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Created December 11, 2018 23:13
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apt-get -y update
apt-get -y install ruby wget openjdk-8-jdk
cd /home/ubuntu
chmod +x ./install
./install auto
let ec2LaunchTemplate = new aws.ec2.LaunchTemplate("fib-ec2-launch-template", {
// Ubuntu Server 18.04 LTS
imageId: "ami-0bbe6b35405ecebdb",
instanceType: "t2.small",
vpcSecurityGroupIds: [],
monitoring: {
enabled: true
keyName: "kenny_test",
iamInstanceProfile: {
arn: ec2InstanceProfile.arn
userData: base64Encode(fs.readFileSync("ec2_codedeploy_userdata.txt", {encoding: "utf8"})),
blockDeviceMappings: [{
deviceName: "/dev/sda1",
ebs: {
volumeSize: 8,
volumeType: "gp2",
deleteOnTermination: "true"
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