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Kenny Kerr kennykerr

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using namespace winrt;
using namespace Windows::Foundation;
struct Base: implements<Base, composable, IStringable>
static IInspectable CreateInstance(IInspectable const& base, IInspectable& inner)
return impl::composable_factory<Base>::CreateInstance<IInspectable>(base, inner);
D:\git\scratch10>type src\
use windows_sys::{core::*, Win32::System::LibraryLoader::*};
fn main() {
unsafe {
let module = LoadLibraryExW(
use windows_core::*;
unsafe trait IDebug: IUnknown {
fn debug_carrot(&self, carrot: Ref<ICarrot>) -> Result<()>;
fn debug_pear(&self, pear: Ref<IPear>) -> Result<()>;
unsafe trait ICarrot: IUnknown {
use windows::{core::*, Win32::Storage::FileSystem::*};
fn search_path(filename: &str) -> Result<String> {
let filename = &HSTRING::from(filename);
let len = unsafe { SearchPathW(None, filename, None, None, None) };
if len == 0 {
return Err(Error::from_win32());
use windows::core::*;
use windows::Win32::System::Com::*;
use windows::Win32::UI::Accessibility::*;
use windows::Win32::UI::WindowsAndMessaging::*;
fn main() -> Result<()> {
unsafe {
let mut acc: Option<IAccessible> = None;
version = "0.52"
features = [
kennykerr / Cargo.toml
Last active November 14, 2023 15:51
version = "0.51"
features = ["Win32_Foundation", "Win32_System_SystemInformation", "Wdk_System_SystemServices"]
#include "pch.h"
using namespace winrt;
using namespace Windows::Foundation;
IAsyncAction Sample()
throw winrt::hresult_invalid_argument(L"yolo");
use windows::{core::*, Win32::Foundation::*};
unsafe trait ICompositor: IUnknown {
unsafe fn CreateVisual(&self, value: u32, visual: *mut Option<IVisual>) -> HRESULT;
unsafe fn RenderVisual(&self, visual: std::mem::ManuallyDrop<Option<IVisual>>) -> HRESULT;
version = "0.51"
features = [