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Created January 15, 2024 19:00
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"Flutter/MX Red Pill Begins" completed exercise
(ns learn.counter.counter-fmx
["package:flutter/material.dart" :as m]
["package:flutter/widgets.dart" :as w]
["package:flutter/painting.dart" :as p]
["dart:math" :as math]
[clojure.string :as str]
[ :as mx
:refer [mget mupdate! mset! fasc fmu mav muv cI cF cF+ cFI]]
[tilton.fmx.api :as fx
:refer [dart-cb within-ctx material-app scaffold center text row column app-bar
;;; --- helpers -----------------------------------------
(defn headline-med []
(within-ctx [me ctx]
(-> (m/Theme.of ctx) .-textTheme .-headlineMedium)))
(defn is-triangular? [n]
(let [basis (int (.floor (math/sqrt (* 2 n))))]
(= n (/ (* basis (inc basis)) 2))))
(defn triangulars-not [max]
(remove is-triangular?
(range (inc max))))
(defn random-goal []
(let [non-tris (triangulars-not 22)]
(rand-nth non-tris)))
(defmacro value-descr [value desc$]
`(row {:mainAxisAlignment m/}
(fx/container {:constraints (m/BoxConstraints .minWidth 36)
:margin (m/EdgeInsets.only .right 12)
:alignment m/Alignment.centerRight}
{:style (headline-med)}
{:style (headline-med)}
;;; --- components ----------------------------------------
(defn playing-card [i]
{:key (m/ValueKey i)
:icon (cF (m/Icon (if (mav :discarded?)
m/Icons.circle_outlined m/Icons.add)))
:onPressed (dart-cb []
(if (mav :discarded?)
(= :hard (muv :difficulty :selected))
(fx/user-alert ctx "Un-discarding not allowed in Hard mode.")
(mav :at-max?)
(fx/user-alert ctx "Un-discarding would put us over the limit.")
:else (mupdate! (fasc :hand) :discards disj i))
(mupdate! (fasc :hand) :discards conj i)))}
{:discarded? (cF (contains? (mav :discards) i))}))
(defn hand-of-cards []
(row {:mainAxisAlignment m/MainAxisAlignment.spaceEvenly}
{:name :hand
:discards (cI #{})
:dealt (cF (range 1 (inc (mget (fmu :counter) :value))))
:held-sum (cF (apply + (remove #(contains? (mav :discards) %)
(mav :dealt))))
:goal (cFI (random-goal))
:outcome (cF (cond
(= (mav :held-sum) (mav :goal)) :win
(> (mav :held-sum) (mav :goal)) :lose))
:at-max? (cF (>= (- (muv :counter)
(count (mav :discards))) 7))}
(mapv (fn [i] (playing-card i))
(mav :dealt))))
(defn game-difficulty []
(fx/row {:mainAxisAlignment m/}
{:name :difficulty
:selected (cI :hard)}
(mapv (fn [dgr]
(fx/sized-box {:width 144}
{:controlAffinity m/ListTileControlAffinity.leading
:title (m/Text (str/capitalize (name dgr)))
:value dgr
:groupValue (cF (mav :selected))
:onChanged (dart-cb [v]
(pos? (muv :counter))
(fx/user-alert ctx "Difficulty cannot be changed during a hand.")
:else (mset! (fasc :difficulty) :selected v)))})))
[:easy :hard])))
(defn outcome []
{:visible (cF (not (nil? (muv :hand :outcome))))}
{:image (cF (m/AssetImage
(if (= :win (muv :hand :outcome))
"image/trophy.jpeg" "image/game-over.png")))
:height 256})))
(defn dealer-fab []
{:tooltip "Increment"
:onPressed (cF (dart-cb []
(muv :hand :outcome) (do
(mset! (fmu :counter) :value 0)
(mset! (fmu :hand) :discards #{})
(mset! (fmu :hand) :goal (random-goal)))
:else (mupdate! (fmu :counter) :value inc))))}
{:name :fab}
(m/Icon (if (muv :hand :outcome)
m/Icons.restore m/Icons.add))))
;;; --- home page ---------------------------------------------------------------
(defn home-page [.title]
{:appBar (app-bar {:title (m/Text title)
:backgroundColor (within-ctx [me ctx]
(-> (m/Theme.of ctx) .-colorScheme .-inversePrimary))})
:floatingActionButton (cF (mx/with-host me (dealer-fab)))}
(column {:mainAxisAlignment m/}
(fx/sized-box {:height 24})
(text {:style (headline-med)}
"We pushed the button N times:")
(text {:style (headline-med)}
{:name :counter
:value (cI 0)}
(str (mget me :value)))
(fx/sized-box {:height 24})
(value-descr (str (muv :hand :goal))
"is our goal!")
(value-descr (str (muv :hand :held-sum))
"sums the held cards")
(defn main []
(.ensureInitialized w/WidgetsFlutterBinding)
{:title "Flutter/MX Demo"
:theme (m/ThemeData
.colorScheme (m/ColorScheme.fromSeed
.seedColor m/Colors.deepPurple))}
(home-page .title "Blackjack-Ish"))))
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