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Created November 5, 2016 01:37
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clojure.spec.test integration with clojure.test
(defmacro defspec-test
([name sym-or-syms] `(defspec-test ~name ~sym-or-syms nil))
([name sym-or-syms opts]
(when t/*load-tests*
`(def ~(vary-meta name assoc :test `(fn []
(let [check-results# (clojure.spec.test/check ~sym-or-syms ~opts)
checks-passed?# (every? nil? (map :failure check-results#))]
(if checks-passed?#
(t/do-report {:type :pass
:message (str "Generative tests pass for "
(str/join ", " (map :sym check-results#)))})
(doseq [failed-check# (filter :failure check-results#)
:let [r# (clojure.spec.test/abbrev-result failed-check#)
failure# (:failure r#)]]
{:type :fail
:message (with-out-str (clojure.spec/explain-out failure#))
:expected (->> r# :spec rest (apply hash-map) :ret)
:actual (if (instance? Throwable failure#)
(:clojure.spec.test/val failure#))})))
(fn [] (t/test-var (var ~name)))))))
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This is fabulous and really should be in a library

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Guess what, it's about to be lambdaisland/kaocha#95

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