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Last active October 23, 2023 17:27
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3D Boids Simulation
* @author mrdoob /
THREE.SpriteCanvasMaterial = function ( parameters ) { this );
this.type = 'SpriteCanvasMaterial';
this.color = new THREE.Color( 0xffffff );
this.program = function ( context, color ) {};
this.setValues( parameters );
THREE.SpriteCanvasMaterial.prototype = Object.create( THREE.Material.prototype );
THREE.SpriteCanvasMaterial.prototype.constructor = THREE.SpriteCanvasMaterial;
THREE.SpriteCanvasMaterial.prototype.clone = function () {
var material = new THREE.SpriteCanvasMaterial(); this, material );
material.color.copy( this.color );
material.program = this.program;
return material;
THREE.CanvasRenderer = function ( parameters ) {
console.log( 'THREE.CanvasRenderer', THREE.REVISION );
var smoothstep = THREE.Math.smoothstep;
parameters = parameters || {};
var _this = this,
_renderData, _elements, _lights,
_projector = new THREE.Projector(),
_canvas = parameters.canvas !== undefined
? parameters.canvas
: document.createElement( 'canvas' ),
_canvasWidth = _canvas.width,
_canvasHeight = _canvas.height,
_canvasWidthHalf = Math.floor( _canvasWidth / 2 ),
_canvasHeightHalf = Math.floor( _canvasHeight / 2 ),
_viewportX = 0,
_viewportY = 0,
_viewportWidth = _canvasWidth,
_viewportHeight = _canvasHeight,
pixelRatio = 1,
_context = _canvas.getContext( '2d', {
alpha: parameters.alpha === true
} ),
_clearColor = new THREE.Color( 0x000000 ),
_clearAlpha = parameters.alpha === true ? 0 : 1,
_contextGlobalAlpha = 1,
_contextGlobalCompositeOperation = 0,
_contextStrokeStyle = null,
_contextFillStyle = null,
_contextLineWidth = null,
_contextLineCap = null,
_contextLineJoin = null,
_contextLineDash = [],
_v1, _v2, _v3, _v4,
_v5 = new THREE.RenderableVertex(),
_v6 = new THREE.RenderableVertex(),
_v1x, _v1y, _v2x, _v2y, _v3x, _v3y,
_v4x, _v4y, _v5x, _v5y, _v6x, _v6y,
_color = new THREE.Color(),
_color1 = new THREE.Color(),
_color2 = new THREE.Color(),
_color3 = new THREE.Color(),
_color4 = new THREE.Color(),
_diffuseColor = new THREE.Color(),
_emissiveColor = new THREE.Color(),
_lightColor = new THREE.Color(),
_patterns = {},
_image, _uvs,
_uv1x, _uv1y, _uv2x, _uv2y, _uv3x, _uv3y,
_clipBox = new THREE.Box2(),
_clearBox = new THREE.Box2(),
_elemBox = new THREE.Box2(),
_ambientLight = new THREE.Color(),
_directionalLights = new THREE.Color(),
_pointLights = new THREE.Color(),
_vector3 = new THREE.Vector3(), // Needed for PointLight
_centroid = new THREE.Vector3(),
_normal = new THREE.Vector3(),
_normalViewMatrix = new THREE.Matrix3();
// dash+gap fallbacks for Firefox and everything else
if ( _context.setLineDash === undefined ) {
_context.setLineDash = function () {}
this.domElement = _canvas;
this.autoClear = true;
this.sortObjects = true;
this.sortElements = true; = {
render: {
vertices: 0,
faces: 0
// WebGLRenderer compatibility
this.supportsVertexTextures = function () {};
this.setFaceCulling = function () {};
this.getPixelRatio = function () {
return pixelRatio;
this.setPixelRatio = function ( value ) {
pixelRatio = value;
this.setSize = function ( width, height, updateStyle ) {
_canvasWidth = width * pixelRatio;
_canvasHeight = height * pixelRatio;
_canvas.width = _canvasWidth;
_canvas.height = _canvasHeight;
_canvasWidthHalf = Math.floor( _canvasWidth / 2 );
_canvasHeightHalf = Math.floor( _canvasHeight / 2 );
if ( updateStyle !== false ) { = width + 'px'; = height + 'px';
_clipBox.min.set( -_canvasWidthHalf, -_canvasHeightHalf ),
_clipBox.max.set( _canvasWidthHalf, _canvasHeightHalf );
_clearBox.min.set( - _canvasWidthHalf, - _canvasHeightHalf );
_clearBox.max.set( _canvasWidthHalf, _canvasHeightHalf );
_contextGlobalAlpha = 1;
_contextGlobalCompositeOperation = 0;
_contextStrokeStyle = null;
_contextFillStyle = null;
_contextLineWidth = null;
_contextLineCap = null;
_contextLineJoin = null;
this.setViewport( 0, 0, width, height );
this.setViewport = function ( x, y, width, height ) {
_viewportX = x * pixelRatio;
_viewportY = y * pixelRatio;
_viewportWidth = width * pixelRatio;
_viewportHeight = height * pixelRatio;
this.setScissor = function () {};
this.enableScissorTest = function () {};
this.setClearColor = function ( color, alpha ) {
_clearColor.set( color );
_clearAlpha = alpha !== undefined ? alpha : 1;
_clearBox.min.set( - _canvasWidthHalf, - _canvasHeightHalf );
_clearBox.max.set( _canvasWidthHalf, _canvasHeightHalf );
this.setClearColorHex = function ( hex, alpha ) {
console.warn( 'THREE.CanvasRenderer: .setClearColorHex() is being removed. Use .setClearColor() instead.' );
this.setClearColor( hex, alpha );
this.getClearColor = function () {
return _clearColor;
this.getClearAlpha = function () {
return _clearAlpha;
this.getMaxAnisotropy = function () {
return 0;
this.clear = function () {
if ( _clearBox.empty() === false ) {
_clearBox.intersect( _clipBox );
_clearBox.expandByScalar( 2 );
_clearBox.min.x = _clearBox.min.x + _canvasWidthHalf;
_clearBox.min.y = - _clearBox.min.y + _canvasHeightHalf; // higher y value !
_clearBox.max.x = _clearBox.max.x + _canvasWidthHalf;
_clearBox.max.y = - _clearBox.max.y + _canvasHeightHalf; // lower y value !
if ( _clearAlpha < 1 ) {
_clearBox.min.x | 0,
_clearBox.max.y | 0,
( _clearBox.max.x - _clearBox.min.x ) | 0,
( _clearBox.min.y - _clearBox.max.y ) | 0
if ( _clearAlpha > 0 ) {
setBlending( THREE.NormalBlending );
setOpacity( 1 );
setFillStyle( 'rgba(' + Math.floor( _clearColor.r * 255 ) + ',' + Math.floor( _clearColor.g * 255 ) + ',' + Math.floor( _clearColor.b * 255 ) + ',' + _clearAlpha + ')' );
_clearBox.min.x | 0,
_clearBox.max.y | 0,
( _clearBox.max.x - _clearBox.min.x ) | 0,
( _clearBox.min.y - _clearBox.max.y ) | 0
// compatibility
this.clearColor = function () {};
this.clearDepth = function () {};
this.clearStencil = function () {};
this.render = function ( scene, camera ) {
if ( camera instanceof THREE.Camera === false ) {
console.error( 'THREE.CanvasRenderer.render: camera is not an instance of THREE.Camera.' );
if ( this.autoClear === true ) this.clear(); = 0; = 0;
_context.setTransform( _viewportWidth / _canvasWidth, 0, 0, - _viewportHeight / _canvasHeight, _viewportX, _canvasHeight - _viewportY );
_context.translate( _canvasWidthHalf, _canvasHeightHalf );
_renderData = _projector.projectScene( scene, camera, this.sortObjects, this.sortElements );
_elements = _renderData.elements;
_lights = _renderData.lights;
_camera = camera;
_normalViewMatrix.getNormalMatrix( camera.matrixWorldInverse );
setFillStyle( 'rgba( 0, 255, 255, 0.5 )' );
_context.fillRect( _clipBox.min.x, _clipBox.min.y, _clipBox.max.x - _clipBox.min.x, _clipBox.max.y - _clipBox.min.y );
for ( var e = 0, el = _elements.length; e < el; e ++ ) {
var element = _elements[ e ];
var material = element.material;
if ( material === undefined || material.opacity === 0 ) continue;
if ( element instanceof THREE.RenderableSprite ) {
_v1 = element;
_v1.x *= _canvasWidthHalf; _v1.y *= _canvasHeightHalf;
renderSprite( _v1, element, material );
} else if ( element instanceof THREE.RenderableLine ) {
_v1 = element.v1; _v2 = element.v2;
_v1.positionScreen.x *= _canvasWidthHalf; _v1.positionScreen.y *= _canvasHeightHalf;
_v2.positionScreen.x *= _canvasWidthHalf; _v2.positionScreen.y *= _canvasHeightHalf;
_elemBox.setFromPoints( [
] );
if ( _clipBox.isIntersectionBox( _elemBox ) === true ) {
renderLine( _v1, _v2, element, material );
} else if ( element instanceof THREE.RenderableFace ) {
_v1 = element.v1; _v2 = element.v2; _v3 = element.v3;
if ( _v1.positionScreen.z < - 1 || _v1.positionScreen.z > 1 ) continue;
if ( _v2.positionScreen.z < - 1 || _v2.positionScreen.z > 1 ) continue;
if ( _v3.positionScreen.z < - 1 || _v3.positionScreen.z > 1 ) continue;
_v1.positionScreen.x *= _canvasWidthHalf; _v1.positionScreen.y *= _canvasHeightHalf;
_v2.positionScreen.x *= _canvasWidthHalf; _v2.positionScreen.y *= _canvasHeightHalf;
_v3.positionScreen.x *= _canvasWidthHalf; _v3.positionScreen.y *= _canvasHeightHalf;
if ( material.overdraw > 0 ) {
expand( _v1.positionScreen, _v2.positionScreen, material.overdraw );
expand( _v2.positionScreen, _v3.positionScreen, material.overdraw );
expand( _v3.positionScreen, _v1.positionScreen, material.overdraw );
_elemBox.setFromPoints( [
] );
if ( _clipBox.isIntersectionBox( _elemBox ) === true ) {
renderFace3( _v1, _v2, _v3, 0, 1, 2, element, material );
setLineWidth( 1 );
setStrokeStyle( 'rgba( 0, 255, 0, 0.5 )' );
_context.strokeRect( _elemBox.min.x, _elemBox.min.y, _elemBox.max.x - _elemBox.min.x, _elemBox.max.y - _elemBox.min.y );
_clearBox.union( _elemBox );
setLineWidth( 1 );
setStrokeStyle( 'rgba( 255, 0, 0, 0.5 )' );
_context.strokeRect( _clearBox.min.x, _clearBox.min.y, _clearBox.max.x - _clearBox.min.x, _clearBox.max.y - _clearBox.min.y );
_context.setTransform( 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0 );
function calculateLights() {
_ambientLight.setRGB( 0, 0, 0 );
_directionalLights.setRGB( 0, 0, 0 );
_pointLights.setRGB( 0, 0, 0 );
for ( var l = 0, ll = _lights.length; l < ll; l ++ ) {
var light = _lights[ l ];
var lightColor = light.color;
if ( light instanceof THREE.AmbientLight ) {
_ambientLight.add( lightColor );
} else if ( light instanceof THREE.DirectionalLight ) {
// for sprites
_directionalLights.add( lightColor );
} else if ( light instanceof THREE.PointLight ) {
// for sprites
_pointLights.add( lightColor );
function calculateLight( position, normal, color ) {
for ( var l = 0, ll = _lights.length; l < ll; l ++ ) {
var light = _lights[ l ];
_lightColor.copy( light.color );
if ( light instanceof THREE.DirectionalLight ) {
var lightPosition = _vector3.setFromMatrixPosition( light.matrixWorld ).normalize();
var amount = lightPosition );
if ( amount <= 0 ) continue;
amount *= light.intensity;
color.add( _lightColor.multiplyScalar( amount ) );
} else if ( light instanceof THREE.PointLight ) {
var lightPosition = _vector3.setFromMatrixPosition( light.matrixWorld );
var amount = _vector3.subVectors( lightPosition, position ).normalize() );
if ( amount <= 0 ) continue;
amount *= light.distance == 0 ? 1 : 1 - Math.min( position.distanceTo( lightPosition ) / light.distance, 1 );
if ( amount == 0 ) continue;
amount *= light.intensity;
color.add( _lightColor.multiplyScalar( amount ) );
function renderSprite( v1, element, material ) {
setOpacity( material.opacity );
setBlending( material.blending );
var scaleX = element.scale.x * _canvasWidthHalf;
var scaleY = element.scale.y * _canvasHeightHalf;
var dist = 0.5 * Math.sqrt( scaleX * scaleX + scaleY * scaleY ); // allow for rotated sprite
_elemBox.min.set( v1.x - dist, v1.y - dist );
_elemBox.max.set( v1.x + dist, v1.y + dist );
if ( material instanceof THREE.SpriteMaterial ) {
var texture =;
if ( texture !== null && texture.image !== undefined ) {
if ( texture.hasEventListener( 'update', onTextureUpdate ) === false ) {
if ( texture.image.width > 0 ) {
textureToPattern( texture );
texture.addEventListener( 'update', onTextureUpdate );
var pattern = _patterns[ ];
if ( pattern !== undefined ) {
setFillStyle( pattern );
} else {
setFillStyle( 'rgba( 0, 0, 0, 1 )' );
var bitmap = texture.image;
var ox = bitmap.width * texture.offset.x;
var oy = bitmap.height * texture.offset.y;
var sx = bitmap.width * texture.repeat.x;
var sy = bitmap.height * texture.repeat.y;
var cx = scaleX / sx;
var cy = scaleY / sy;;
_context.translate( v1.x, v1.y );
if ( material.rotation !== 0 ) _context.rotate( material.rotation );
_context.translate( - scaleX / 2, - scaleY / 2 );
_context.scale( cx, cy );
_context.translate( - ox, - oy );
_context.fillRect( ox, oy, sx, sy );
} else {
// no texture
setFillStyle( material.color.getStyle() );;
_context.translate( v1.x, v1.y );
if ( material.rotation !== 0 ) _context.rotate( material.rotation );
_context.scale( scaleX, - scaleY );
_context.fillRect( - 0.5, - 0.5, 1, 1 );
} else if ( material instanceof THREE.SpriteCanvasMaterial ) {
setStrokeStyle( material.color.getStyle() );
setFillStyle( material.color.getStyle() );;
_context.translate( v1.x, v1.y );
if ( material.rotation !== 0 ) _context.rotate( material.rotation );
_context.scale( scaleX, scaleY );
material.program( _context );
setStrokeStyle( 'rgb(255,255,0)' );
_context.moveTo( v1.x - 10, v1.y );
_context.lineTo( v1.x + 10, v1.y );
_context.moveTo( v1.x, v1.y - 10 );
_context.lineTo( v1.x, v1.y + 10 );
function renderLine( v1, v2, element, material ) {
setOpacity( material.opacity );
setBlending( material.blending );
_context.moveTo( v1.positionScreen.x, v1.positionScreen.y );
_context.lineTo( v2.positionScreen.x, v2.positionScreen.y );
if ( material instanceof THREE.LineBasicMaterial ) {
setLineWidth( material.linewidth );
setLineCap( material.linecap );
setLineJoin( material.linejoin );
if ( material.vertexColors !== THREE.VertexColors ) {
setStrokeStyle( material.color.getStyle() );
} else {
var colorStyle1 = element.vertexColors[ 0 ].getStyle();
var colorStyle2 = element.vertexColors[ 1 ].getStyle();
if ( colorStyle1 === colorStyle2 ) {
setStrokeStyle( colorStyle1 );
} else {
try {
var grad = _context.createLinearGradient(
grad.addColorStop( 0, colorStyle1 );
grad.addColorStop( 1, colorStyle2 );
} catch ( exception ) {
grad = colorStyle1;
setStrokeStyle( grad );
_elemBox.expandByScalar( material.linewidth * 2 );
} else if ( material instanceof THREE.LineDashedMaterial ) {
setLineWidth( material.linewidth );
setLineCap( material.linecap );
setLineJoin( material.linejoin );
setStrokeStyle( material.color.getStyle() );
setLineDash( [ material.dashSize, material.gapSize ] );
_elemBox.expandByScalar( material.linewidth * 2 );
setLineDash( [] );
function renderFace3( v1, v2, v3, uv1, uv2, uv3, element, material ) { += 3; ++;
setOpacity( material.opacity );
setBlending( material.blending );
_v1x = v1.positionScreen.x; _v1y = v1.positionScreen.y;
_v2x = v2.positionScreen.x; _v2y = v2.positionScreen.y;
_v3x = v3.positionScreen.x; _v3y = v3.positionScreen.y;
drawTriangle( _v1x, _v1y, _v2x, _v2y, _v3x, _v3y );
if ( ( material instanceof THREE.MeshLambertMaterial || material instanceof THREE.MeshPhongMaterial ) && === null ) {
_diffuseColor.copy( material.color );
_emissiveColor.copy( material.emissive );
if ( material.vertexColors === THREE.FaceColors ) {
_diffuseColor.multiply( element.color );
_color.copy( _ambientLight );
_centroid.copy( v1.positionWorld ).add( v2.positionWorld ).add( v3.positionWorld ).divideScalar( 3 );
calculateLight( _centroid, element.normalModel, _color );
_color.multiply( _diffuseColor ).add( _emissiveColor );
material.wireframe === true
? strokePath( _color, material.wireframeLinewidth, material.wireframeLinecap, material.wireframeLinejoin )
: fillPath( _color );
} else if ( material instanceof THREE.MeshBasicMaterial ||
material instanceof THREE.MeshLambertMaterial ||
material instanceof THREE.MeshPhongMaterial ) {
if ( !== null ) {
var mapping =;
if ( mapping === THREE.UVMapping ) {
_uvs = element.uvs;
patternPath( _v1x, _v1y, _v2x, _v2y, _v3x, _v3y, _uvs[ uv1 ].x, _uvs[ uv1 ].y, _uvs[ uv2 ].x, _uvs[ uv2 ].y, _uvs[ uv3 ].x, _uvs[ uv3 ].y, );
} else if ( material.envMap !== null ) {
if ( material.envMap.mapping === THREE.SphericalReflectionMapping ) {
_normal.copy( element.vertexNormalsModel[ uv1 ] ).applyMatrix3( _normalViewMatrix );
_uv1x = 0.5 * _normal.x + 0.5;
_uv1y = 0.5 * _normal.y + 0.5;
_normal.copy( element.vertexNormalsModel[ uv2 ] ).applyMatrix3( _normalViewMatrix );
_uv2x = 0.5 * _normal.x + 0.5;
_uv2y = 0.5 * _normal.y + 0.5;
_normal.copy( element.vertexNormalsModel[ uv3 ] ).applyMatrix3( _normalViewMatrix );
_uv3x = 0.5 * _normal.x + 0.5;
_uv3y = 0.5 * _normal.y + 0.5;
patternPath( _v1x, _v1y, _v2x, _v2y, _v3x, _v3y, _uv1x, _uv1y, _uv2x, _uv2y, _uv3x, _uv3y, material.envMap );
} else {
_color.copy( material.color );
if ( material.vertexColors === THREE.FaceColors ) {
_color.multiply( element.color );
material.wireframe === true
? strokePath( _color, material.wireframeLinewidth, material.wireframeLinecap, material.wireframeLinejoin )
: fillPath( _color );
} else if ( material instanceof THREE.MeshDepthMaterial ) {
_color.r = _color.g = _color.b = 1 - smoothstep( v1.positionScreen.z * v1.positionScreen.w, _camera.near, _camera.far );
material.wireframe === true
? strokePath( _color, material.wireframeLinewidth, material.wireframeLinecap, material.wireframeLinejoin )
: fillPath( _color );
} else if ( material instanceof THREE.MeshNormalMaterial ) {
_normal.copy( element.normalModel ).applyMatrix3( _normalViewMatrix );
_color.setRGB( _normal.x, _normal.y, _normal.z ).multiplyScalar( 0.5 ).addScalar( 0.5 );
material.wireframe === true
? strokePath( _color, material.wireframeLinewidth, material.wireframeLinecap, material.wireframeLinejoin )
: fillPath( _color );
} else {
_color.setRGB( 1, 1, 1 );
material.wireframe === true
? strokePath( _color, material.wireframeLinewidth, material.wireframeLinecap, material.wireframeLinejoin )
: fillPath( _color );
function drawTriangle( x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2 ) {
_context.moveTo( x0, y0 );
_context.lineTo( x1, y1 );
_context.lineTo( x2, y2 );
function strokePath( color, linewidth, linecap, linejoin ) {
setLineWidth( linewidth );
setLineCap( linecap );
setLineJoin( linejoin );
setStrokeStyle( color.getStyle() );
_elemBox.expandByScalar( linewidth * 2 );
function fillPath( color ) {
setFillStyle( color.getStyle() );
function onTextureUpdate ( event ) {
textureToPattern( );
function textureToPattern( texture ) {
if ( texture instanceof THREE.CompressedTexture ) return;
var repeatX = texture.wrapS === THREE.RepeatWrapping;
var repeatY = texture.wrapT === THREE.RepeatWrapping;
var image = texture.image;
var canvas = document.createElement( 'canvas' );
canvas.width = image.width;
canvas.height = image.height;
var context = canvas.getContext( '2d' );
context.setTransform( 1, 0, 0, - 1, 0, image.height );
context.drawImage( image, 0, 0 );
_patterns[ ] = _context.createPattern(
canvas, repeatX === true && repeatY === true
? 'repeat'
: repeatX === true && repeatY === false
? 'repeat-x'
: repeatX === false && repeatY === true
? 'repeat-y'
: 'no-repeat'
function patternPath( x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, u0, v0, u1, v1, u2, v2, texture ) {
if ( texture instanceof THREE.DataTexture ) return;
if ( texture.hasEventListener( 'update', onTextureUpdate ) === false ) {
if ( texture.image !== undefined && texture.image.width > 0 ) {
textureToPattern( texture );
texture.addEventListener( 'update', onTextureUpdate );
var pattern = _patterns[ ];
if ( pattern !== undefined ) {
setFillStyle( pattern );
} else {
setFillStyle( 'rgba(0,0,0,1)' );
var a, b, c, d, e, f, det, idet,
offsetX = texture.offset.x / texture.repeat.x,
offsetY = texture.offset.y / texture.repeat.y,
width = texture.image.width * texture.repeat.x,
height = texture.image.height * texture.repeat.y;
u0 = ( u0 + offsetX ) * width;
v0 = ( v0 + offsetY ) * height;
u1 = ( u1 + offsetX ) * width;
v1 = ( v1 + offsetY ) * height;
u2 = ( u2 + offsetX ) * width;
v2 = ( v2 + offsetY ) * height;
x1 -= x0; y1 -= y0;
x2 -= x0; y2 -= y0;
u1 -= u0; v1 -= v0;
u2 -= u0; v2 -= v0;
det = u1 * v2 - u2 * v1;
if ( det === 0 ) return;
idet = 1 / det;
a = ( v2 * x1 - v1 * x2 ) * idet;
b = ( v2 * y1 - v1 * y2 ) * idet;
c = ( u1 * x2 - u2 * x1 ) * idet;
d = ( u1 * y2 - u2 * y1 ) * idet;
e = x0 - a * u0 - c * v0;
f = y0 - b * u0 - d * v0;;
_context.transform( a, b, c, d, e, f );
function clipImage( x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, u0, v0, u1, v1, u2, v2, image ) {
var a, b, c, d, e, f, det, idet,
width = image.width - 1,
height = image.height - 1;
u0 *= width; v0 *= height;
u1 *= width; v1 *= height;
u2 *= width; v2 *= height;
x1 -= x0; y1 -= y0;
x2 -= x0; y2 -= y0;
u1 -= u0; v1 -= v0;
u2 -= u0; v2 -= v0;
det = u1 * v2 - u2 * v1;
idet = 1 / det;
a = ( v2 * x1 - v1 * x2 ) * idet;
b = ( v2 * y1 - v1 * y2 ) * idet;
c = ( u1 * x2 - u2 * x1 ) * idet;
d = ( u1 * y2 - u2 * y1 ) * idet;
e = x0 - a * u0 - c * v0;
f = y0 - b * u0 - d * v0;;
_context.transform( a, b, c, d, e, f );
_context.drawImage( image, 0, 0 );
// Hide anti-alias gaps
function expand( v1, v2, pixels ) {
var x = v2.x - v1.x, y = v2.y - v1.y,
det = x * x + y * y, idet;
if ( det === 0 ) return;
idet = pixels / Math.sqrt( det );
x *= idet; y *= idet;
v2.x += x; v2.y += y;
v1.x -= x; v1.y -= y;
// Context cached methods.
function setOpacity( value ) {
if ( _contextGlobalAlpha !== value ) {
_context.globalAlpha = value;
_contextGlobalAlpha = value;
function setBlending( value ) {
if ( _contextGlobalCompositeOperation !== value ) {
if ( value === THREE.NormalBlending ) {
_context.globalCompositeOperation = 'source-over';
} else if ( value === THREE.AdditiveBlending ) {
_context.globalCompositeOperation = 'lighter';
} else if ( value === THREE.SubtractiveBlending ) {
_context.globalCompositeOperation = 'darker';
_contextGlobalCompositeOperation = value;
function setLineWidth( value ) {
if ( _contextLineWidth !== value ) {
_context.lineWidth = value;
_contextLineWidth = value;
function setLineCap( value ) {
// "butt", "round", "square"
if ( _contextLineCap !== value ) {
_context.lineCap = value;
_contextLineCap = value;
function setLineJoin( value ) {
// "round", "bevel", "miter"
if ( _contextLineJoin !== value ) {
_context.lineJoin = value;
_contextLineJoin = value;
function setStrokeStyle( value ) {
if ( _contextStrokeStyle !== value ) {
_context.strokeStyle = value;
_contextStrokeStyle = value;
function setFillStyle( value ) {
if ( _contextFillStyle !== value ) {
_context.fillStyle = value;
_contextFillStyle = value;
function setLineDash( value ) {
if ( _contextLineDash.length !== value.length ) {
_context.setLineDash( value );
_contextLineDash = value;

This is a 3D Boids (flocking behaviour of birds) simulation created using three.js for CME151: Introduction to Data Visualization (Stanford University, Winter 2016).

* @author qiao /
* @author mrdoob /
* @author alteredq /
* @author WestLangley /
* @author erich666 /
/*global THREE, console */
// This set of controls performs orbiting, dollying (zooming), and panning. It maintains
// the "up" direction as +Y, unlike the TrackballControls. Touch on tablet and phones is
// supported.
// Orbit - left mouse / touch: one finger move
// Zoom - middle mouse, or mousewheel / touch: two finger spread or squish
// Pan - right mouse, or arrow keys / touch: three finter swipe
THREE.OrbitControls = function ( object, domElement ) {
this.object = object;
this.domElement = ( domElement !== undefined ) ? domElement : document;
// API
// Set to false to disable this control
this.enabled = true;
// "target" sets the location of focus, where the control orbits around
// and where it pans with respect to. = new THREE.Vector3();
// center is old, deprecated; use "target" instead =;
// This option actually enables dollying in and out; left as "zoom" for
// backwards compatibility
this.noZoom = false;
this.zoomSpeed = 1.0;
// Limits to how far you can dolly in and out ( PerspectiveCamera only )
this.minDistance = 0;
this.maxDistance = Infinity;
// Limits to how far you can zoom in and out ( OrthographicCamera only )
this.minZoom = 0;
this.maxZoom = Infinity;
// Set to true to disable this control
this.noRotate = false;
this.rotateSpeed = 1.0;
// Set to true to disable this control
this.noPan = false;
this.keyPanSpeed = 7.0; // pixels moved per arrow key push
// Set to true to automatically rotate around the target
this.autoRotate = false;
this.autoRotateSpeed = 2.0; // 30 seconds per round when fps is 60
// How far you can orbit vertically, upper and lower limits.
// Range is 0 to Math.PI radians.
this.minPolarAngle = 0; // radians
this.maxPolarAngle = Math.PI; // radians
// How far you can orbit horizontally, upper and lower limits.
// If set, must be a sub-interval of the interval [ - Math.PI, Math.PI ].
this.minAzimuthAngle = - Infinity; // radians
this.maxAzimuthAngle = Infinity; // radians
// Set to true to disable use of the keys
this.noKeys = false;
// The four arrow keys
this.keys = { LEFT: 37, UP: 38, RIGHT: 39, BOTTOM: 40 };
// Mouse buttons
// internals
var scope = this;
var EPS = 0.000001;
var rotateStart = new THREE.Vector2();
var rotateEnd = new THREE.Vector2();
var rotateDelta = new THREE.Vector2();
var panStart = new THREE.Vector2();
var panEnd = new THREE.Vector2();
var panDelta = new THREE.Vector2();
var panOffset = new THREE.Vector3();
var offset = new THREE.Vector3();
var dollyStart = new THREE.Vector2();
var dollyEnd = new THREE.Vector2();
var dollyDelta = new THREE.Vector2();
var theta;
var phi;
var phiDelta = 0;
var thetaDelta = 0;
var scale = 1;
var pan = new THREE.Vector3();
var lastPosition = new THREE.Vector3();
var lastQuaternion = new THREE.Quaternion();
var STATE = { NONE : -1, ROTATE : 0, DOLLY : 1, PAN : 2, TOUCH_ROTATE : 3, TOUCH_DOLLY : 4, TOUCH_PAN : 5 };
var state = STATE.NONE;
// for reset
this.target0 =;
this.position0 = this.object.position.clone();
this.zoom0 = this.object.zoom;
// so camera.up is the orbit axis
var quat = new THREE.Quaternion().setFromUnitVectors( object.up, new THREE.Vector3( 0, 1, 0 ) );
var quatInverse = quat.clone().inverse();
// events
var changeEvent = { type: 'change' };
var startEvent = { type: 'start' };
var endEvent = { type: 'end' };
this.rotateLeft = function ( angle ) {
if ( angle === undefined ) {
angle = getAutoRotationAngle();
thetaDelta -= angle;
this.rotateUp = function ( angle ) {
if ( angle === undefined ) {
angle = getAutoRotationAngle();
phiDelta -= angle;
// pass in distance in world space to move left
this.panLeft = function ( distance ) {
var te = this.object.matrix.elements;
// get X column of matrix
panOffset.set( te[ 0 ], te[ 1 ], te[ 2 ] );
panOffset.multiplyScalar( - distance );
pan.add( panOffset );
// pass in distance in world space to move up
this.panUp = function ( distance ) {
var te = this.object.matrix.elements;
// get Y column of matrix
panOffset.set( te[ 4 ], te[ 5 ], te[ 6 ] );
panOffset.multiplyScalar( distance );
pan.add( panOffset );
// pass in x,y of change desired in pixel space,
// right and down are positive
this.pan = function ( deltaX, deltaY ) {
var element = scope.domElement === document ? scope.domElement.body : scope.domElement;
if ( scope.object instanceof THREE.PerspectiveCamera ) {
// perspective
var position = scope.object.position;
var offset = position.clone().sub( );
var targetDistance = offset.length();
// half of the fov is center to top of screen
targetDistance *= Math.tan( ( scope.object.fov / 2 ) * Math.PI / 180.0 );
// we actually don't use screenWidth, since perspective camera is fixed to screen height
scope.panLeft( 2 * deltaX * targetDistance / element.clientHeight );
scope.panUp( 2 * deltaY * targetDistance / element.clientHeight );
} else if ( scope.object instanceof THREE.OrthographicCamera ) {
// orthographic
scope.panLeft( deltaX * (scope.object.right - scope.object.left) / element.clientWidth );
scope.panUp( deltaY * ( - scope.object.bottom) / element.clientHeight );
} else {
// camera neither orthographic or perspective
console.warn( 'WARNING: OrbitControls.js encountered an unknown camera type - pan disabled.' );
this.dollyIn = function ( dollyScale ) {
if ( dollyScale === undefined ) {
dollyScale = getZoomScale();
if ( scope.object instanceof THREE.PerspectiveCamera ) {
scale /= dollyScale;
} else if ( scope.object instanceof THREE.OrthographicCamera ) {
scope.object.zoom = Math.max( this.minZoom, Math.min( this.maxZoom, this.object.zoom * dollyScale ) );
scope.dispatchEvent( changeEvent );
} else {
console.warn( 'WARNING: OrbitControls.js encountered an unknown camera type - dolly/zoom disabled.' );
this.dollyOut = function ( dollyScale ) {
if ( dollyScale === undefined ) {
dollyScale = getZoomScale();
if ( scope.object instanceof THREE.PerspectiveCamera ) {
scale *= dollyScale;
} else if ( scope.object instanceof THREE.OrthographicCamera ) {
scope.object.zoom = Math.max( this.minZoom, Math.min( this.maxZoom, this.object.zoom / dollyScale ) );
scope.dispatchEvent( changeEvent );
} else {
console.warn( 'WARNING: OrbitControls.js encountered an unknown camera type - dolly/zoom disabled.' );
this.update = function () {
var position = this.object.position;
offset.copy( position ).sub( );
// rotate offset to "y-axis-is-up" space
offset.applyQuaternion( quat );
// angle from z-axis around y-axis
theta = Math.atan2( offset.x, offset.z );
// angle from y-axis
phi = Math.atan2( Math.sqrt( offset.x * offset.x + offset.z * offset.z ), offset.y );
if ( this.autoRotate && state === STATE.NONE ) {
this.rotateLeft( getAutoRotationAngle() );
theta += thetaDelta;
phi += phiDelta;
// restrict theta to be between desired limits
theta = Math.max( this.minAzimuthAngle, Math.min( this.maxAzimuthAngle, theta ) );
// restrict phi to be between desired limits
phi = Math.max( this.minPolarAngle, Math.min( this.maxPolarAngle, phi ) );
// restrict phi to be betwee EPS and PI-EPS
phi = Math.max( EPS, Math.min( Math.PI - EPS, phi ) );
var radius = offset.length() * scale;
// restrict radius to be between desired limits
radius = Math.max( this.minDistance, Math.min( this.maxDistance, radius ) );
// move target to panned location pan );
offset.x = radius * Math.sin( phi ) * Math.sin( theta );
offset.y = radius * Math.cos( phi );
offset.z = radius * Math.sin( phi ) * Math.cos( theta );
// rotate offset back to "camera-up-vector-is-up" space
offset.applyQuaternion( quatInverse );
position.copy( ).add( offset );
this.object.lookAt( );
thetaDelta = 0;
phiDelta = 0;
scale = 1;
pan.set( 0, 0, 0 );
// update condition is:
// min(camera displacement, camera rotation in radians)^2 > EPS
// using small-angle approximation cos(x/2) = 1 - x^2 / 8
if ( lastPosition.distanceToSquared( this.object.position ) > EPS
|| 8 * (1 - > EPS ) {
this.dispatchEvent( changeEvent );
lastPosition.copy( this.object.position );
lastQuaternion.copy (this.object.quaternion );
this.reset = function () {
state = STATE.NONE; this.target0 );
this.object.position.copy( this.position0 );
this.object.zoom = this.zoom0;
this.dispatchEvent( changeEvent );
this.getPolarAngle = function () {
return phi;
this.getAzimuthalAngle = function () {
return theta
function getAutoRotationAngle() {
return 2 * Math.PI / 60 / 60 * scope.autoRotateSpeed;
function getZoomScale() {
return Math.pow( 0.95, scope.zoomSpeed );
function onMouseDown( event ) {
if ( scope.enabled === false ) return;
if ( event.button === scope.mouseButtons.ORBIT ) {
if ( scope.noRotate === true ) return;
rotateStart.set( event.clientX, event.clientY );
} else if ( event.button === scope.mouseButtons.ZOOM ) {
if ( scope.noZoom === true ) return;
state = STATE.DOLLY;
dollyStart.set( event.clientX, event.clientY );
} else if ( event.button === scope.mouseButtons.PAN ) {
if ( scope.noPan === true ) return;
state = STATE.PAN;
panStart.set( event.clientX, event.clientY );
if ( state !== STATE.NONE ) {
document.addEventListener( 'mousemove', onMouseMove, false );
document.addEventListener( 'mouseup', onMouseUp, false );
scope.dispatchEvent( startEvent );
function onMouseMove( event ) {
if ( scope.enabled === false ) return;
var element = scope.domElement === document ? scope.domElement.body : scope.domElement;
if ( state === STATE.ROTATE ) {
if ( scope.noRotate === true ) return;
rotateEnd.set( event.clientX, event.clientY );
rotateDelta.subVectors( rotateEnd, rotateStart );
// rotating across whole screen goes 360 degrees around
scope.rotateLeft( 2 * Math.PI * rotateDelta.x / element.clientWidth * scope.rotateSpeed );
// rotating up and down along whole screen attempts to go 360, but limited to 180
scope.rotateUp( 2 * Math.PI * rotateDelta.y / element.clientHeight * scope.rotateSpeed );
rotateStart.copy( rotateEnd );
} else if ( state === STATE.DOLLY ) {
if ( scope.noZoom === true ) return;
dollyEnd.set( event.clientX, event.clientY );
dollyDelta.subVectors( dollyEnd, dollyStart );
if ( dollyDelta.y > 0 ) {
} else if ( dollyDelta.y < 0 ) {
dollyStart.copy( dollyEnd );
} else if ( state === STATE.PAN ) {
if ( scope.noPan === true ) return;
panEnd.set( event.clientX, event.clientY );
panDelta.subVectors( panEnd, panStart );
scope.pan( panDelta.x, panDelta.y );
panStart.copy( panEnd );
if ( state !== STATE.NONE ) scope.update();
function onMouseUp( /* event */ ) {
if ( scope.enabled === false ) return;
document.removeEventListener( 'mousemove', onMouseMove, false );
document.removeEventListener( 'mouseup', onMouseUp, false );
scope.dispatchEvent( endEvent );
state = STATE.NONE;
function onMouseWheel( event ) {
if ( scope.enabled === false || scope.noZoom === true || state !== STATE.NONE ) return;
var delta = 0;
if ( event.wheelDelta !== undefined ) { // WebKit / Opera / Explorer 9
delta = event.wheelDelta;
} else if ( event.detail !== undefined ) { // Firefox
delta = - event.detail;
if ( delta > 0 ) {
} else if ( delta < 0 ) {
scope.dispatchEvent( startEvent );
scope.dispatchEvent( endEvent );
function onKeyDown( event ) {
if ( scope.enabled === false || scope.noKeys === true || scope.noPan === true ) return;
switch ( event.keyCode ) {
case scope.keys.UP:
scope.pan( 0, scope.keyPanSpeed );
case scope.keys.BOTTOM:
scope.pan( 0, - scope.keyPanSpeed );
case scope.keys.LEFT:
scope.pan( scope.keyPanSpeed, 0 );
case scope.keys.RIGHT:
scope.pan( - scope.keyPanSpeed, 0 );
function touchstart( event ) {
if ( scope.enabled === false ) return;
switch ( event.touches.length ) {
case 1: // one-fingered touch: rotate
if ( scope.noRotate === true ) return;
rotateStart.set( event.touches[ 0 ].pageX, event.touches[ 0 ].pageY );
case 2: // two-fingered touch: dolly
if ( scope.noZoom === true ) return;
var dx = event.touches[ 0 ].pageX - event.touches[ 1 ].pageX;
var dy = event.touches[ 0 ].pageY - event.touches[ 1 ].pageY;
var distance = Math.sqrt( dx * dx + dy * dy );
dollyStart.set( 0, distance );
case 3: // three-fingered touch: pan
if ( scope.noPan === true ) return;
panStart.set( event.touches[ 0 ].pageX, event.touches[ 0 ].pageY );
state = STATE.NONE;
if ( state !== STATE.NONE ) scope.dispatchEvent( startEvent );
function touchmove( event ) {
if ( scope.enabled === false ) return;
var element = scope.domElement === document ? scope.domElement.body : scope.domElement;
switch ( event.touches.length ) {
case 1: // one-fingered touch: rotate
if ( scope.noRotate === true ) return;
if ( state !== STATE.TOUCH_ROTATE ) return;
rotateEnd.set( event.touches[ 0 ].pageX, event.touches[ 0 ].pageY );
rotateDelta.subVectors( rotateEnd, rotateStart );
// rotating across whole screen goes 360 degrees around
scope.rotateLeft( 2 * Math.PI * rotateDelta.x / element.clientWidth * scope.rotateSpeed );
// rotating up and down along whole screen attempts to go 360, but limited to 180
scope.rotateUp( 2 * Math.PI * rotateDelta.y / element.clientHeight * scope.rotateSpeed );
rotateStart.copy( rotateEnd );
case 2: // two-fingered touch: dolly
if ( scope.noZoom === true ) return;
if ( state !== STATE.TOUCH_DOLLY ) return;
var dx = event.touches[ 0 ].pageX - event.touches[ 1 ].pageX;
var dy = event.touches[ 0 ].pageY - event.touches[ 1 ].pageY;
var distance = Math.sqrt( dx * dx + dy * dy );
dollyEnd.set( 0, distance );
dollyDelta.subVectors( dollyEnd, dollyStart );
if ( dollyDelta.y > 0 ) {
} else if ( dollyDelta.y < 0 ) {
dollyStart.copy( dollyEnd );
case 3: // three-fingered touch: pan
if ( scope.noPan === true ) return;
if ( state !== STATE.TOUCH_PAN ) return;
panEnd.set( event.touches[ 0 ].pageX, event.touches[ 0 ].pageY );
panDelta.subVectors( panEnd, panStart );
scope.pan( panDelta.x, panDelta.y );
panStart.copy( panEnd );
state = STATE.NONE;
function touchend( /* event */ ) {
if ( scope.enabled === false ) return;
scope.dispatchEvent( endEvent );
state = STATE.NONE;
this.domElement.addEventListener( 'contextmenu', function ( event ) { event.preventDefault(); }, false );
this.domElement.addEventListener( 'mousedown', onMouseDown, false );
this.domElement.addEventListener( 'mousewheel', onMouseWheel, false );
this.domElement.addEventListener( 'DOMMouseScroll', onMouseWheel, false ); // firefox
this.domElement.addEventListener( 'touchstart', touchstart, false );
this.domElement.addEventListener( 'touchend', touchend, false );
this.domElement.addEventListener( 'touchmove', touchmove, false );
window.addEventListener( 'keydown', onKeyDown, false );
// force an update at start
THREE.OrbitControls.prototype = Object.create( THREE.EventDispatcher.prototype );
THREE.OrbitControls.prototype.constructor = THREE.OrbitControls;
// Based on ,
// which is based on
var Boid = function() {
var vector = new THREE.Vector3(),
_acceleration, _width = 500, _height = 500, _depth = 200, _goal, _neighborhoodRadius = 100,
_maxSpeed = 4, _maxSteerForce = 0.1, _avoidWalls = false;
this.position = new THREE.Vector3();
this.velocity = new THREE.Vector3();
_acceleration = new THREE.Vector3();
this.setGoal = function ( target ) {
_goal = target;
this.setAvoidWalls = function ( value ) {
_avoidWalls = value;
this.setWorldSize = function ( width, height, depth ) {
_width = width;
_height = height;
_depth = depth;
this.position.x = Math.random() * 400 - 200;
this.position.y = Math.random() * 400 - 200;
this.position.z = Math.random() * 400 - 200;
this.velocity.x = Math.random() * 2 - 1;
this.velocity.y = Math.random() * 2 - 1;
this.velocity.z = Math.random() * 2 - 1;
this.setAvoidWalls( true );
this.setWorldSize( 500, 500, 400 ); = function ( boids ) {
if ( _avoidWalls ) {
vector.set( - _width, this.position.y, this.position.z );
vector = this.avoid( vector );
vector.multiplyScalar( 5 );
_acceleration.add( vector );
vector.set( _width, this.position.y, this.position.z );
vector = this.avoid( vector );
vector.multiplyScalar( 5 );
_acceleration.add( vector );
vector.set( this.position.x, - _height, this.position.z );
vector = this.avoid( vector );
vector.multiplyScalar( 5 );
_acceleration.add( vector );
vector.set( this.position.x, _height, this.position.z );
vector = this.avoid( vector );
vector.multiplyScalar( 5 );
_acceleration.add( vector );
vector.set( this.position.x, this.position.y, - _depth );
vector = this.avoid( vector );
vector.multiplyScalar( 5 );
_acceleration.add( vector );
vector.set( this.position.x, this.position.y, _depth );
vector = this.avoid( vector );
vector.multiplyScalar( 5 );
_acceleration.add( vector );
}/* else {
if ( Math.random() > 0.5 ) {
this.flock( boids );
this.flock = function ( boids ) {
if ( _goal ) {
_acceleration.add( this.reach( _goal, 0.005 ) );
_acceleration.add( this.alignment( boids ) );
_acceleration.add( this.cohesion( boids ) );
_acceleration.add( this.separation( boids ) );
this.move = function () {
this.velocity.add( _acceleration );
var l = this.velocity.length();
if ( l > _maxSpeed ) {
this.velocity.divideScalar( l / _maxSpeed );
this.position.add( this.velocity );
_acceleration.set( 0, 0, 0 );
this.checkBounds = function () {
if ( this.position.x > _width ) this.position.x = - _width;
if ( this.position.x < - _width ) this.position.x = _width;
if ( this.position.y > _height ) this.position.y = - _height;
if ( this.position.y < - _height ) this.position.y = _height;
if ( this.position.z > _depth ) this.position.z = - _depth;
if ( this.position.z < - _depth ) this.position.z = _depth;
this.avoid = function ( target ) {
var steer = new THREE.Vector3();
steer.copy( this.position );
steer.sub( target );
steer.multiplyScalar( 1 / this.position.distanceToSquared( target ) );
return steer;
this.repulse = function ( target ) {
var distance = this.position.distanceTo( target );
if ( distance < 150 ) {
var steer = new THREE.Vector3();
steer.subVectors( this.position, target );
steer.multiplyScalar( 0.5 / distance );
_acceleration.add( steer );
this.reach = function ( target, amount ) {
var steer = new THREE.Vector3();
steer.subVectors( target, this.position );
steer.multiplyScalar( amount );
return steer;
this.alignment = function ( boids ) {
var boid, velSum = new THREE.Vector3(),
count = 0;
for ( var i = 0, il = boids.length; i < il; i++ ) {
if ( Math.random() > 0.6 ) continue;
boid = boids[ i ];
distance = boid.position.distanceTo( this.position );
if ( distance > 0 && distance <= _neighborhoodRadius ) {
velSum.add( boid.velocity );
if ( count > 0 ) {
velSum.divideScalar( count );
var l = velSum.length();
if ( l > _maxSteerForce ) {
velSum.divideScalar( l / _maxSteerForce );
return velSum;
this.cohesion = function ( boids ) {
var boid, distance,
posSum = new THREE.Vector3(),
steer = new THREE.Vector3(),
count = 0;
for ( var i = 0, il = boids.length; i < il; i ++ ) {
if ( Math.random() > 0.6 ) continue;
boid = boids[ i ];
distance = boid.position.distanceTo( this.position );
if ( distance > 0 && distance <= _neighborhoodRadius ) {
posSum.add( boid.position );
if ( count > 0 ) {
posSum.divideScalar( count );
steer.subVectors( posSum, this.position );
var l = steer.length();
if ( l > _maxSteerForce ) {
steer.divideScalar( l / _maxSteerForce );
return steer;
this.separation = function ( boids ) {
var boid, distance,
posSum = new THREE.Vector3(),
repulse = new THREE.Vector3();
for ( var i = 0, il = boids.length; i < il; i ++ ) {
if ( Math.random() > 0.6 ) continue;
boid = boids[ i ];
distance = boid.position.distanceTo( this.position );
if ( distance > 0 && distance <= _neighborhoodRadius ) {
repulse.subVectors( this.position, boid.position );
repulse.divideScalar( distance );
posSum.add( repulse );
return posSum;
* @author mrdoob /
* @author supereggbert /
* @author julianwa /
THREE.RenderableObject = function () { = 0;
this.object = null;
this.z = 0;
THREE.RenderableFace = function () { = 0;
this.v1 = new THREE.RenderableVertex();
this.v2 = new THREE.RenderableVertex();
this.v3 = new THREE.RenderableVertex();
this.normalModel = new THREE.Vector3();
this.vertexNormalsModel = [ new THREE.Vector3(), new THREE.Vector3(), new THREE.Vector3() ];
this.vertexNormalsLength = 0;
this.color = new THREE.Color();
this.material = null;
this.uvs = [ new THREE.Vector2(), new THREE.Vector2(), new THREE.Vector2() ];
this.z = 0;
THREE.RenderableVertex = function () {
this.position = new THREE.Vector3();
this.positionWorld = new THREE.Vector3();
this.positionScreen = new THREE.Vector4();
this.visible = true;
THREE.RenderableVertex.prototype.copy = function ( vertex ) {
this.positionWorld.copy( vertex.positionWorld );
this.positionScreen.copy( vertex.positionScreen );
THREE.RenderableLine = function () { = 0;
this.v1 = new THREE.RenderableVertex();
this.v2 = new THREE.RenderableVertex();
this.vertexColors = [ new THREE.Color(), new THREE.Color() ];
this.material = null;
this.z = 0;
THREE.RenderableSprite = function () { = 0;
this.object = null;
this.x = 0;
this.y = 0;
this.z = 0;
this.rotation = 0;
this.scale = new THREE.Vector2();
this.material = null;
THREE.Projector = function () {
var _object, _objectCount, _objectPool = [], _objectPoolLength = 0,
_vertex, _vertexCount, _vertexPool = [], _vertexPoolLength = 0,
_face, _faceCount, _facePool = [], _facePoolLength = 0,
_line, _lineCount, _linePool = [], _linePoolLength = 0,
_sprite, _spriteCount, _spritePool = [], _spritePoolLength = 0,
_renderData = { objects: [], lights: [], elements: [] },
_vector3 = new THREE.Vector3(),
_vector4 = new THREE.Vector4(),
_clipBox = new THREE.Box3( new THREE.Vector3( - 1, - 1, - 1 ), new THREE.Vector3( 1, 1, 1 ) ),
_boundingBox = new THREE.Box3(),
_points3 = new Array( 3 ),
_points4 = new Array( 4 ),
_viewMatrix = new THREE.Matrix4(),
_viewProjectionMatrix = new THREE.Matrix4(),
_modelViewProjectionMatrix = new THREE.Matrix4(),
_normalMatrix = new THREE.Matrix3(),
_frustum = new THREE.Frustum(),
_clippedVertex1PositionScreen = new THREE.Vector4(),
_clippedVertex2PositionScreen = new THREE.Vector4();
this.projectVector = function ( vector, camera ) {
console.warn( 'THREE.Projector: .projectVector() is now vector.project().' );
vector.project( camera );
this.unprojectVector = function ( vector, camera ) {
console.warn( 'THREE.Projector: .unprojectVector() is now vector.unproject().' );
vector.unproject( camera );
this.pickingRay = function ( vector, camera ) {
console.error( 'THREE.Projector: .pickingRay() is now raycaster.setFromCamera().' );
var RenderList = function () {
var normals = [];
var uvs = [];
var object = null;
var material = null;
var normalMatrix = new THREE.Matrix3();
var setObject = function ( value ) {
object = value;
material = object.material;
normalMatrix.getNormalMatrix( object.matrixWorld );
normals.length = 0;
uvs.length = 0;
var projectVertex = function ( vertex ) {
var position = vertex.position;
var positionWorld = vertex.positionWorld;
var positionScreen = vertex.positionScreen;
positionWorld.copy( position ).applyMatrix4( _modelMatrix );
positionScreen.copy( positionWorld ).applyMatrix4( _viewProjectionMatrix );
var invW = 1 / positionScreen.w;
positionScreen.x *= invW;
positionScreen.y *= invW;
positionScreen.z *= invW;
vertex.visible = positionScreen.x >= - 1 && positionScreen.x <= 1 &&
positionScreen.y >= - 1 && positionScreen.y <= 1 &&
positionScreen.z >= - 1 && positionScreen.z <= 1;
var pushVertex = function ( x, y, z ) {
_vertex = getNextVertexInPool();
_vertex.position.set( x, y, z );
projectVertex( _vertex );
var pushNormal = function ( x, y, z ) {
normals.push( x, y, z );
var pushUv = function ( x, y ) {
uvs.push( x, y );
var checkTriangleVisibility = function ( v1, v2, v3 ) {
if ( v1.visible === true || v2.visible === true || v3.visible === true ) return true;
_points3[ 0 ] = v1.positionScreen;
_points3[ 1 ] = v2.positionScreen;
_points3[ 2 ] = v3.positionScreen;
return _clipBox.isIntersectionBox( _boundingBox.setFromPoints( _points3 ) );
var checkBackfaceCulling = function ( v1, v2, v3 ) {
return ( ( v3.positionScreen.x - v1.positionScreen.x ) *
( v2.positionScreen.y - v1.positionScreen.y ) -
( v3.positionScreen.y - v1.positionScreen.y ) *
( v2.positionScreen.x - v1.positionScreen.x ) ) < 0;
var pushLine = function ( a, b ) {
var v1 = _vertexPool[ a ];
var v2 = _vertexPool[ b ];
_line = getNextLineInPool(); =;
_line.v1.copy( v1 );
_line.v2.copy( v2 );
_line.z = ( v1.positionScreen.z + v2.positionScreen.z ) / 2;
_line.material = object.material;
_renderData.elements.push( _line );
var pushTriangle = function ( a, b, c ) {
var v1 = _vertexPool[ a ];
var v2 = _vertexPool[ b ];
var v3 = _vertexPool[ c ];
if ( checkTriangleVisibility( v1, v2, v3 ) === false ) return;
if ( material.side === THREE.DoubleSide || checkBackfaceCulling( v1, v2, v3 ) === true ) {
_face = getNextFaceInPool(); =;
_face.v1.copy( v1 );
_face.v2.copy( v2 );
_face.v3.copy( v3 );
_face.z = ( v1.positionScreen.z + v2.positionScreen.z + v3.positionScreen.z ) / 3;
for ( var i = 0; i < 3; i ++ ) {
var offset = arguments[ i ] * 3;
var normal = _face.vertexNormalsModel[ i ];
normal.set( normals[ offset ], normals[ offset + 1 ], normals[ offset + 2 ] );
normal.applyMatrix3( normalMatrix ).normalize();
var offset2 = arguments[ i ] * 2;
var uv = _face.uvs[ i ];
uv.set( uvs[ offset2 ], uvs[ offset2 + 1 ] );
_face.vertexNormalsLength = 3;
_face.material = object.material;
_renderData.elements.push( _face );
return {
setObject: setObject,
projectVertex: projectVertex,
checkTriangleVisibility: checkTriangleVisibility,
checkBackfaceCulling: checkBackfaceCulling,
pushVertex: pushVertex,
pushNormal: pushNormal,
pushUv: pushUv,
pushLine: pushLine,
pushTriangle: pushTriangle
var renderList = new RenderList();
this.projectScene = function ( scene, camera, sortObjects, sortElements ) {
_faceCount = 0;
_lineCount = 0;
_spriteCount = 0;
_renderData.elements.length = 0;
if ( scene.autoUpdate === true ) scene.updateMatrixWorld();
if ( camera.parent === undefined ) camera.updateMatrixWorld();
_viewMatrix.copy( camera.matrixWorldInverse.getInverse( camera.matrixWorld ) );
_viewProjectionMatrix.multiplyMatrices( camera.projectionMatrix, _viewMatrix );
_frustum.setFromMatrix( _viewProjectionMatrix );
_objectCount = 0;
_renderData.objects.length = 0;
_renderData.lights.length = 0;
scene.traverseVisible( function ( object ) {
if ( object instanceof THREE.Light ) {
_renderData.lights.push( object );
} else if ( object instanceof THREE.Mesh || object instanceof THREE.Line || object instanceof THREE.Sprite ) {
if ( object.material.visible === false ) return;
if ( object.frustumCulled === false || _frustum.intersectsObject( object ) === true ) {
_object = getNextObjectInPool(); =;
_object.object = object;
_vector3.setFromMatrixPosition( object.matrixWorld );
_vector3.applyProjection( _viewProjectionMatrix );
_object.z = _vector3.z;
_renderData.objects.push( _object );
} );
if ( sortObjects === true ) {
_renderData.objects.sort( painterSort );
for ( var o = 0, ol = _renderData.objects.length; o < ol; o ++ ) {
var object = _renderData.objects[ o ].object;
var geometry = object.geometry;
renderList.setObject( object );
_modelMatrix = object.matrixWorld;
_vertexCount = 0;
if ( object instanceof THREE.Mesh ) {
if ( geometry instanceof THREE.BufferGeometry ) {
var attributes = geometry.attributes;
var offsets = geometry.offsets;
if ( attributes.position === undefined ) continue;
var positions = attributes.position.array;
for ( var i = 0, l = positions.length; i < l; i += 3 ) {
renderList.pushVertex( positions[ i ], positions[ i + 1 ], positions[ i + 2 ] );
if ( attributes.normal !== undefined ) {
var normals = attributes.normal.array;
for ( var i = 0, l = normals.length; i < l; i += 3 ) {
renderList.pushNormal( normals[ i ], normals[ i + 1 ], normals[ i + 2 ] );
if ( attributes.uv !== undefined ) {
var uvs = attributes.uv.array;
for ( var i = 0, l = uvs.length; i < l; i += 2 ) {
renderList.pushUv( uvs[ i ], uvs[ i + 1 ] );
if ( attributes.index !== undefined ) {
var indices = attributes.index.array;
if ( offsets.length > 0 ) {
for ( var o = 0; o < offsets.length; o ++ ) {
var offset = offsets[ o ];
var index = offset.index;
for ( var i = offset.start, l = offset.start + offset.count; i < l; i += 3 ) {
renderList.pushTriangle( indices[ i ] + index, indices[ i + 1 ] + index, indices[ i + 2 ] + index );
} else {
for ( var i = 0, l = indices.length; i < l; i += 3 ) {
renderList.pushTriangle( indices[ i ], indices[ i + 1 ], indices[ i + 2 ] );
} else {
for ( var i = 0, l = positions.length / 3; i < l; i += 3 ) {
renderList.pushTriangle( i, i + 1, i + 2 );
} else if ( geometry instanceof THREE.Geometry ) {
var vertices = geometry.vertices;
var faces = geometry.faces;
var faceVertexUvs = geometry.faceVertexUvs[ 0 ];
_normalMatrix.getNormalMatrix( _modelMatrix );
var material = object.material;
var isFaceMaterial = material instanceof THREE.MeshFaceMaterial;
var objectMaterials = isFaceMaterial === true ? object.material : null;
for ( var v = 0, vl = vertices.length; v < vl; v ++ ) {
var vertex = vertices[ v ];
_vector3.copy( vertex );
if ( material.morphTargets === true ) {
var morphTargets = geometry.morphTargets;
var morphInfluences = object.morphTargetInfluences;
for ( var t = 0, tl = morphTargets.length; t < tl; t ++ ) {
var influence = morphInfluences[ t ];
if ( influence === 0 ) continue;
var target = morphTargets[ t ];
var targetVertex = target.vertices[ v ];
_vector3.x += ( targetVertex.x - vertex.x ) * influence;
_vector3.y += ( targetVertex.y - vertex.y ) * influence;
_vector3.z += ( targetVertex.z - vertex.z ) * influence;
renderList.pushVertex( _vector3.x, _vector3.y, _vector3.z );
for ( var f = 0, fl = faces.length; f < fl; f ++ ) {
var face = faces[ f ];
var material = isFaceMaterial === true
? objectMaterials.materials[ face.materialIndex ]
: object.material;
if ( material === undefined ) continue;
var side = material.side;
var v1 = _vertexPool[ face.a ];
var v2 = _vertexPool[ face.b ];
var v3 = _vertexPool[ face.c ];
if ( renderList.checkTriangleVisibility( v1, v2, v3 ) === false ) continue;
var visible = renderList.checkBackfaceCulling( v1, v2, v3 );
if ( side !== THREE.DoubleSide ) {
if ( side === THREE.FrontSide && visible === false ) continue;
if ( side === THREE.BackSide && visible === true ) continue;
_face = getNextFaceInPool(); =;
_face.v1.copy( v1 );
_face.v2.copy( v2 );
_face.v3.copy( v3 );
_face.normalModel.copy( face.normal );
if ( visible === false && ( side === THREE.BackSide || side === THREE.DoubleSide ) ) {
_face.normalModel.applyMatrix3( _normalMatrix ).normalize();
var faceVertexNormals = face.vertexNormals;
for ( var n = 0, nl = Math.min( faceVertexNormals.length, 3 ); n < nl; n ++ ) {
var normalModel = _face.vertexNormalsModel[ n ];
normalModel.copy( faceVertexNormals[ n ] );
if ( visible === false && ( side === THREE.BackSide || side === THREE.DoubleSide ) ) {
normalModel.applyMatrix3( _normalMatrix ).normalize();
_face.vertexNormalsLength = faceVertexNormals.length;
var vertexUvs = faceVertexUvs[ f ];
if ( vertexUvs !== undefined ) {
for ( var u = 0; u < 3; u ++ ) {
_face.uvs[ u ].copy( vertexUvs[ u ] );
_face.color = face.color;
_face.material = material;
_face.z = ( v1.positionScreen.z + v2.positionScreen.z + v3.positionScreen.z ) / 3;
_renderData.elements.push( _face );
} else if ( object instanceof THREE.Line ) {
if ( geometry instanceof THREE.BufferGeometry ) {
var attributes = geometry.attributes;
if ( attributes.position !== undefined ) {
var positions = attributes.position.array;
for ( var i = 0, l = positions.length; i < l; i += 3 ) {
renderList.pushVertex( positions[ i ], positions[ i + 1 ], positions[ i + 2 ] );
if ( attributes.index !== undefined ) {
var indices = attributes.index.array;
for ( var i = 0, l = indices.length; i < l; i += 2 ) {
renderList.pushLine( indices[ i ], indices[ i + 1 ] );
} else {
var step = object.mode === THREE.LinePieces ? 2 : 1;
for ( var i = 0, l = ( positions.length / 3 ) - 1; i < l; i += step ) {
renderList.pushLine( i, i + 1 );
} else if ( geometry instanceof THREE.Geometry ) {
_modelViewProjectionMatrix.multiplyMatrices( _viewProjectionMatrix, _modelMatrix );
var vertices = object.geometry.vertices;
if ( vertices.length === 0 ) continue;
v1 = getNextVertexInPool();
v1.positionScreen.copy( vertices[ 0 ] ).applyMatrix4( _modelViewProjectionMatrix );
// Handle LineStrip and LinePieces
var step = object.mode === THREE.LinePieces ? 2 : 1;
for ( var v = 1, vl = vertices.length; v < vl; v ++ ) {
v1 = getNextVertexInPool();
v1.positionScreen.copy( vertices[ v ] ).applyMatrix4( _modelViewProjectionMatrix );
if ( ( v + 1 ) % step > 0 ) continue;
v2 = _vertexPool[ _vertexCount - 2 ];
_clippedVertex1PositionScreen.copy( v1.positionScreen );
_clippedVertex2PositionScreen.copy( v2.positionScreen );
if ( clipLine( _clippedVertex1PositionScreen, _clippedVertex2PositionScreen ) === true ) {
// Perform the perspective divide
_clippedVertex1PositionScreen.multiplyScalar( 1 / _clippedVertex1PositionScreen.w );
_clippedVertex2PositionScreen.multiplyScalar( 1 / _clippedVertex2PositionScreen.w );
_line = getNextLineInPool(); =;
_line.v1.positionScreen.copy( _clippedVertex1PositionScreen );
_line.v2.positionScreen.copy( _clippedVertex2PositionScreen );
_line.z = Math.max( _clippedVertex1PositionScreen.z, _clippedVertex2PositionScreen.z );
_line.material = object.material;
if ( object.material.vertexColors === THREE.VertexColors ) {
_line.vertexColors[ 0 ].copy( object.geometry.colors[ v ] );
_line.vertexColors[ 1 ].copy( object.geometry.colors[ v - 1 ] );
_renderData.elements.push( _line );
} else if ( object instanceof THREE.Sprite ) {
_vector4.set( _modelMatrix.elements[ 12 ], _modelMatrix.elements[ 13 ], _modelMatrix.elements[ 14 ], 1 );
_vector4.applyMatrix4( _viewProjectionMatrix );
var invW = 1 / _vector4.w;
_vector4.z *= invW;
if ( _vector4.z >= - 1 && _vector4.z <= 1 ) {
_sprite = getNextSpriteInPool(); =;
_sprite.x = _vector4.x * invW;
_sprite.y = _vector4.y * invW;
_sprite.z = _vector4.z;
_sprite.object = object;
_sprite.rotation = object.rotation;
_sprite.scale.x = object.scale.x * Math.abs( _sprite.x - ( _vector4.x + camera.projectionMatrix.elements[ 0 ] ) / ( _vector4.w + camera.projectionMatrix.elements[ 12 ] ) );
_sprite.scale.y = object.scale.y * Math.abs( _sprite.y - ( _vector4.y + camera.projectionMatrix.elements[ 5 ] ) / ( _vector4.w + camera.projectionMatrix.elements[ 13 ] ) );
_sprite.material = object.material;
_renderData.elements.push( _sprite );
if ( sortElements === true ) {
_renderData.elements.sort( painterSort );
return _renderData;
// Pools
function getNextObjectInPool() {
if ( _objectCount === _objectPoolLength ) {
var object = new THREE.RenderableObject();
_objectPool.push( object );
_objectPoolLength ++;
_objectCount ++;
return object;
return _objectPool[ _objectCount ++ ];
function getNextVertexInPool() {
if ( _vertexCount === _vertexPoolLength ) {
var vertex = new THREE.RenderableVertex();
_vertexPool.push( vertex );
_vertexPoolLength ++;
_vertexCount ++;
return vertex;
return _vertexPool[ _vertexCount ++ ];
function getNextFaceInPool() {
if ( _faceCount === _facePoolLength ) {
var face = new THREE.RenderableFace();
_facePool.push( face );
_facePoolLength ++;
_faceCount ++;
return face;
return _facePool[ _faceCount ++ ];
function getNextLineInPool() {
if ( _lineCount === _linePoolLength ) {
var line = new THREE.RenderableLine();
_linePool.push( line );
_linePoolLength ++;
_lineCount ++
return line;
return _linePool[ _lineCount ++ ];
function getNextSpriteInPool() {
if ( _spriteCount === _spritePoolLength ) {
var sprite = new THREE.RenderableSprite();
_spritePool.push( sprite );
_spritePoolLength ++;
_spriteCount ++
return sprite;
return _spritePool[ _spriteCount ++ ];
function painterSort( a, b ) {
if ( a.z !== b.z ) {
return b.z - a.z;
} else if ( !== ) {
return -;
} else {
return 0;
function clipLine( s1, s2 ) {
var alpha1 = 0, alpha2 = 1,
// Calculate the boundary coordinate of each vertex for the near and far clip planes,
// Z = -1 and Z = +1, respectively.
bc1near = s1.z + s1.w,
bc2near = s2.z + s2.w,
bc1far = - s1.z + s1.w,
bc2far = - s2.z + s2.w;
if ( bc1near >= 0 && bc2near >= 0 && bc1far >= 0 && bc2far >= 0 ) {
// Both vertices lie entirely within all clip planes.
return true;
} else if ( ( bc1near < 0 && bc2near < 0 ) || ( bc1far < 0 && bc2far < 0 ) ) {
// Both vertices lie entirely outside one of the clip planes.
return false;
} else {
// The line segment spans at least one clip plane.
if ( bc1near < 0 ) {
// v1 lies outside the near plane, v2 inside
alpha1 = Math.max( alpha1, bc1near / ( bc1near - bc2near ) );
} else if ( bc2near < 0 ) {
// v2 lies outside the near plane, v1 inside
alpha2 = Math.min( alpha2, bc1near / ( bc1near - bc2near ) );
if ( bc1far < 0 ) {
// v1 lies outside the far plane, v2 inside
alpha1 = Math.max( alpha1, bc1far / ( bc1far - bc2far ) );
} else if ( bc2far < 0 ) {
// v2 lies outside the far plane, v2 inside
alpha2 = Math.min( alpha2, bc1far / ( bc1far - bc2far ) );
if ( alpha2 < alpha1 ) {
// The line segment spans two boundaries, but is outside both of them.
// (This can't happen when we're only clipping against just near/far but good
// to leave the check here for future usage if other clip planes are added.)
return false;
} else {
// Update the s1 and s2 vertices to match the clipped line segment.
s1.lerp( s2, alpha1 );
s2.lerp( s1, 1 - alpha2 );
return true;
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
body {
color: #808080;
background-color: black;
margin: 0px;
overflow: hidden;
<div id="dat_gui_container"></div>
<canvas id="three_boid"></canvas>
<!-- JavaScript -->
<script src="">
<script src="">
<script src="">
<script src="README.Projector.js"></script>
<script src="README.CanvasRenderer.js"></script>
<script src="README.OrbitControls.js"></script>
<script src="README.physics_boid.js"></script>
<script src="render_three_boid.js"></script>
// Initialization
// ---------------
// Get canvas from document.
var canvas = document.getElementById("three_boid");
// Initialize Webgl renderer.
var renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer({canvas: canvas, antialias: true});
// Resize the output canvas to (width, height).
// Set the viewport to fit that size, starting in (0, 0).
renderer.setSize(SCENE_WIDTH, SCENE_HEIGHT);
// Initialize scene (where we put our models).
var scene = new THREE.Scene();
// Initialize camera (how we look at our scene).
var camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera(80, SCENE_WIDTH / SCENE_HEIGHT, 1, 10000);
camera.position.set(SCENE_WIDTH, SCENE_HEIGHT/2, 2000);
// Initialize orbit controls (how we use our mouse to move the camera).
var controls = new THREE.OrbitControls(camera, canvas);
controls.addEventListener('change', render);
// Initialize parent object (like a sub-scene).
var parent = new THREE.Object3D();
// Add Axes
// ---------
// Reference:
function buildAxes(length) {
var axes = new THREE.Object3D();
var axisPosX = buildAxis(new THREE.Vector3(0,0,0),
new THREE.Vector3(length, 0, 0), 0xFF0000, false);
var axisNegX = buildAxis(new THREE.Vector3(0, 0, 0),
new THREE.Vector3(-length, 0, 0), 0xFF0000, true);
axes.add(axisPosX); // +X
axes.add(axisNegX); // -X
var axisPosY = buildAxis(new THREE.Vector3(0, 0, 0),
new THREE.Vector3(0, length, 0), 0x00FF00, false);
var axisNegY = buildAxis(new THREE.Vector3(0, 0, 0),
new THREE.Vector3(0, -length, 0 ), 0x00FF00, true);
axes.add(axisPosY); // +Y
axes.add(axisNegY); // -Y
var axisPosZ = buildAxis(new THREE.Vector3(0, 0, 0),
new THREE.Vector3(0, 0, length), 0x0000FF, false);
var axisNegZ = buildAxis(new THREE.Vector3(0, 0, 0),
new THREE.Vector3( 0, 0, -length), 0x0000FF, true);
axes.add(axisPosZ); // +Z
axes.add(axisNegZ); // -Z
return axes;
function buildAxis(src, dst, colorHex, dashed) {
var geom = new THREE.Geometry(),
if (dashed) {
mat = new THREE.LineDashedMaterial({linewidth:3, color: colorHex, dashSize:3, gapSize:3});
} else {
mat = new THREE.LineBasicMaterial({linewidth:3, color:colorHex});
// This is IMPORTANT, otherwise dashed lines will appear as plain lines.
var axis = new THREE.Line(geom, mat, THREE.LineSegments);
return axis;
axes = buildAxes(SCENE_WIDTH);
// Add Bounding Box
// -----------------
var boundingBox = new THREE.BoundingBoxHelper(parent);
// Particle Render Prototype Methods
// ----------------------------------
Boid.prototype.set_color = function() {
this.color = new THREE.Color();
this.color.setHSL(Math.random(), 0.85, 0.5);
Boid.prototype.set_radius = function() {this.radius = Math.random() * 50;}
Boid.prototype.create_geometry = function() {
//this.geometry = new THREE.SphereGeometry(
// this.radius, // radius — sphere radius. Default: 50.
// 25, // widthSegments — number of horizontal segments. Minimum: 3; Default: 8.
// 25 // heightSegments — number of vertical segments. Minimum: 2; Default: 6.
this.geometry = new THREE.BoxGeometry(this.radius, this.radius, this.radius);
Boid.prototype.create_material = function() {
this.material = new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial({
color: this.color,
specular: 0x333333,
shininess: 100
this.material.transparent = true;
this.material.opacity = 0.80;
Boid.prototype.create_mesh = function() {
this.mesh = new THREE.Mesh(
this.mesh.position.set(this.position.x, this.position.y, this.position.z);
Boid.prototype.init_mesh_obj = function() {
Boid.prototype.set_rotation = function() {
this.rotation = new THREE.Vector3();
this.rotation.x = this.rotation.y = this.rotation.z = 0;
this.rotation_v = new THREE.Vector3();
this.rotation_v.x = Math.random() / 10;
this.rotation_v.y = Math.random() / 10;
this.rotation_v.z = Math.random() / 10;
Boid.prototype.update_boids = function() {
this.mesh.position.set(this.position.x, this.position.y, this.position.z);
// Calculate momentum and apply it to the color.
var momentum = this.velocity.length() * this.radius;
var intensity = momentum / 150;
if (intensity < 1) intensity = -1;
if (intensity > 1) intensity = 1;
this.mesh.material.color.offsetHSL(intensity * 0.0001, intensity * 0.0001,
intensity * 0.0001);
// Add boids.
var n = 300, data = [];
for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) {
var b = new Boid()
// Add Light
// ----------
var ambientLight = new THREE.AmbientLight(0x444444);
var directionalLight = new THREE.DirectionalLight(0xffffff);
directionalLight.position.set(10, 10, 10).normalize();
var directionalLight2 = new THREE.DirectionalLight(0xffffff);
directionalLight2.position.set(-10, -10, -10).normalize();
// Add FPS using Stats.js
// -----------------------
var stats = new Stats();
stats.setMode(0); // 0: fps, 1: ms
// Align to the right of dat.gui. = 'right';
// Add Controls and GUI
// ---------------------
var controls = new function() {
// Add params here.
this.x_rot_v = 0.02;
this.y_rot_v = 0.02;
this.z_rot_v = 0.02;
this.p_x_rot_v = 0;
this.p_y_rot_v = 0.01;
this.p_z_rot_v = 0;
this.ambient_light = true;
this.direction_light = true;
this.direction_light_2 = true;
var gui = new dat.GUI();
gui.add(controls, 'x_rot_v', 0, 0.5);
gui.add(controls, 'y_rot_v', 0, 0.5);
gui.add(controls, 'z_rot_v', 0, 0.5);
gui.add(controls, 'p_x_rot_v', 0, 0.5);
gui.add(controls, 'p_y_rot_v', 0, 0.5);
gui.add(controls, 'p_z_rot_v', 0, 0.5);
ambient_light = gui.add(controls, 'ambient_light');
ambient_light.onChange(function(value) {
if (value) {
} else {
direction_light = gui.add(controls, 'direction_light');
direction_light.onChange(function(value) {
if (value) {
} else {
direction_light_2 = gui.add(controls, 'direction_light_2');
direction_light_2.onChange(function(value) {
if (value) {
} else {
// Draw Loop
// -----------
function draw() {
// Start recording statistics.
for (var i = 0; i <n; i++) {
parent.rotation.x += controls.p_x_rot_v;
parent.rotation.y += controls.p_y_rot_v;
parent.rotation.z += controls.p_z_rot_v;
// Render scene.
renderer.render(scene, camera);
// End recording statistics.
// Run draw again.
function render() {
renderer.render(scene, camera);
// Start Animation
// -----------------
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