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Created August 28, 2014 17:54
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uncrustify config file
# uncrustify config file for objective-c and objective-c++
indent_with_tabs = 0 # 1=indent to level only, 2=indent with tabs
output_tab_size = 4 # new tab size
indent_columns = output_tab_size
indent_label = 2 # pos : absolute col, neg : relative column
indent_align_assign = FALSE
indent_oc_block = true
indent_oc_block_msg_xcode_style = true
indent_oc_msg_prioritize_first_colon = true
align_keep_extra_space = FALSE # keep extra space or remove it from the beginning of a line?":"
# Indenting
# indent_brace = 0
indent_switch_case = indent_columns
# Inter -symbol newlines
nl_enum_brace = remove # "enum {" vs "enum \n {"
nl_union_brace = remove # "union {" vs "union \n {"
nl_struct_brace = remove # "struct {" vs "struct \n {"
nl_do_brace = remove # "do {" vs "do \n {"
nl_if_brace = remove # "if () {" vs "if () \n {"
nl_for_brace = remove # "for () {" vs "for () \n {"
nl_else_brace = remove # "else {" vs "else \n {"
nl_while_brace = remove # "while () {" vs "while () \n {"
nl_switch_brace = remove # "switch () {" vs "switch () \n {"
nl_brace_while = add # "} while" vs "} \n while" - cuddle while
nl_brace_else = add # "} else" vs "} \n else" - cuddle else
nl_func_var_def_blk = 1 # add new lines after a block of variable decls
nl_fcall_brace = add # "list_for_each() {" vs "list_for_each()\n{"
nl_fdef_brace = add # "int foo() {" vs "int foo()\n{"
nl_after_return = false
#nl_before_case = true
#ml_after_case = true
# Force a newline in a define after the macro name for multi-line defines.
nl_multi_line_define = true # false/true
# Add a newline between ')' and '{' if the ')' is on a different line than the if/for/etc.
# Overrides nl_for_brace, nl_if_brace, nl_switch_brace, nl_while_switch, and nl_catch_brace.
nl_multi_line_cond = true # false/true
# The number of newlines after '}' of a multi-line function body
nl_after_func_body = 2 # number
# The number of newlines after '}' of a single line function body
nl_after_func_body_one_liner = 2 # number
# Source code modifications
mod_paren_on_return = ignore # "return 1;" vs "return (1);"
mod_full_brace_if = force # "if (a) a--;" vs "if (a) { a--; }"
mod_full_brace_for = force # "for () a--;" vs "for () { a--; }"
mod_full_brace_do = force # "do a--; while ();" vs "do { a--; } while ();"
mod_full_brace_while = force # "while (a) a--;" vs "while (a) { a--; }"
mod_full_brace_nl = 3 # don 't remove if more than 3 newlines
mod_add_long_ifdef_endif_comment = 20
mod_add_long_ifdef_else_comment = mod_add_long_ifdef_else_comment
mod_add_long_switch_closebrace_comment = mod_add_long_ifdef_else_comment
mod_add_long_function_closebrace_comment = mod_add_long_ifdef_else_comment
# Inter-character spacing options
# sp_return_paren = force # "return (1);" vs "return(1);"
sp_sizeof_paren = remove # "sizeof (int)" vs "sizeof(int)"
sp_before_sparen = force # "if (" vs "if("
sp_after_sparen = force # "if () {" vs "if (){"
sp_after_cast = remove # "(int) a" vs "(int)a"
sp_inside_braces = add # "{ 1 }" vs "{1}"
sp_inside_braces_struct = add # "{ 1 }" vs "{1}"
sp_inside_braces_enum = add # "{ 1 }" vs "{1}"
sp_inside_fparen = remove # "func( param )" vs "func(param)"
sp_inside_sparen = remove
sp_paren_brace = force
# Add or remove space between ') ' and ' {' of function
sp_fparen_brace = force # ignore/add/remove/force
sp_assign = add
sp_arith = add
sp_bool = add
sp_compare = add
sp_assign = add
sp_after_comma = add
sp_func_def_paren = remove # "int foo (){" vs "int foo(){"
sp_func_call_paren = remove # "foo (" vs "foo("
sp_func_proto_paren = remove # "int foo ();" vs "int foo();"
sp_before_ptr_star = force
sp_after_ptr_star = remove
sp_before_unnamed_ptr_star = ignore
sp_between_ptr_star = remove
sp_after_ptr_star_func = force
sp_before_ptr_star_func = force
sp_cmt_cpp_start = add
sp_cond_question = add
sp_cond_colon = add
sp_cond_ternary_short = remove # a ?: b (as opposed to a ? b : c)
sp_else_brace = force
sp_brace_else = force
sp_after_class_colon = force
sp_before_class_colon = force
sp_before_case_colon = remove
#sp_after_case_colon = force
#sp_case_label = force
# Objective-C specifics
sp_before_oc_colon = remove
sp_after_oc_colon = remove
sp_after_oc_scope = force
sp_after_oc_type = remove
sp_after_oc_return_type = remove
sp_before_send_oc_colon = remove
sp_after_send_oc_colon = remove
sp_after_oc_at_sel = remove
sp_before_oc_block_caret = remove # should have a space in most cases but it looks kinda ugly after a colon in a list of arguments
sp_after_oc_block_caret = remove
# Aligning stuff
align_with_tabs = False # use tabs to align
align_on_tabstop = False # align on tabstops
# align_keep_tabs = True
align_enum_equ_span = 4 # '=' in enum definition
# align_nl_cont = True
align_var_def_span = 0
align_var_def_inline = False
#align_var_def_star = False
align_var_def_colon = False
align_assign_span = 0
align_struct_init_span = 4 # align stuff in a structure init '= { } '
align_right_cmt_span = 8
align_right_cmt_gap = 8
align_pp_define_span = 8
align_typedef_span = 5
align_typedef_gap = 3
# Objective-C specifics
align_oc_msg_colon_span = 10 # align parameters in an Obj-C message on the ' : ' but stop after this many lines (0=don't align)
align_oc_msg_spec_span = 0 # the span for aligning ObjC msg spec (0=don 't align)
align_oc_decl_colon = true
# Line Splitting options
# ls_func_split_full = True # Whether to fully split long function protos/calls at commas
# Comment modifications
cmt_star_cont = True # Whether to put a star on subsequent comment lines
eat_blanks_before_close_brace = TRUE
eat_blanks_after_open_brace = TRUE
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