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Created January 19, 2021 14:51
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import cdk = require('@aws-cdk/core');
import iot = require('@aws-cdk/aws-iot');
import lambda = require('@aws-cdk/aws-lambda');
import greengrass = require('@aws-cdk/aws-greengrass');
import * as awssdk from 'aws-sdk';
interface GreengrassRaspberryPiStackProps extends cdk.StackProps {
greengrassLambdaAlias: lambda.Alias
export class GreengrassRaspberryPiStack extends cdk.Stack {
constructor(scope: cdk.Construct, id: string, props: GreengrassRaspberryPiStackProps) {
super(scope, id, props);
let context = this;
let iot = new awssdk.Iot();
// create a first certificate for GG
iot.createKeysAndCertificate({setAsActive: true}, function(err, data) {
if (err) {
console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
else {
console.log("Greengrass Certificate ID: \n", data.certificateId); // successful response
console.log("Greengrass Certificate: \n", data.certificatePem); // successful response
console.log("Greengrass Public key: \n", data.keyPair?.PublicKey); // successful response
console.log("Greengrass Private key: \n", data.keyPair?.PrivateKey); // successful response
if (data.certificateArn) {
let GreenGrassCertificateArn = data.certificateArn;
// create a second certificate for the sensor thing
iot.createKeysAndCertificate({setAsActive: true}, function(err, data) {
if (err) {
console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
else {
console.log("Sensor Device Certificate ID: \n", data.certificateId); // successful response
console.log("Sensor Device Certificate: \n", data.certificatePem); // successful response
console.log("Sensor Device Public key: \n", data.keyPair?.PublicKey); // successful response
console.log("Sensor Device Private key: \n", data.keyPair?.PrivateKey); // successful response
if (data.certificateArn) {
let ThingCertificateArn = data.certificateArn;
context.deployGreengrass(GreenGrassCertificateArn, ThingCertificateArn, props.greengrassLambdaAlias.functionArn);
deployGreengrass(certArn: string, certSensorsArn: string, functionArn: string) {
// const certArn: string = 'fill the certificate arn'
const region: string = cdk.Stack.of(this).region;
const accountId: string = cdk.Stack.of(this).account;
// AWS IoT Thing for Core
const iotThing = new iot.CfnThing(this, 'ThingCore', {
thingName: 'Raspberry_Pi_Thing'
// AWS IoT Thing for sensors
const iotThingSensors = new iot.CfnThing(this, 'ThingSensors', {
thingName: 'Sensors_Pi_Thing'
if (iotThing.thingName !== undefined && iotThingSensors.thingName !== undefined) {
const thingArn = `arn:aws:iot:${region}:${accountId}:thing/${iotThing.thingName}`;
const thingSensorsArn = `arn:aws:iot:${region}:${accountId}:thing/${iotThingSensors.thingName}`;
const iotPolicy = new iot.CfnPolicy(this, 'Policy', {
policyName: 'IoT_Blueprint_Policy',
policyDocument: {
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
if (iotPolicy.policyName !== undefined) {
const policyGreenGrassPrincipalAttachment = new iot.CfnPolicyPrincipalAttachment(this, 'policyGreenGrassPrincipalAttachment', {
policyName: iotPolicy.policyName,
principal: certArn
const policySensorPrincipalAttachment = new iot.CfnPolicyPrincipalAttachment(this, 'policySensorPrincipalAttachment', {
policyName: iotPolicy.policyName,
principal: certSensorsArn
const thingPrincipalAttachment = new iot.CfnThingPrincipalAttachment(this, 'ThingPrincipalAttachment', {
thingName: iotThing.thingName,
principal: certArn
const thingSensorsPrincipalAttachment = new iot.CfnThingPrincipalAttachment(this, 'ThingSensorsPrincipalAttachment', {
thingName: iotThingSensors.thingName,
principal: certSensorsArn
// Greengrass Core
const coreDefinition = new greengrass.CfnCoreDefinition(this, 'CoreDefinition', {
name: 'Raspberry_Pi_Core',
initialVersion: {
cores: [
certificateArn: certArn,
id: '1',
thingArn: thingArn
// Sensors device
const deviceDefinition = new greengrass.CfnDeviceDefinition(this, 'SensorsDeviceDefinition', {
name: 'Sensors_Pi_Device',
initialVersion: {
devices: [
thingArn: thingSensorsArn,
certificateArn: certSensorsArn,
id: '1',
syncShadow: false
// /dev/gpiomem resource
const resourceDefinition = new greengrass.CfnResourceDefinition(this, 'ResourceDefinition', {
name: 'Raspberry_Pi_Resource',
initialVersion: {
resources: [
id: 'gpio-resource-id',
name: 'gpio-resource',
resourceDataContainer: {
localDeviceResourceData: {
sourcePath: '/dev/gpiomem',
groupOwnerSetting: {
autoAddGroupOwner: true
// Gpio connector definition
const gpioConnectorDefintion = new greengrass.CfnConnectorDefinition(this, 'gpioConnectorDefintion', {
name: 'Raspberry_Pi_Connector',
initialVersion: {
connectors: [
id: 'gpio-connector',
connectorArn: `arn:aws:greengrass:${region}::/connectors/RaspberryPiGPIO/versions/3`,
parameters: {
"GpioMem-ResourceId": "gpio-resource-id",
"InputGpios": "6D",
"InputPollPeriod": "50",
"OutputGpios": "8H"
// Greengrass Lambda with resource access policy
const functionDefinition = new greengrass.CfnFunctionDefinition(this, 'FunctionDefinition', {
name: 'Raspberry_Pi_Function',
initialVersion: {
functions: [
id: '1',
functionArn: functionArn,
functionConfiguration: {
encodingType: 'binary',
memorySize: 65536,
pinned: true,
timeout: 3,
environment: {
resourceAccessPolicies: [
resourceId: 'gpio-resource-id',
permission: 'rw'
const GPIOSubscriptionToIoTCloudDefinition = new greengrass.CfnSubscriptionDefinition(this, 'GPIOSubscriptionToIoTCloudDefinition', {
name: 'gpio-sub-to-cloud',
initialVersion: {
subscriptions: [
id: '1',
source: `arn:aws:greengrass:${region}::/connectors/RaspberryPiGPIO/versions/3`,
subject: 'gpio/'+ iotThing.thingName + '/6/state', // 6 is the GPIO port defined in our connector
target: 'cloud',
id: '2',
source: 'cloud',
subject: 'gpio/'+ iotThing.thingName + '/6/read', // 6 is the GPIO port defined in our connector
target: `arn:aws:greengrass:${region}::/connectors/RaspberryPiGPIO/versions/3`
id: '3',
source: functionArn,
subject: 'gpio/'+ iotThing.thingName + '/6/read', // 6 is the GPIO port defined in our connector
target: `arn:aws:greengrass:${region}::/connectors/RaspberryPiGPIO/versions/3`,
id: '4',
source: thingSensorsArn,
subject: 'sensors/stm32_board_1/data',
target: 'cloud',
}, ]
// Greengrass
const group = new greengrass.CfnGroup(this, 'Group', {
name: 'Raspberry_Pi',
initialVersion: {
coreDefinitionVersionArn: coreDefinition.attrLatestVersionArn,
resourceDefinitionVersionArn: resourceDefinition.attrLatestVersionArn,
functionDefinitionVersionArn: functionDefinition.attrLatestVersionArn,
deviceDefinitionVersionArn: deviceDefinition.attrLatestVersionArn,
connectorDefinitionVersionArn: gpioConnectorDefintion.attrLatestVersionArn,
subscriptionDefinitionVersionArn: GPIOSubscriptionToIoTCloudDefinition.attrLatestVersionArn
// Definition
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