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Last active June 8, 2022 15:22
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from typing import Protocol
class Ring(Protocol):
def zero() -> "Ring":
def identity() -> "Ring":
def add(self, other: "Ring") -> "Ring":
def mul(self, other: "Ring") -> "Ring":
def inverse_add(self) -> "Ring":
# Assume T is Ring.
class RequirementForRing(SomeUnitTestFramework):
def zero_is_additive_unit():
x = for_any_element(T)
assert x == and x == x.add(
class NonZeroIsMultipricativeGroup(Protocol):
def zero() -> "Ring":
def identity() -> "MultipricativeGroup":
def mul(self, other: "MultipricativeGroup") -> "MultipricativeGroup":
def inverse_mul(self) -> "MultipricativeGroup":
# Assume T is NonZeroIsMultipricativeGroup.
class RequirementForNonZeroIsMultipricativeGroup(SomeUnitTestFramework):
def any_non_zero_has_unique_multiplicative_inverse():
x = for_any_element(T)
if x ==
assert T.identity() == x.inverse_mul().mul(x) and T.identity() == x.mul(x.inverse_mul())
class Field(Protocol, Ring, NonZeroIsMultipricativeGroup):
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