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Created March 14, 2010 15:40
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import Data.List
import System
-- Encode a character range as regex.
bs :: Char -> Char -> String
bs '0' '9' = "\\d"
bs 'A' y = bs '1' y
bs x y | y == x = [x]
| y == succ x = ['[', x, y, ']']
| True = ['[', x, '-', y, ']']
-- The regex for a rule repeated some number of times.
nDigs2 :: Int -> Int -> String -> String
nDigs2 1 1 z = z
nDigs2 1 2 z = z ++ z ++ "?"
nDigs2 2 2 z = z ++ z
nDigs2 x y z | y == x = z ++ '{' : show x ++ "}"
| True = z ++ '{' : show x ++ ',' : show y ++ "}"
nDigs :: String -> String
nDigs xs = nDigs2 (length xs) (length xs) "\\d"
nDigsN :: (String -> String -> [String]) -> String -> String -> String -> [String]
nDigsN f px (x:xs) rep = (px ++ nDigs2 (1+length right) (1+length xs) rep) : f px right
where right = dropWhile (x==) xs
-- Integer part encoder --------------------------------------------------------
-- 3xxx ~ 9999 = 3(xxx ~ 999) | [4-9]\d{3}
iPartL :: String -> String -> [String]
iPartL px [x] = [px ++ bs x '9']
iPartL px y@('@':xs) = nDigsN iPartL px y "\\d"
iPartL px ( x :xs) = (px ++ bs (succ x) '9' ++ nDigs xs) : iPartL (px ++ [x]) xs
-- 0000 ~ 4xxx = 4(000 ~ xxx) | [0-3]?\d{3}
iPartR :: String -> String -> [String]
iPartR px [x] = [px ++ bs '0' x]
iPartR px ('0':xs) = iPartR (px ++ "0") xs
iPartR px ( x :xs) = (px ++ bs '0' (pred x) ++ nDigs xs) : iPartR (px ++ [x]) xs
-- 2xxx ~ 7yyy = 2xxx ~ 2999 | [3-6]\d{3} | 7000 ~ 7yyy
iPartA :: String -> String -> String -> [String]
iPartA px [x] [y] = [px ++ bs x y]
iPartA px (x:xs) (y:ys) | y == x = iPartA (px ++ [x]) xs ys
| y == succ x = boundary
| True = (px ++ bs (succ x) (pred y) ++ nDigs xs) : boundary
where boundary = iPartL (if x /= '@' then px ++ [x] else px) xs ++ iPartR (px ++ [y]) ys
-- Fractional part encoder -----------------------------------------------------
-- 1.3xx ~ 1.999... = 1.3(xx ~ 99...) | 1.[4-9]
fPartL :: String -> String -> [String]
fPartL px "" = [px]
fPartL px [x] = [px ++ bs x '9']
fPartL px (x:xs) = (px ++ bs (succ x) '9') : fPartL (px ++ [x]) xs
-- 1.000... ~ 1.3xx = 1.[0-2] | 1.3(00... ~ xx)
fPartR :: String -> String -> [String]
fPartR px "" = []
fPartR px [x] = [px ++ '(': bs '0' (pred x) ++ "\\d*)?"]
fPartR px y@('0':xs) = nDigsN fPartR px y "0"
fPartR px (x:xs) = fPartR px [x] ++ fPartR (px ++ [x]) xs
-- 1.2xx ~ 1.7yy = 1.2xx ~ 1.299... | 1.[3-6] | 1.700 ~ 1.7yy
fPartA :: String -> String -> String -> [String]
fPartA px "" ys = fPartR px ys
fPartA px (x:xs) (y:ys) | y == x = fPartA (px ++ [x]) xs ys
| y == succ x = boundary
| True = (px ++ bs (succ x) (pred y)) : boundary
where boundary = fPartL (px ++ [x]) xs ++ fPartR (px ++ [y]) ys
-- Main encoder ----------------------------------------------------------------
-- Create a regex that has a required integer and (maybe) optional fractional part.
matchDec :: String -> String -> String -> String
matchDec "" yi "" = yi ++ "\\.?"
matchDec "" yi yf = yi ++ "(\\." ++ yf ++ ")?"
matchDec _ yi yf = yi ++ "\\." ++ yf
-- Match multiple rules by or-ing them.
collect :: [String] -> String
collect [] = ""
collect [xs] = xs
collect xss = '(' : intercalate "|" xss ++ ")"
-- Regex to match number given integer and fraction parts of the bounds.
range' :: (String, String) -> (String, String) -> String
range' (xi, xf) (yi, yf) | yi == xi && xf == yf = matchDec xf xi $ xf++"0*"
| yi == xi = xi ++ "(\\." ++ collect (fPartA "" xf yf) ++ "\\d*|\\." ++ yf ++ "0*)" ++ if xf /= "" then "" else "?"
| yi == x1 = boundary
| True = boundary ++ '|' : collect (iPartA "" (replicate (length y1 - length x1) '@' ++ x1) y1) ++ "(\\.\\d*)?"
where boundary = matchDec "?" xi (collect (fPartL "" xf)) ++ "\\d*|" ++
matchDec "" yi (collect ((yf ++ "0*") : fPartR "" yf))
x1 = show $ read xi + 1
y1 = show $ read yi - 1
range :: String -> String -> String
range xs ys = range' (splitByDec xs) (splitByDec ys)
where splitByDec = (\(x,y)->(x,tail y)) . span(/='.')
main :: IO()
main = do
args <- getArgs
putStrLn $ if length args >= 2 then
range (args!!0) (args!!1)
"Usage: float-matching-regex <lower-bound> <upper-bound>"
-- 1,279 chars
import Data.List
import System
infixr 5&
x?y|y==x=[x]|h y x=['[',x,y,']']|b=['[',x,'-',y,']']
x~<y=succ x?pred y
c 1 1z=z
c 1 2z=z&z&"?"
c 2 2z=z&z
c x y z|y==x=z&'{':j x&"}"|b=z&'{':j x&',':j y&"}"
e x=c(d x)(d x)a
f v w(x:y)z=(w&c(1+d u)(1+d y)z):v w u where u=dropWhile(x==)y
i z[x]=[z&x?'9']
i z x@('@':y)=f i z x a
i z(x:y)=(z&x~<':'&e y):i(z&[x])y
k z[x]=[z&'0'?x]
k z('0':y)=k(z&"0")y
k z(x:y)=(z&'/'~<x&e y):k(z&[x])y
l z[x][y]=[z&x?y]
l z(x:u)(y:v)|y==x=l(z&[x])u v|h y x=w|b=(z&x~<y&e u):w where w=i(if x/='@'then z&[x]else z)u&k(z&[y])v
m z""=[z]
m z[x]=[z&x?'9']
m z(x:u)=(z&x~<':'):m(z&[x])u
z%x@('0':u)=f(%)z x"0"
o z""ys=z%ys
o z(x:u)(y:v)|y==x=o(z&[x])u v|h y x=w|b=(z&x~<y):w where w=m(z&[x])u&(z&[y])%v
p""x y=x&'(':g&y&")?"
p _ x y=x&g&y
q x='(':intercalate"|"x&")"
r(x,u)(y,v)|y==x&&u==v=p u x$u&"0*"|y==x=x&'(':g&q(o""u v)&a&"*|"&g&v&"0*)"&if u/=""then""else"?"|y==w=z|b=z&'|':q(l""(replicate(d t-d w)'@'&w)t)&'(':g&a&"*)?"where z=p"?"x(q$m""u)&a&"*|"&p""y(q$(v&"0*"):""%v);w=j$read x+1;t=j$read y-1
main=getArgs>>=(\x->putStrLn$r(w$x!!0)$w$x!!1)where w=(\(x,y)->(x,tail y)).span(/='.')
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