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Last active December 4, 2016 18:30
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license: gpl-3.0
border: yes
height: 560
scrolling: yes
<!doctype html>
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* { box-sizing: border-box; }
body {
font-family: "Open Sans", sans-serif;
margin: 0;
circle {
fill: #008000;
stroke: none;
#svg-wrap {
margin: 10px auto;
position: relative;
overflow: scroll;
.bucket-top {
stroke: none;
fill: #999;
.bucket-barrel {
stroke: none;
fill: #e1e1e1;
.bucket-wire {
stroke: #979797;
stroke-linecap: round;
fill: none;
.bucket-handle {
stroke: none;
fill: #4a4a4a;
.drop-path {
stroke: none;
fill: none;
.drop-guide {
fill: none;
stroke: #e1e1e1;
stroke-width: 1.5px;
stroke-linecap: round;
.count-text, count-label { fill: #444; }
<div id="svg-wrap">
<svg version="1.1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="">
<g id="drop-paths"></g>
<g id="drop-guides"></g>
<g id="buckets"></g>
<g id="counts"></g>
<script src=""></script>
var svg ='svg');
var dropPathsGrp ='#drop-paths');
var dropGuidesGrp ='#drop-guides');
var bucketsGrp ='#buckets');
var countsGrp ='#counts');
var rwd = { x: 0, y: 0};
var ballR = 0;
var interval = 10000;
var cats = [
var stats = {
'processed': { count: 0, queued : 0, countText: {}, path: {} },
'parsed': { count: 0, queued : 0, countText: {}, path: {} },
'unique': { count: 0, queued : 0, countText: {}, path: {} },
'cat_1': { count: 0, queued : 0, countText: {}, path: {} },
'cat_2': { count: 0, queued : 0, countText: {}, path: {} },
'cat_3': { count: 0, queued : 0, countText: {}, path: {} },
'cat_4': { count: 0, queued : 0, countText: {}, path: {} },
'cat_5': { count: 0, queued : 0, countText: {}, path: {} },
'cat_6': { count: 0, queued : 0, countText: {}, path: {} },
'cat_7': { count: 0, queued : 0, countText: {}, path: {} },
'cat_8': { count: 0, queued : 0, countText: {}, path: {} },
'cat_9': { count: 0, queued : 0, countText: {}, path: {} },
'cat_10': { count: 0, queued : 0, countText: {}, path: {} },
'duplicates': { count: 0, queued : 0, countText: {}, path: {} },
'cat_11': { count: 0, queued : 0, countText: {}, path: {} },
'cat_12': { count: 0, queued : 0, countText: {}, path: {} },
'cat_13': { count: 0, queued : 0, countText: {}, path: {} },
'failed': { count: 0, queued : 0, countText: {}, path: {} }
var updates = [];
var upIdx = 0;
var upLen = 60;
function genData () {
var upX = 0;
var tots = initTots();
for (upX; upX < upLen; upX += 1 ) {
function genRow () {
var processed = 0;
var parsed = 0;
var failed = 0;
var unique = 0;
var cat_1 = 0;
var uidd = 0;
var cat_9;
var row = {};
cats.forEach(function (cat) {
var catCt = 0;
if (cat == 'processed') {
processed = randRange(0, 75);
failed = randRange(0, 10);
parsed = processed - failed;
catCt = processed;
if (cat == 'parsed') {
catCt = parsed;
if (cat == 'unique') {
unique = parsed - randRange(0, parsed);
catCt = unique;
if (cat == 'cat_1') {
cat_1 = unique - randRange(0, 10);
catCt = cat_1;
uidd = unique - cat_1;
if (cat == 'cat_2' || cat == 'cat_3' || cat == 'cat_4' || cat == 'cat_11') {
if (uidd) {
catCt = uidd - randRange(0, uidd);
uidd = uidd - catCt;
if (cat == 'cat_5' || cat == 'cat_6' || cat == 'cat_7' || cat == 'cat_8' ) {
catCt = randRange(0, 25);
if (cat == 'cat_9') {
catCt = unique - randRange(0, unique);
cat_9 = catCt;
if (cat == 'cat_10') {
catCt = unique - cat_9;
if (cat == 'duplicates') {
catCt = parsed - unique;
if (cat == 'cat_12') {
catCt = randRange(0, 5);
if (cat == 'cat_13') {
catCt = randRange(0, 15);
if (cat == 'failed') {
catCt = failed;
row[cat] = tots[cat] + catCt;
tots[cat] = row[cat];
return row;
function initTots () {
var tots = {};
cats.forEach(function (cat) { tots[cat] = 0; });
return tots;
function drawBuckets () {
var barrel = [
['C',[36,40],' ',[28.84,42],' ',[20,42]],
['C',[11.163,42],' ',[4,40],' ',[4,38]],
['C',[0.5,6.3],' ',[9.275,8],' ',[20,8]],
['C',[30.724,8],' ',[39.477,6.3],' ',[40,4]],
var barrelD = calcD(barrel);
var wire = [
['C',[0,4],' ',[0,22],' ',[20,22]],
['C', [40,22],' ',[40,4],' ',[40,4]]
var wireD = calcD(wire);
var handle = { x: 16, y: 20, width: 8, height: 4, rx: 2 };
var bucketY = to3(rwd.y * 403);
var buckets = {
'processed': 28,
'parsed': 92,
'unique': 156,
'cat_1': 220,
'cat_2': 284,
'cat_3': 348,
'cat_4': 412,
'cat_5': 476,
'cat_6': 540,
'cat_7': 604,
'cat_8': 668,
'cat_9': 732,
'cat_10': 796,
'duplicates': 860,
'cat_11': 924,
'cat_12': 988,
'cat_13': 1052,
'failed': 1116
cats.forEach(function (cat) {
var bucket = buckets[cat];
drawTop(cat, bucket);
drawBucket(cat, bucket);
function drawTop (cat, bucket) {
var bucketX = to3(buckets[cat] * rwd.x);
var rx = to3(rwd.x * 20);
var ry = to3(rwd.y * 4);
var cx = bucketX + rx;
var cy = bucketY + ry;
.attr('id', 'bucket-top-' + cat)
.attr('class', 'bucket-top')
.attr('cx', cx)
.attr('cy', cy)
.attr('rx', rx)
.attr('ry', ry);
function drawBucket (cat, bucket) {
var bucketGrp = bucketsGrp.append('g')
.attr('id', 'bucket-' + cat)
.attr('transform', 'translate(' + to3(bucket * rwd.x) + ',' + bucketY + ')');
.attr('class', 'bucket-barrel')
.attr('d', barrelD);
.attr('class', 'bucket-wire')
.attr('d', wireD)
.attr('stroke-linecap', 'round');
.attr('class', 'bucket-handle')
.attr('x', to3(16 * rwd.x))
.attr('y', to3(20 * rwd.y))
.attr('width', to3(8 * rwd.x))
.attr('height', to3(4 * rwd.y))
.attr('rx', to3(2 * rwd.x));
function drawPaths () {
var dropPaths = {
'processed': [ ['M',[16,16]], ['L',[296,32]], ['L',[48,112]], ['L',[48,406]] ],
'parsed': [ ['M',[16,16]], ['L',[296,32]], ['L',[560,48]], ['L',[112,208]], ['L',[112,406]] ],
'unique': [ ['M',[16,16]], ['L',[296,32]], ['L',[560,48]], ['L',[592,144]], ['L',[176,304]], ['L',[176,406]] ],
'cat_1': [ ['M',[16,16]], ['L',[296,32]], ['L',[560,48]], ['L',[592,144]], ['L',[508,176]], ['L',[525,225]], ['L',[240,336]], ['L',[240,406]] ],
'cat_2': [ ['M',[16,16]], ['L',[296,32]], ['L',[560,48]], ['L',[592,144]], ['L',[508,176]], ['L',[525,225]], ['L',[525,250]], ['L',[304,336]], ['L',[304,406]] ],
'cat_3': [ ['M',[16,16]], ['L',[296,32]], ['L',[560,48]], ['L',[592,144]], ['L',[508,176]], ['L',[525,225]], ['L',[525,260]], ['L',[368,336]], ['L',[368,406]] ],
'cat_4': [ ['M',[16,16]], ['L',[296,32]], ['L',[560,48]], ['L',[592,144]], ['L',[508,176]], ['L',[525,225]], ['L',[525,260]], ['L',[432,336]], ['L',[432,406]] ],
'cat_5': [ ['M',[16,16]], ['L',[296,32]], ['L',[560,48]], ['L',[592,144]], ['L',[508,176]], ['L',[525,225]], ['L',[525,260]], ['L',[496,336]], ['L',[496,406]] ],
'cat_6': [ ['M',[16,16]], ['L',[296,32]], ['L',[560,48]], ['L',[592,144]], ['L',[508,176]], ['L',[525,225]], ['L',[525,260]], ['L',[560,336]], ['L',[560,406]] ],
'cat_7': [ ['M',[16,16]], ['L',[296,32]], ['L',[560,48]], ['L',[592,144]], ['L',[508,176]], ['L',[525,225]], ['L',[525,260]], ['L',[624,336]], ['L',[624,406]] ],
'cat_8': [ ['M',[16,16]], ['L',[296,32]], ['L',[560,48]], ['L',[592,144]], ['L',[508,176]], ['L',[525,225]], ['L',[525,260]], ['L',[688,336]], ['L',[688,406]] ],
'cat_9': [ ['M',[16,16]], ['L',[296,32]], ['L',[560,48]], ['L',[592,144]], ['L',[508,176]], ['L',[525,225]], ['L',[525,250]], ['L',[752,311]], ['L',[752,406]] ],
'cat_10': [ ['M',[16,16]], ['L',[296,32]], ['L',[560,48]], ['L',[592,144]], ['L',[508,176]], ['L',[525,225]], ['L',[592,244.4]], ['L',[816,304]], ['L',[816,406]] ],
'duplicates': [ ['M',[16,16]], ['L',[296,32]], ['L',[560,48]], ['L',[592,144]], ['L',[513,174.3]], ['L',[880,272]], ['L',[880,406]] ],
'cat_11': [ ['M',[16,16]], ['L',[296,32]], ['L',[560,48]], ['L',[592,144]], ['L',[1008,240]], ['L',[944,304]], ['L',[944,406]] ],
'cat_12': [ ['M',[16,16]], ['L',[296,32]], ['L',[560,48]], ['L',[592,144]], ['L',[1008,240]], ['L',[1008,406]] ],
'cat_13': [ ['M',[16,16]], ['L',[296,32]], ['L',[560,48]], ['L',[592,144]], ['L',[1008,240]], ['L',[1072,304]], ['L',[1072,406]] ],
'failed': [ ['M',[16,16]], ['L',[296,32]], ['L',[560,48]], ['L',[1136,187.5]], ['L',[1136,406]] ]
var dropGuides = [
{ id: 'init', points: [ ['M',[9.75,22.5]], ['L',[258.5,37]] ] },
{ id: 'processed', points: [ ['M',[526.5,52.75]], ['L',[296,39]], ['L',[54.75,117]], ['L',[54.75,144]] ] },
{ id: 'parsed', points: [ ['M',[584.239,140.024]], ['L',[555.928,56.354]], ['L',[118.5,212.39]], ['L',[118.5,239.824]] ] },
{ id: 'query-table', points: [ ['M',[535.032,173.16]], ['L',[592.484,151.051]], ['L',[994.548,243.828]] ] },
{ id: 'unique', points: [ ['M',[516.5,221]], ['L',[503.818,185.111]], ['L',[182.75,308.75]], ['L',[182.75,336]] ] },
{ id: 'cat_4', points: [ ['M',[438.75,368]], ['L',[438.75,339.089]], ['L',[508,282.75]] ] },
{ id: 'cat_1', points: [ ['M',[246.5,368]], ['L',[246.5,340.308]], ['L',[518.418,234.626]] ] },
{ id: 'cat_2', points: [ ['M',[310.75,368]], ['L',[310.75,340]], ['L',[470.811,278]] ] },
{ id: 'cat_3', points: [ ['M',[374.75,368]], ['L',[374.75,338.688]], ['L',[473.877,292]] ] },
{ id: 'sub-cat_6', points: [ ['M',[502.75,368]], ['L',[502.75,337.5]], ['L',[525.5,277.75]], ['L',[553.25,337.5]], ['L',[553.25,368]] ] },
{ id: 'cat_7', points: [ ['M',[543.5,282.75]], ['L',[617.25,339.5]], ['L',[617.25,368]] ] },
{ id: 'cat_8', points: [ ['M',[578.5,292]], ['L',[681.25,340]], ['L',[681.25,368]] ] },
{ id: 'cat_9', points: [ ['M',[603.175,278]], ['L',[745.25,316.25]], ['L',[745.25,342]] ] },
{ id: 'cat_10', points: [ ['M',[532,234]], ['L',[809.25,309.25]], ['L',[809.25,336]] ] },
{ id: 'duplicates', points: [ ['M',[517.4,182.5]], ['L',[873.25,277.171]], ['L',[873.25,304]] ] },
{ id: 'cat_11', points: [ ['M',[950.5,336]], ['L',[950.5,306.683]], ['L',[1001.03625,256.5]] ] },
{ id: 'cat_13', points: [ ['M',[1014.9,256.5]], ['L',[1065.25,307]], ['L',[1065.25,336.188]] ] },
{ id: 'failed', points: [ ['M',[570.22,57.4]], ['L',[1129.25,192.808]], ['L',[1129.25,222.135]] ] }
cats.forEach(function (cat) {
var dropD = calcD(dropPaths[cat]);
drawDrop(cat, dropD);
dropGuides.forEach(function (dropGuide) {
.attr('id', 'guide-' +
.attr('class', 'drop-guide')
.attr('d', calcD(dropGuide.points))
function drawDrop(cat, dropD) {
var dropPath = dropPathsGrp.append('path')
.attr('id', 'drop-' + cat)
.attr('class', 'drop-path')
.attr('d', dropD);
// TODO: append another path here for hover?
setStatProps(cat, dropPath);
function drawCounts () {
var countY = to3(566 * rwd.y);
var labelY = to3(488.5 * rwd.y);
var counts = {
'processed': { x: 48, label: 'Processed' },
'parsed': { x: 112, label: 'Parsed' },
'unique': { x: 176, label: 'Unique' },
'cat_1': { x: 240, label: 'Cat 1' },
'cat_2': { x: 304, label: 'Cat 2' },
'cat_3': { x: 368, label: 'Cat 3' },
'cat_4': { x: 432, label: 'Cat 4' },
'cat_5': { x: 496, label: 'Cat 5' },
'cat_6': { x: 560, label: 'Cat 6' },
'cat_7': { x: 624, label: 'Cat 7' },
'cat_8': { x: 688, label: 'Cat 8' },
'cat_9': { x: 752, label: 'Cat 9' },
'cat_10': { x: 816, label: 'Cat 10' },
'duplicates': { x: 880, label: 'Duplicates' },
'cat_11': { x: 944, label: 'Cat 11' },
'cat_12': { x: 1008, label: 'Cat 12' },
'cat_13': { x: 1072, label: 'Cat 13' },
'failed': { x: 1136, label: 'Failed' }
cats.forEach(function(cat) {
var count = counts[cat];
drawCount(cat, count);
function drawCount(cat, count) {
var countX = to3(count.x * rwd.x);
var fontSize = to3(16 * rwd.y);
var countText = countsGrp.append('text')
.attr('id', 'count-' + cat)
.attr('class', 'count-text')
.attr('x', countX)
.attr('y', countY)
.attr('font-size', fontSize)
.attr('text-anchor', 'middle')
stats[cat].countText = countText;
function procLabel(count) {
var labelX = to3(count.x * rwd.x);
drawLabel(count.label, labelX, labelY);
function drawLabel(label, labelX, labelY) {
var fontSize = to3(12 * rwd.y);
.attr('class', 'count-label')
.attr('x', labelX)
.attr('y', labelY)
.attr('font-size', function () { return fontSize < 8 ? 8 : fontSize; })
.attr('text-anchor', 'middle')
.attr('transform', 'translate(' + labelX + ',' + labelY + ') rotate(-45) translate(' + -labelX + ',' + -labelY + ')');
function load (idx) {
var next = idx + 1;
var data = updates[idx];
console.log('\nprocessing ' + next + ' of ' + upLen + '\n')
if (next < upLen) {
upIdx = next;
setTimeout(function() {
}, interval);
function dequeue () {
cats.forEach(function(cat) {
if (stats[cat].queued > 0) {
stats[cat].queued -= 1;
ballDrop(stats[cat], dropEnd, stats[cat])
setTimeout(dequeue, 150);
function updateAll (data) {
// console.log('queued: ')
cats.forEach(function(cat) {
var stat = stats[cat];
updateStat(cat, stat, data);
function updateStat (cat, stat, data) {
var dx = 0, diff = 0, delay = 0;
if ( data[cat] ) {
diff = +data[cat] - stat.count;
if (diff > 0) {
stat.count += diff;
stat.queued += diff;
// console.log(cat + ': ' + stat.queued)
function updateCountText (stat) {
var count = +stat.countText.text() + 1;
function dropEnd (circle, stat) {
function ballDrop (stat, callback, args) {
var path = stat.path.node();
var ball = svg.append('circle')
.attr('r', ballR)
.attr('transform', function () {
return 'translate(' + stat.pathStart.x + ',' + stat.pathStart.y + ')';
.duration(Math.round(stat.pathLength) * 3)
.attrTween('transform', transAlongPath(path, stat.pathLength))
.each('end', function() {
callback && callback(ball.node(), args);
function transAlongPath (path, length) {
return function(d, i, a) {
return function(t) {
var point = path.getPointAtLength(t * length);
return 'translate(' + point.x + ',' + point.y + ')';
function init () {
function setDims () {
var defaultWidth = 1184;
var defaultHeight = 580;
var minWidth = 560;
var minHeight = 290;
var svgWidth = 0;
var svgHeight = 0;
var width = window.innerWidth - 20;
var height = window.innerHeight - 20;
var svgWrap = document.getElementById('svg-wrap');
var wrapBounds = {}; = width + 'px'; = height + 'px';
wrapBounds = svgWrap.getBoundingClientRect();
svgWidth = width > minWidth ? width : minWidth;
rwd.x = svgWidth / defaultWidth;
svgHeight = height > minHeight ? height : minHeight;
rwd.y = svgHeight / defaultHeight;
ballR = Math.round(5 * Math.min(rwd.x, rwd.y));
svg.attr('width', svgWidth).attr('height', svgHeight);
function calcD (pathArr) {
var d = '';
pathArr.forEach(function(pathTo) {
pathTo.forEach(function(cmd) {
if (Array.isArray(cmd)) {
d += to3(cmd[0] * rwd.x);
if (cmd[1]) {
d += ',' + to3(cmd[1] * rwd.y)
} else {
d += cmd;
d += ' ';
return d;
function setStatProps (cat, path) {
var stat = stats[cat];
var node = path.node();
stat.path = path;
stat.pathStart = node.getPointAtLength(0);
stat.pathEnd = node.getPointAtLength(node.getTotalLength());
stat.pathLength = node.getTotalLength();
function randRange (min, max) {
return parseInt(Math.round(min + Math.random() * (max - min)));
function to3 (n) { return parseFloat(n.toFixed(3)) }
function leftPad (num, padding, padChar) {
// returns left-padded string from an int or float
var padded = num + '',
padLen = padding || 2,
padder = padChar || '0';
if (padded.length < padLen) {
while (padded.length < padLen) {
padded = padder + padded;
return padded;
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