!" << endl;
} else if(input == 'X' || input == 'x') {
} else if(input == 'S' || input == 's') {
int isEnemy() {
for(int i = 0; i < ENEMIES_MAX_NUM; i++) {
if(enemies[i].location.x == player.location.x &&
enemies[i].location.y == player.location.y) {
return i; // the index of the enemy array
return -1; // no enemy
void fight(struct Enemy& enemy) {
cout << "You just got in a fight with " << << " and won!" << endl;
// write fight algorithm
player.xp += dice(4); +=;
// delete the dead enemy
int dice(int sides) {
int value = rand()%sides+1;
return value;
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