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Created April 10, 2010 10:20
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ising.cpp ... Ising Model
Copyright (C) 2010 KennyTM~ <>
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
Please compile with
g++-mp-4.5 -O3 -march=native -Wall -std=c++0x -I/opt/local/include -lgsl -fno-unswitch-loops -fno-tree-vectorize -funsafe-loop-optimizations -fno-math-errno ising.cpp
To sample, please use
shark -1 -i ./a.out
#include <vector>
#include <utility>
#include <gsl/gsl_rng.h>
#include <cassert>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdint>
#include <algorithm>
#include <ctime>
#include <iterator>
#include <cmath>
#include <numeric>
using namespace std;
static gsl_rng* rng;
typedef int64_t Energy;
typedef int Node;
typedef int64_t EnergySquared;
typedef double Beta; // Beta -> inverse temperature
enum Spin : char {
spinUp = 1,
spinDown = -1
typedef int TotalSpin;
struct Neighbor {
Node node;
Energy energy;
struct Edge {
Node source, target;
Energy energy;
struct Ising;
struct ExpCache {
Energy e;
unsigned long expval;
static vector<ExpCache> cache;
bool cmp_memoized_exp(Beta beta, Energy x) {
unsigned long res;
for (auto cit = cache.cbegin(); cit != cache.cend(); ++ cit)
if (cit->e == x) {
res = cit->expval;
goto cmp;
res = (unsigned long)(exp(-beta * x) * 0x100000000L);
cache.push_back(ExpCache{x, res});
return gsl_rng_get(rng) < res;
void flush_memoized_exp() {
struct Graph {
// Construct a graph of given size and edges.
Graph(const int size, const vector<Edge>& edges) : adjs(size) {
for (auto ait = adjs.begin(); ait != adjs.end(); ++ ait)
for (auto cit = edges.cbegin(); cit != edges.cend(); ++ cit) {
adjs[cit->source].push_back(Neighbor{cit->target, cit->energy});
adjs[cit->target].push_back(Neighbor{cit->source, cit->energy});
// Return a square lattice.
static Graph square_lattice (const int width, const int height) {
vector<Edge> edges;
Node i = 0;
for (int y = 0; y < height; ++ y) {
for (int x = 0; x < width; ++ x, ++ i) {
Node right = (x == width-1) ? i-width+1 : i+1;
Node down = (y == height-1) ? x : i+width;
edges.push_back(Edge{i, right, 1});
edges.push_back(Edge{i, down, 1});
return Graph(width*height, edges);
// Return a hexagonal lattice with impurity.
// - impurity_level must be between 0 and 2^32-1.
// - width & height must be even numbers.
static Graph hexagonal_lattice (const int width, const int height, const unsigned long impurity_level, const Energy pure_energy, const Energy impure_energy) {
assert(width % 2 == 0);
assert(height % 2 == 0);
vector<Edge> edges;
Node i = 0;
for (int y = 0; y < height; ++ y) {
for (int x = 0; x < width; ++ x, ++ i) {
Node right = (x == width-1) ? i-width+1 : i+1;
edges.push_back(Edge{i, right, gsl_rng_get(rng) < impurity_level ? impure_energy : pure_energy});
if ((x + y) % 2 == 0) {
Node down = (y == height-1) ? x : i+width;
edges.push_back(Edge{i, down, gsl_rng_get(rng) < impurity_level ? impure_energy : pure_energy});
return Graph(width*height, edges);
int size() const { return adjs.size(); }
vector<vector<Neighbor>> adjs;
void debug() const {
Node i = 0;
for (auto ait = adjs.cbegin(); ait != adjs.cend(); ++ ait) {
printf("%d: ", i++);
for (auto eit = ait->cbegin(); eit != ait->cend(); ++ eit) {
printf("(%d, %lld), ", eit->node, eit->energy);
friend struct Ising;
// friend int main();
struct Ising {
Ising(const Graph& g) : graph(g), spins(g.size(), spinUp) {}
int size() const { return spins.size(); }
Energy energy() const {
Energy total_energy = 0;
Node i = 0;
auto sit = spins.cbegin();
auto ait = graph.adjs.cbegin();
for (; ait != graph.adjs.cend(); ++ ait, ++ sit, ++ i) {
Spin spin = *sit;
for (auto eit = ait->cbegin(); eit != ait->cend(); ++ eit) {
if (spin == spins[eit->node])
total_energy -= eit->energy;
total_energy += eit->energy;
return total_energy / 2;
TotalSpin total_spin() const {
TotalSpin total_spin_1 = 0;
for (auto sit = spins.cbegin(); sit != spins.cend(); ++ sit)
total_spin_1 += *sit;
return total_spin_1;
Energy energy_change_by_flipping(const Node node) const {
Spin spin = spins[node];
const vector<Neighbor>& adj = graph.adjs[node];
Energy total_energy_change = 0;
for (auto eit = adj.cbegin(); eit != adj.cend(); ++ eit) {
if (spin == spins[eit->node])
total_energy_change += eit->energy;
total_energy_change -= eit->energy;
return total_energy_change * 2;
void flip(const Node node) {
spins[node] = spins[node] == spinUp ? spinDown : spinUp;
void monte_carlo_step(const Beta beta, Energy* delta_energy, TotalSpin* delta_total_spin) {
Node node = gsl_rng_get(rng) % size(); // warning! requires size() is a power of 2.
Energy dE = energy_change_by_flipping(node);
if (dE < 0 || cmp_memoized_exp(beta, dE)) {
if (delta_energy)
*delta_energy = dE;
if (delta_total_spin)
*delta_total_spin = spins[node]*2;
} else {
if (delta_energy)
*delta_energy = 0;
if (delta_total_spin)
*delta_total_spin = 0;
void run_monte_carlo(const Beta beta, int stats_steps, Energy* energy_history, TotalSpin* spin_history) {
int steps = 20000 * size();
// dry run for 20000N - 180000 steps.
for (int i = stats_steps; i < steps; ++ i)
monte_carlo_step(beta, NULL, NULL);
// collect stats for the last 180000 steps;
Energy cur_energy = energy();
TotalSpin cur_spin = total_spin();
for (int i = 0; i < stats_steps; ++ i) {
Energy dE;
TotalSpin dM;
monte_carlo_step(beta, &dE, &dM);
cur_energy += dE;
cur_spin += dM;
energy_history[i] = cur_energy;
spin_history[i] = abs(cur_spin);
void reset_spins() { fill(spins.begin(), spins.end(), spinUp); }
Graph graph;
vector<Spin> spins;
template <typename T>
T sqsum(const T res, const T val) { return res + val * val; }
template <typename Iter>
double mean(const Iter beg, const Iter end) {
auto sum = accumulate(beg, end, 0);
auto size = distance(beg, end);
return (double)sum / size;
template <typename Iter>
pair<double, double> stats(const Iter beg, const Iter end) {
typedef typename iterator_traits<Iter>::value_type T;
T sum = accumulate(beg, end, (T)0);
T sq_sum = accumulate(beg, end, (T)0, sqsum<T>);
auto size = distance(beg, end);
double xmean = (double)sum / size;
double var = (double)(size * sq_sum - sum * sum) / (size * (size-1));
return make_pair(xmean, var);
int main (int argc, char* argv[]) {
rng = gsl_rng_alloc(gsl_rng_taus2);
gsl_rng_set(rng, time(NULL));
auto level = atol(argv[1]) * (0x100000000L / 10);
Graph g = Graph::hexagonal_lattice(8, 16, level, 1, -1000);
#if 1
static const long stats_steps = 180000;
auto energy_history = new Energy[stats_steps];
auto spin_history = new TotalSpin[stats_steps];
static const long rep_steps = 48;
auto heat_caps = new double[rep_steps];
auto mags = new double[rep_steps];
for (int T = 1; T <= 100; ++ T) {
double beta = 20.0 / T;
int j;
for (j = 0; j < rep_steps; ++ j) {
Graph g = Graph::hexagonal_lattice(8, 16, level, -1, 1000);
// Graph g = Graph::square_lattice(5,5);
Ising ising (g);
ising.run_monte_carlo(beta, stats_steps, energy_history, spin_history);
auto energy_p = stats(energy_history, energy_history+stats_steps);
double heat_capacity = energy_p.second * beta * beta / ising.size();
double magnetization = mean(spin_history, spin_history+stats_steps) / ising.size();
heat_caps[j] = heat_capacity;
mags[j] = magnetization;
// if (j == 2 && heat_caps[j] == 0) {
// j ++;
// break;
// }
// auto heat_cap_p = stats(heat_caps, heat_caps+j);
// auto mags_p = stats(mags, mags+j);
for (--j; j > 0; --j)
printf("%g\t%g\t%g\n", 1/beta, heat_caps[j], mags[j]);
// printf("%g\t%g\t%g\t%g\t%g\n", 1/beta, heat_cap_p.first, sqrt(heat_cap_p.second/j), mags_p.first, sqrt(mags_p.second/j));
delete[] spin_history;
delete[] energy_history;
delete[] heat_caps;
delete[] mags;
return 0;
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