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Is there evidence that brain and mind are separate?
Conventional neuroscience teaches that consciousness is a by-product which arises out of biochemical and electromagnetic activity in the brain. New research indicates the opposite is true - electromagnetic and biochemical activity in the brain is an incidental by-product which arises out of consciousness. This idea represents a cardinal paradigm shift, and a turning point in the history of neuroscience.
A new breakthrough in memory science has yielded a general theory which supports the numerous observations of evidence for reincarnation. The discovery indicates experience is recorded in non-physical memory waves, which collapse into inert particles that are stored independently of the brain.
Key elements of the discoveries are below.
**Remote Viewing**
According to Wikipedia, [remote viewing (RV)][2] is the practice of seeking impressions about a distant or unseen target using subjective means, in particular, extrasensory perception (ESP) or "sensing with mind".
At its most basic, remote viewing (or RV) is the ability to experience objects, events, and people from a distance. What kind of distance are we talking about? Well, remote viewers have correctly described small objects hidden in film canisters, secret military instillations on the other side of the world, and the surface of the moon. In some ways, the term "viewing" is misleading, or at least incomplete, since experienced viewers are able to describe not just visual impressions, but also sounds, smells, textures, tastes, and—in the case of human targets—emotions. It's also important to note that targets can be "remote" in both time and space.
U.S. Government interest in the phenomenon dates back at least to World War II, when captured documents revealed some fascinating German experiments in the application of the paranormal to military intelligence. But it wasn't until the 1970's, when the U.S. discovered that Soviet Union was spending 60 million rubles annually on "psychotronic" research. Afraid of being left behind in a "psychic arms race," the CIA funded a research proposal from two laser physicists at Stanford Research Institute (SRI). It was these two scientists—Russell Targ and Harold Puthoff—who developed the first protocols and coined the term "remote viewing" (RV). Proponents of the research said that a minimum accuracy rate of 65% required by the clients was consistently exceeded in the later experiments. In 1990 the program moved to Science Applications International Corporation ([SAIC][3]), a major defense contractor and a Fortune 500 company with some 38,000 employees worldwide. In 1995, the project was transferred to the CIA and a retrospective evaluation of the results was done. A report by Utts claimed the results were evidence of psychic functioning. The CIA terminated the 20 million dollar project, because the government determined that even if there is some truth to the remote viewing claims, it is too unreliable to be of any military value and no practical value to the intelligence community. When the CIA hired the American Institute for Research—an intel-industry contractor—to conduct an evaluation of RV programs in 1995, the evaluators were only shown the results from the last few years of work at Fort Meade, much of which was frankly garbage; earlier work by viewers like Price and McMoneagle remained classified.
Utts and Dr. Ray Hyman, a psychologist at the University of Oregon and a skeptic, issued separate reports on the Star Gate studies. Utts concluded that "psychic functioning has been well established."
According to [Wikipedia][4], a key sponsor of the research internally at Fort Meade, MD, [MG Stubblebine][5] was convinced of the reality of a wide variety of psychic phenomena. He required that all of his Battalion Commanders learn how to bend spoons a la Uri Geller, and he himself attempted several psychic feats, even attempting to walk through walls. In the early 1980s he was responsible for the United States Army Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM), during which time the remote viewing project in the US Army began. He also confirms the stunning success of US Army remote viewing Project Stargate.
Based on the above, The United States Government's involvement in remote viewing is real. At one time or another, the Army, the Navy, the CIA have all funded remote viewing projects. Many other branches of the military and the government—the Navy and Air Force, as well as NSA and NASA, invested in remote viewing. Their programs are less well known and classified.
As Major General Ed Thompson, Army Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence from 1977 to 1981, once said:
> "I never liked to get into debates with skeptics, because if you
> didn't believe that remote viewing was real, you hadn't done your
> homework."
Scientific research papers at Cognitive Sciences Laboratory:
- [The Correlation of the Gradient of Shannon Entropy and
Anomalous Cognition: Toward an AC Sensory System][6]
(Journal of Scientific Exploration, Volume 14, Number 1, pp. 53-72, 2000)
- [A Perceptual Channel for Information Transfer over Kilometer Distances: Historical Perspective and Recent Research][7]
Harold E. Puthoff & Russell Targ
Stanford Research Institute, Menlo Park California, USA
- [Testing Schrodinger's Paradox with A Michelson Interferometer][8]
Evan Harris Walker
U.S. Army Ballistic Research Laboratory, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland, USA
- ["Future Telling:" A Meta-Analysis of Forced-Choice Precognitions Experiments, 1935-1987][9]
Charles Honorton & Diane C. Farrari Psychophysical Research Laboratory Plainsboro, NJ
- [Overview of Current Parapsychology Research in the Former Soviet Union][10]
Edwin C. May, Ph.D. and Larissa Vilenskaya
- [Anomalous Mental Phenomena Research in Russia and the Former Soviet Union: A Follow Up][11]
Larissa Vilenskaya & Edwin C. May, Ph.D.
- [Advances in Remote-Viewing Analysis][12]
Edwin C. May, Jessica M. Utts, Beverly S. Humphrey, Wanda L. W. Luke, Thane J. Frivold, and Virginia V. Trask
- [Decision Augmentation Theory][13]
Edwin C. May, Jessica M. Utts, and S. James P. Spottiswoode
- [Applications of Decision Augmentation Theory][14]
Edwin C. May, S. James P. Spottiswoode, Jessica M. Utts, and Christine L. James
- [ESP and the Brain: Current Status][15]
Edwin C. May
- [Target and Sender Dependencies in Anomalous Cognition Experiments][16]
Nevin D. Lantz, Wanda L. W. Luke, and Edwin C. May
- Managing the Target-Pool Bandwidth: Possible Noise Reduction for Anomalous Cognition Experiments
Edwin C. May, S. James P. Spottiswoode, and Christine L. James
- [Shannon Entropy: A Possible Intrinsic Target Property][17]
Edwin C. May, S. James P. Spottiswoode, and Christine L. James
- [Feedback Considerations in Anomalous Cognition Experiments][18]
Edwin C. May, Nevin D. Lantz, and Tom Piantineda
- [Skin Conductance Prestimulus Response: Analysis, Artifacts and a Pilot Study][19]
S. James P. Spottiswoode and E. C. May
- [The American Institutes for Research Review of the Department of Defense's STARGAT Program: A Commentary][20]
Edwin C. May
- [Has Science Developed the Competence to Confront the Claims of the Paranormal?][21]
Charles Honorton
- see also more [academic publications][22] and [research library][23] at the [CSL][24].
See also:
- [Remote Viewing FAQ by former Army intelligence officer Steven Harris][25]
- ['remote viewing' at the Sceptic's Dictionary][26]
On April 17, 1995, President Clinton issued Executive Order Nr. 1995-4-17, entitled Classified National Security Information. In July 1995 the CIA declassified, and approved for release, documents revealing its sponsorship in the 1970s of a program at Stanford Research Institute in Menlo Park, CA, to determine whether such phenomena as remote viewing "might have any utility for intelligence collection".
Official CIA Statements/Perspectives
> With regard to admission by the government of its use of remote
> viewers under operational conditions, officials have on occasion been
> relatively forthcoming. President Carter, in a speech to college
> students in Atlanta in September 1995, is quoted by Reuters as saying
> that during his administration a plane went down in Zaire, and a
> meticulous sweep of the African terrain by American spy satellites
> failed to locate any sign of the wreckage. It was then "without my
> knowledge" that the head of the CIA (Adm. Stansfield Turner) turned to
> a woman reputed to have psychic powers. As told by Carter, **"she gave
> some latitude and longitude figures. We focused our satellite cameras
> on that point and the plane was there."** Independently, Turner himself
> also has admitted the Agency's use of a remote viewer (in this case,
> Pat Price). And recently, in a segment taped for the British
> television series Equinox, Maj. Gen. Ed Thompson, Assistant Chief
> of Staff for Intelligence, U.S. Army (1977-1981), volunteered "I had
> one or more briefings by SRI and was impressed.... The decision I made
> was to set up a small, in-house, low-cost effort in remote
> viewing...."
> Finally, a recent unclassified report prepared for the CIA by the
> American Institutes for Research (AIR), concerning a remote viewing
> effort carried out under a DIA program called Star Gate (discussed in
> detail elsewhere in this volume), cites the roles of the CIA and DIA
> in the history of the program, including acknowledgment that a cadre
> of full-time government employees used remote viewing techniques to
> respond to tasking from operational military organizations.
> As information concerning the various programs spawned by
> intelligence-community interest is released, and the dialog concerning
> their scientific and social significance is joined, the results are
> certain to be hotly debated. Bearing witness to this fact are the
> companion articles in this volume by Ed May, Director of the SRI and
> SAIC programs since 1985, and by Jessica Utts and Ray Hyman,
> consultants on the AIR evaluation cited above. These articles address
> in part the AIR study. That study, limited in scope to a small
> fragment of the overall program effort, resulted in a conclusion that
> although laboratory research showed statistically significant results,
> use of remote viewing in intelligence gathering was not warranted.
> Regardless of one's a priori position, however, an unimpassioned
> observer cannot help but attest to the following fact. Despite the
> ambiguities inherent in the type of exploration covered in these
> programs, the integrated results appear to provide unequivocal
> evidence of a human capacity to access events remote in space and
> time, however falteringly, by some cognitive process not yet
> understood. My years of involvement as a research manager in these
> programs have left me with the conviction that this fact must be taken
> into account in any attempt to develop an unbiased picture of the
> structure of reality.
- [CIA-Initiated Remote Viewing At Stanford Research Institute][27]
Tests of remote viewing often involve having one person go to a remote site, while another tries to get impressions of the site. There is no way to distinguish telepathy from clairvoyance in such tests. Some tests have the one being tested try to get impressions from giving him coordinates on a map, for example. But even in those tests if someone is at those coordinates there is no way to know whether any impressions were coming from that person or from the site itself or from other unknown sources, such as the [Akashic record][28].
Ingo Swann and Harold Sherman claim to have done remote viewing of Mercury and Jupiter. Targ and Puthoff reported that their remote viewing compared favorably to the findings of the Mariner 10 and Pioneer 10 research spacecraft. Isaac Asimov did a similar comparison and found that 46% of the observation claims of the astral travelers were wrong. Also, only one out of 65 claims made by the remote viewers was a fact that either was not obvious or not obtainable from reference books.
McMoneagle was in the army for 16 years, apparently serving some or most of that time as a psychic spy. He claims he helped locate the U.S. hostages taken by Iran during Jimmy Carter's presidency.
According to Courtney Brown (social scientist at Emory University), the remote viewing is the ability to accurately perceive information at great distances across space and time no -- longer needs to depend upon a few gifted individuals because now we know that SRV (Scientific Remote Viewing) can be taught and learned, and the reliability of trained individuals is "generally much greater than that of the best natural psychics.
Brown next informs us that he discovered SRV after making contact with several of the Pentagon's ex-psychic warriors who successfully spied on the Kremlin during the Cold War.
Following a brief history of the U.S. Military Psychic Warfare Program, we are informed about the work of Robert Jahn and Harold Puthoff and Robert Monroe and Ingo Swann and how important meditation and the work of the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi is in teaching one to use SRV. After learning how one uses the mind and imagination to sail off into the wild blue yonder and how to master the seven stages of SRV protocols and the six different types of remote-viewing data.
> Scientific historians of the next century will no doubt regard January
> 1996 as the period of the greatest scientific breakthrough in all of
> human history. It was in this month that two of mankind's greatest
> scientific accomplishments of all time were announced: the conquest of
> space and the conquest of time! What is even more remarkable is that
> these mind-boggling discoveries were made by two relatively unknown
> individuals with doctorate degrees, but who chanced upon perhaps the
> greatest scientific discovery of all time -- scientific remote
> viewing! Using scientific remote viewing (SRV) to conquer space was
> the discovery of one Courtney Brown, Ph.D., a political science
> professor at Emory University. In January 1996 Dr. Brown released to
> an astounded world his incredible book bearing the title Cosmic
> Voyages: A Scientific Discovery of Extraterrestrials Visiting Earth
> (Dutton, The Penguin Group, New York, 1996.).
> We must not nitpick, however. Dr. Brown informs us that the farthest
> reaches of the universe are now open to us and can be reached in short
> order using his rigorous and exacting remote-viewing protocols
> developed by the US military for espionage purposes. Although these
> methods are new, they are "valid and exceptionally reliable research
> instruments, regardless of whether many other scientists yet accept
> them or are familiar with them".
- [A Skeptic's Notebook - Scientific Remote Viewing by professor of psychology University of Kentucky, Robert Baker.][29]
- [Official Statement by Dr. Courtney Brown][30]
- PSI Spies: The True Story of America's Psychic Warfare Program by Jim Marrs
- Remote Viewing: The Science and Theory of Nonphysical Perception by Courtney Brown
> It's serious scientific book that not only demonstrates the reality of remote viewing but goes beyond that to provide a set of creative hypotheses and experiments about its underlying properties.
- Phenomenal World by Joan D'Arc
- The Conscious Universe: The Scientific Truth of Psychic Phenomena by PhD Radin Dean (researcher and scientist at [IONS][31])
- Mind Trek by Joe McMoneagle
- The Men Who Stare at Goats by Jon Ronson
- Remote Viewers: The Secret History of America's Psychic Spies by Jim Schnabel
**Extra-sensory perception (ESP)**
Extrasensory perception or ESP includes reception of information not gained through the recognized physical senses but sensed with the mind. Parapsychology is the study of paranormal psychic phenomena, including ESP.
From World War II until the 1970s the U.S. government occasionally funded ESP research. When the US intelligence community learned that the USSR and China were conducting ESP research, it became receptive to the idea of having its own competing psi research program.
> The problem of extra-sensory perception (ESP) is engaging increasing
> interest in scientific circles, both in America and the Soviet Union,
> as well as Western Europe. The experiments carried out over the last
> decades have accumulated a formidable array of evidence that ESP
> actually takes palce. Since these phenomena are at first sight
> inexplicable in the context of contemporary science this gives rise to
> the problem. How are we to account for them? A few die-hard Newtonian
> mechanists claim that the scientists concerned have all been guilty of
> deliberate fraud. Other scientists are convinced by the evidence and
> claim that ESP has already been established. [...] What is apparent is
> that fewer and fewer scientists are merely uninterested.
Source: [Science and ESP edited by J R Smythies][32] (book)
Quotes by [Edgar Mitchell][33], American pilot, retired Captain in the United States Navy and NASA astronaut:
> “The subject of the societies’ concern can be broadly classified as
> Extrasensory Perception (ESP, psychokinesis (PK), and survival
> phenomena (theta). Collectively, they are referred to as psi, the
> twenty-third letter of the Greek alphabet and the first letter in the
> Greek word for “psyche”, meaning “mind” or “soul.” - Mitchell
> “Telepathy, for example, had been extensively studied and documented
> for a century. The work of J.B. Rhine, Rene Warcollier, S.G. Soal, and
> many others, including the astounding experiment between Harold
> Sherman and Sir Hubert Wilkins in the Arctic, could leave no doubt
> about its existence.” - Mitchell
> “ESP is a psychic event in which information is transmitted through
> channels outside the known sensory channels, either in waking
> consciousness, trance, or dreams.” - Mitchell
New Scientist Magazine did a questionaire on parapsychology in 1973. It’s first conclusion reported that:
> “parapsychology is clearly counted as being exceedingly interesting
> and relevant by a very large number of today’s working scientists.”
25% of the respondents held ESP to be an established fact, with another 42% declaring it a likely possibility.
> “This positive attitude was based, in about 40% of the sample, on
> reading reports in scientific books and journals. Moreso came from a
> majority whose convictions arose from personal experience. There was a
> strong undercurrent among respondents that too much time was being
> spent proving the existence of ESP, when the real need was to “get on
> with finding out how it works.”
> Stop trying to “prove it”, start trying to figure out what is going
> on. As you try to figure out what’s going on, you might just stumble
> across some real science on your way.
- Psychic Exploration: A Challenge for Science. by Edgar D. Mitchell, ScD
**Near-Death Experiences**
There are other scientific evidences supporting separation of body and mind (or [consciousness][34]), some examples include [Near-Death Experiences][35] [NDE] and the [afterlife][36].
[Dr. Kenneth Ring][37] published a scientific paper in the [Journal of Near-Death Studies][38] (Summer, 1993) about people who had a near-death experience (NDE) of a type that provides verified evidence supporting the existence of an afterlife.
Currently, a large scientific study - called the [The AWARE Study][39] - is currently underway cross Europe and America to determine if veridical perception is a scientific fact. A second study - called The Immortality Project - was awarded $2.4 million by the John Templeton Foundation to fund such projects.
There are many people who have had near death experiences or out of body experiences would swear on their graves that it's real. Scientifically, that's not considered proof, it's an oddity, something that can't be explained.
- [Scientific Evidence Supporting Near-Death Experiences and the Afterlife][40]
**Astral projection**
[Astral projection][41] works with the scientific method, meaning that you can personally try and experience it yourself. There are techniques to do it, and it can be done with practice, and with practice you'll be able to see for yourself if there's any validity to such experiences. Even the most skeptical person can have an out of body experience, if they practice sufficiently to succeed. This happened in the case of the neurologist who recently wrote a book about heaven being real, but it can happen for anyone.
Ability to astral travel is enough evidence of separation of our brain and mind. I don't think there will be ever any scientific proof of the astral travel, generally speaking science can't proof much, that's why we still call them theories e.g. [Big Bang theory][42], [Quantum theory][43], etc. So I think the people experiences are the most convincing facts.
There is also famous documentary called [DMT: The Spirit Molecule][44] which is an investigation into the long-obscured mystery of dimethyltryptamine (DMT), a molecule found in nearly every living organism and considered the most potent psychedelic on Earth. The documentary traces Dr. Rick Strassman's government-sanctioned, human DMT research and its many trials, tribulations, and inconceivable realizations. A closer examination of DMT's effects through the lens of two traditionally opposed concepts, science and spirituality, The Spirit Molecule explores the connections between cutting-edge neuroscience, quantum physics, and human spirituality.
Suggested books:
- [The Astral Projection Guidebook: Mastering the Art of Astral Travel by Erin Pavlina][45]
**Kirlian photography**
There are some evidences in form of [Kirlian photography][46] where Russian scientist Konstantin Korotkov, who claims to photographs the soul leaving the body at death.
**Telepathy, Clairvoyance and hypnosis**
Telepathy and clairvoyance are fancy names for Remote viewing (RV).
The CIA funded a research proposal from two laser physicists at Stanford Research Institute (SRI). Two scientists—Russell Targ and Harold Puthoff—who developed the first protocols and coined the term "remote viewing," largely to get away from having to use words like paranormal, psychic, and clairvoyance, which tended to make the Government uncomfortable.
If the remote viewer gets messages of a site from a person who is at the site looking around, then it would be telepathy. If the remote viewer gets messages of a site by "perceiving" the site psychically, then it would be clairvoyance.
Experiments combining clairvoyance and hypnosis go back for centuries. In 1849 the famous mathematician, Augustus de Morgan (1806–1871), wrote of his first experience with what came to be known as "traveling clairvoyance." The early mesmerists (hypnotists) carried out many experiments during which the subjects would be asked to "go somewhere" mentally and to describe what they saw.
It's common knowledge that gifted [clairvoyants][47] (or [RV][48]) who're cooperating with police, FBI, CIA, etc. and they're known as [psychic detectives][49].
> “To the present day, no one has come up with a persuasive experimental
> design that can unambiguously distinguish between telepathy and
> clairvoyance....Based on the experimental evidence, it is by no means
> clear that pure telepathy exists per se, nor is it certain that
> real-time clairvoyance exists." The evidence "can all be accommodated
> by various forms of precognition.", Dean Radin
See: [ESP Researchers][50]
**Consciousness (scientific studies)**
[Marcel Joseph Vogel][51] (research scientist working at the IBM) claimed to be able to duplicate the "[Backster effect][52]" using plants as transducers for bio-energetic fields from the human mind, showing that they respond to human thought. He claimed his findings had the same effect irrespective of distance and suggested that "inverse square law does not apply to thought". Vogel was a proponent of research into [plant consciousness][53]. He spurred fellow researcher [Randall Fontes][54] into furthering this work. He gave his theories regarding the possibility of communication between plants.
**Consciousness (New Age)**
According to [New Age][55] movement and similar (not supported by the mainstream science) our brain is a biological computer that interfaces with a conscious entity (our [consciousness][56], [soul][57] or [higher-self][58]). And our experiences/memories are stored in forms of [the akashic records][59] (on quantum level in forms of [photons][60]) in our DNA (which is our [quantum mechanical biowave computer][61]) as part of our [etheric body][62] and are retrieved by our [consciousness][63] by our [free will][64]. Various of peoples [out-of-body experiences][65] supports that theory including some [scientific evidences][66]. Our brains still have some storage function, but it's not the main repository of our memories/experiences.
The scientific theories in favor for above are:
- [Holonomic brain theory][67]
- [Holographic principle][68] (universe existing as a 'hologram' and everything is made of electromagnetic fields)
- [Double-slit experiment][69] (which proves consciousness on quantum level)
- [The DNA Phantom Effect][70] discovered by quantum physicist Dr. Vladimir Poponin
- [The Big Bang theory][71] and [The Big Crunch][72]
- [Quantum phenomena in biology][73]
Including controversial project called [Global Consciousness Project][74] relating to the anomalous spikes that precede the towers being hit [9/11][75].
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