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Last active August 29, 2021 02:38
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Google Colab Ubuntu POC - tagui command
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# configure command to launch chrome for Linux (configuration for macOS not required as path is fixed)
if [ -z "$1" ]
echo "tagui v6.74: use following options and this syntax to run - ./tagui flow_filename option(s)"
echo "tagui live launch TagUI live mode enabled with visual automation for interactive development"
echo "tagui update download and update to latest TagUI version (please backup your version beforehand)"
echo "input(s) add your own parameter(s) to be used in your automation flow as variables p1 to p8"
echo "data.csv specify a csv file to be used as the datatable for batch automation of many records"
echo "-deploy -d generate .command file which can be double-clicked to run workflow with specific options"
echo "-headless -h run on invisible Chrome web browser instead of visible as default (first install Chrome)"
echo "-nobrowser -n run without any web browser, for example to perform automation only with visual automation"
echo "-report -r track run result in tagui/src/tagui_report.csv and save html log of automation execution"
echo "-turbo -t run automation at 10X the speed of normal human user (read the caveats in usage guide!)"
echo "-quiet -q run without output except for explicit output (echo, show, check steps and errors etc)"
echo "-edge -e run TagUI using Microsoft Edge instead of Google Chrome (can be used with -headless)"
exit 1
# download file if first parameter is online resource
if [[ "$1" == "http"* ]]; then online_flowname=`echo "${1##*/}"`; curl -k -s -o $online_flowname "$1"
if [ -f "$online_flowname" ]; then if grep -iq "404\|400" "$online_flowname"; then rm "$online_flowname"
else online_reponame=`echo "${1##*/}.csv"`; curl -k -s -o $online_reponame "$1".csv
if [ -f "$online_reponame" ]; then if grep -iq "404\|400" "$online_reponame"; then rm "$online_reponame"
fi;fi;fi;fi; set -- "$online_flowname" "${@:2}"; fi
# enter live mode directly without user creating dummy file
if [ "$1" = "live" ]; then echo live > "live.tag" ; echo "// mouse_xy()" >> "live.tag" ; set -- "live.tag" "${@:2}"; fi
# go into download and update process if tagui update is given
if [ "$1" = "update" ]; then
SOURCE="${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" # slimerjs's implementation instead of cd "`dirname "$0"`"
while [ -h "$SOURCE" ]; do TAGUI_PARENT_DIR="$( cd -P "$( dirname "$SOURCE" )" && pwd )"
SOURCE="$(readlink "$SOURCE")"; [[ $SOURCE != /* ]] && SOURCE="$TAGUI_PARENT_DIR/$SOURCE"; done
TAGUI_PARENT_DIR="$( cd -P "$( dirname "$SOURCE" )/.." && pwd )"
if [ -f "$TAGUI_PARENT_DIR/" ]; then rm "$TAGUI_PARENT_DIR/"; fi
if [ -f "$TAGUI_PARENT_DIR/src/tagui_master" ]; then rm "$TAGUI_PARENT_DIR/src/tagui_master"; fi
curl -k -s -o "$TAGUI_PARENT_DIR/src/tagui_master" ""
if [ -f "$TAGUI_PARENT_DIR/src/tagui_master" ]; then
if ! grep -iq 'echo "tagui v' "$TAGUI_PARENT_DIR/src/tagui_master"; then
rm "$TAGUI_PARENT_DIR/src/tagui_master"; fi; fi
if ! [ -f "$TAGUI_PARENT_DIR/src/tagui_master" ]; then
echo "ERROR - internet connection to access GitHub is required to update TagUI"; exit 1; fi
TAGUI_MASTER_VERSION="$(grep 'echo "tagui v' "$TAGUI_PARENT_DIR/src/tagui_master" | cut -d' ' -f 3 | head -n 1)";
TAGUI_LOCAL_VERSION="$(grep 'echo "tagui v' "$TAGUI_PARENT_DIR/src/tagui" | cut -d' ' -f 3 | head -n 1)";
rm "$TAGUI_PARENT_DIR/src/tagui_master"
echo "You are already using the latest version of TagUI (${TAGUI_LOCAL_VERSION%?})"; exit 0; fi
echo "Downloading and updating to latest version of TagUI (${TAGUI_MASTER_VERSION%?})"
curl -k -s -L -o "$TAGUI_PARENT_DIR/" ""
if [ -f "$TAGUI_PARENT_DIR/" ]; then
if grep -iq "not found\|bad request" "$TAGUI_PARENT_DIR/"; then
rm "$TAGUI_PARENT_DIR/"; fi; fi
if ! [ -f "$TAGUI_PARENT_DIR/" ]; then
echo "ERROR - cannot download from"; exit 1; fi
unzip -qq "$TAGUI_PARENT_DIR/" -d "$TAGUI_PARENT_DIR"; \cp -R "$TAGUI_PARENT_DIR/TagUI-master/src" "$TAGUI_PARENT_DIR/."; \cp -R "$TAGUI_PARENT_DIR/TagUI-master/flows" "$TAGUI_PARENT_DIR/."; \cp -R "$TAGUI_PARENT_DIR/TagUI-master/docs" "$TAGUI_PARENT_DIR/."; \cp "$TAGUI_PARENT_DIR/TagUI-master/" "$TAGUI_PARENT_DIR/."; \cp "$TAGUI_PARENT_DIR/TagUI-master/" "$TAGUI_PARENT_DIR/."; chmod -R 755 "$TAGUI_PARENT_DIR"; if [ -d "$TAGUI_PARENT_DIR/TagUI-master" ]; then \rm -R "$TAGUI_PARENT_DIR/TagUI-master"; echo "TagUI successfully updated at $TAGUI_PARENT_DIR"; fi; exit 0
# end of if block to handle download and update process
# check whether specified automation flow file exists
if ! [ -f "$1" ]; then echo "ERROR - cannot find $1"; exit 1; fi
# check baseline parameter to output files to baseline directory
if [ "$2" = "-baseline" ] || [ "$2" = "-b" ]; then set -- "$1" "${@:3}"; tagui_baseline_mode=true; fi
if [ "$3" = "-baseline" ] || [ "$3" = "-b" ]; then set -- "${@:1:2}" "${@:4}"; tagui_baseline_mode=true; fi
if [ "$4" = "-baseline" ] || [ "$4" = "-b" ]; then set -- "${@:1:3}" "${@:5}"; tagui_baseline_mode=true; fi
if [ "$5" = "-baseline" ] || [ "$5" = "-b" ]; then set -- "${@:1:4}" "${@:6}"; tagui_baseline_mode=true; fi
if [ "$6" = "-baseline" ] || [ "$6" = "-b" ]; then set -- "${@:1:5}" "${@:7}"; tagui_baseline_mode=true; fi
if [ "$7" = "-baseline" ] || [ "$7" = "-b" ]; then set -- "${@:1:6}" "${@:8}"; tagui_baseline_mode=true; fi
if [ "$8" = "-baseline" ] || [ "$8" = "-b" ]; then set -- "${@:1:7}" "${@:9}"; tagui_baseline_mode=true; fi
if [ "$9" = "-baseline" ] || [ "$9" = "-b" ]; then set -- "${@:1:8}"; tagui_baseline_mode=true; fi
# check baseline option, get and set absolute filename of automation flow file
if [ "$tagui_baseline_mode" == false ]; then set -- "$(cd "$(dirname "$1")"; pwd)/$(basename "$1")" "${@:2}"
else if ! [ -d "$(cd "$(dirname "$1")"; pwd)/baseline" ]; then mkdir "$(cd "$(dirname "$1")"; pwd)/baseline"; fi
cp "$1" "$(cd "$(dirname "$1")"; pwd)/baseline/."
set -- "$(cd "$(dirname "$1")"; pwd)/baseline/$(basename "$1")" "${@:2}"
# save location of initial directory where tagui is called
# change current directory to TAGUI directory
SOURCE="${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" # slimerjs's implementation instead of cd "`dirname "$0"`"
while [ -h "$SOURCE" ]; do TAGUI_DIR="$( cd -P "$( dirname "$SOURCE" )" && pwd )"
SOURCE="$(readlink "$SOURCE")"; [[ $SOURCE != /* ]] && SOURCE="$TAGUI_DIR/$SOURCE"; done
TAGUI_DIR="$( cd -P "$( dirname "$SOURCE" )" && pwd )"; cd "$TAGUI_DIR"
# below 3 blocks dynamically set up dependencies paths for different setups
# first set dependencies to local symbolic links (for manual installation)
export PHANTOMJS_EXECUTABLE="/usr/local/bin/phantomjs"
export SLIMERJS_EXECUTABLE="/usr/local/bin/slimerjs"
# then set to node.js dependencies if they exist (for npm install tagui)
if [ -f "$(pwd)/../../casperjs/bin/casperjs" ]; then CASPERJS_EXECUTABLE="$(pwd)/../../casperjs/bin/casperjs"; fi
if [ -f "$(pwd)/../../phantomjs-prebuilt/bin/phantomjs" ]; then export PHANTOMJS_EXECUTABLE="$(pwd)/../../phantomjs-prebuilt/bin/phantomjs"; fi
if [ -f "$(pwd)/../../slimerjs/src/slimerjs" ]; then export SLIMERJS_EXECUTABLE="$(pwd)/../../slimerjs/src/slimerjs"; fi
# finally set to packaged dependencies if they exist (for packaged installation)
if [ -f "$(pwd)/casperjs/bin/casperjs" ]; then CASPERJS_EXECUTABLE="$(pwd)/casperjs/bin/casperjs"; fi
if [ -f "$(pwd)/phantomjs/bin/phantomjs" ]; then export PHANTOMJS_EXECUTABLE="$(pwd)/phantomjs/bin/phantomjs"; fi
if [ -f "$(pwd)/slimerjs/slimerjs" ]; then export SLIMERJS_EXECUTABLE="$(pwd)/slimerjs/slimerjs"; fi
# check deploy parameter to generate an executable file to run workflow
if [ "$2" = "-deploy" ] || [ "$2" = "-d" ]; then set -- "$1" "${@:3}"; tagui_deploy_workflow=true; fi
if [ "$3" = "-deploy" ] || [ "$3" = "-d" ]; then set -- "${@:1:2}" "${@:4}"; tagui_deploy_workflow=true; fi
if [ "$4" = "-deploy" ] || [ "$4" = "-d" ]; then set -- "${@:1:3}" "${@:5}"; tagui_deploy_workflow=true; fi
if [ "$5" = "-deploy" ] || [ "$5" = "-d" ]; then set -- "${@:1:4}" "${@:6}"; tagui_deploy_workflow=true; fi
if [ "$6" = "-deploy" ] || [ "$6" = "-d" ]; then set -- "${@:1:5}" "${@:7}"; tagui_deploy_workflow=true; fi
if [ "$7" = "-deploy" ] || [ "$7" = "-d" ]; then set -- "${@:1:6}" "${@:8}"; tagui_deploy_workflow=true; fi
if [ "$8" = "-deploy" ] || [ "$8" = "-d" ]; then set -- "${@:1:7}" "${@:9}"; tagui_deploy_workflow=true; fi
if [ "$9" = "-deploy" ] || [ "$9" = "-d" ]; then set -- "${@:1:8}"; tagui_deploy_workflow=true; fi
if [ "$tagui_deploy_workflow" == true ]; then echo cd \""$initial_dir"\" > "${1%.tag}".command
echo \""$TAGUI_DIR/tagui"\" \""$1"\" "$2" "$3" "$4" "$5" "$6" "$7" "$8" "$9" >> "${1%.tag}".command
echo "INFO - deployment script ${1%.tag}.command generated"
chmod 700 "${1%.tag}".command; exit 0; fi
# set default web browser to be used to chrome
# check nobrowser parameter to run without any web browser, ie only phantomjs engine
if [ "$2" = "-nobrowser" ] || [ "$2" = "-n" ]; then set -- "$1" "${@:3}"; tagui_web_browser="phantomjs"; fi
if [ "$3" = "-nobrowser" ] || [ "$3" = "-n" ]; then set -- "${@:1:2}" "${@:4}"; tagui_web_browser="phantomjs"; fi
if [ "$4" = "-nobrowser" ] || [ "$4" = "-n" ]; then set -- "${@:1:3}" "${@:5}"; tagui_web_browser="phantomjs"; fi
if [ "$5" = "-nobrowser" ] || [ "$5" = "-n" ]; then set -- "${@:1:4}" "${@:6}"; tagui_web_browser="phantomjs"; fi
if [ "$6" = "-nobrowser" ] || [ "$6" = "-n" ]; then set -- "${@:1:5}" "${@:7}"; tagui_web_browser="phantomjs"; fi
if [ "$7" = "-nobrowser" ] || [ "$7" = "-n" ]; then set -- "${@:1:6}" "${@:8}"; tagui_web_browser="phantomjs"; fi
if [ "$8" = "-nobrowser" ] || [ "$8" = "-n" ]; then set -- "${@:1:7}" "${@:9}"; tagui_web_browser="phantomjs"; fi
if [ "$9" = "-nobrowser" ] || [ "$9" = "-n" ]; then set -- "${@:1:8}"; tagui_web_browser="phantomjs"; fi
# check chrome parameter to run on in-built integration with visible chrome
if [ "$2" = "-chrome" ] || [ "$2" = "-c" ]; then set -- "$1" "${@:3}"; tagui_web_browser="chrome"; fi
if [ "$3" = "-chrome" ] || [ "$3" = "-c" ]; then set -- "${@:1:2}" "${@:4}"; tagui_web_browser="chrome"; fi
if [ "$4" = "-chrome" ] || [ "$4" = "-c" ]; then set -- "${@:1:3}" "${@:5}"; tagui_web_browser="chrome"; fi
if [ "$5" = "-chrome" ] || [ "$5" = "-c" ]; then set -- "${@:1:4}" "${@:6}"; tagui_web_browser="chrome"; fi
if [ "$6" = "-chrome" ] || [ "$6" = "-c" ]; then set -- "${@:1:5}" "${@:7}"; tagui_web_browser="chrome"; fi
if [ "$7" = "-chrome" ] || [ "$7" = "-c" ]; then set -- "${@:1:6}" "${@:8}"; tagui_web_browser="chrome"; fi
if [ "$8" = "-chrome" ] || [ "$8" = "-c" ]; then set -- "${@:1:7}" "${@:9}"; tagui_web_browser="chrome"; fi
if [ "$9" = "-chrome" ] || [ "$9" = "-c" ]; then set -- "${@:1:8}"; tagui_web_browser="chrome"; fi
# set custom browser to allow setting to edge
# check edge parameter to run on in-built integration with visible edge
if [ "$2" = "-edge" ] || [ "$2" = "-e" ]; then set -- "$1" "${@:3}"; tagui_custom_browser="Edge"; fi
if [ "$3" = "-edge" ] || [ "$3" = "-e" ]; then set -- "${@:1:2}" "${@:4}"; tagui_custom_browser="Edge"; fi
if [ "$4" = "-edge" ] || [ "$4" = "-e" ]; then set -- "${@:1:3}" "${@:5}"; tagui_custom_browser="Edge"; fi
if [ "$5" = "-edge" ] || [ "$5" = "-e" ]; then set -- "${@:1:4}" "${@:6}"; tagui_custom_browser="Edge"; fi
if [ "$6" = "-edge" ] || [ "$6" = "-e" ]; then set -- "${@:1:5}" "${@:7}"; tagui_custom_browser="Edge"; fi
if [ "$7" = "-edge" ] || [ "$7" = "-e" ]; then set -- "${@:1:6}" "${@:8}"; tagui_custom_browser="Edge"; fi
if [ "$8" = "-edge" ] || [ "$8" = "-e" ]; then set -- "${@:1:7}" "${@:9}"; tagui_custom_browser="Edge"; fi
if [ "$9" = "-edge" ] || [ "$9" = "-e" ]; then set -- "${@:1:8}"; tagui_custom_browser="Edge"; fi
# check headless parameter to run on in-built integration with headless chrome
if [ "$2" = "-headless" ] || [ "$2" = "-h" ]; then set -- "$1" "${@:3}"; tagui_web_browser="headless"; fi
if [ "$3" = "-headless" ] || [ "$3" = "-h" ]; then set -- "${@:1:2}" "${@:4}"; tagui_web_browser="headless"; fi
if [ "$4" = "-headless" ] || [ "$4" = "-h" ]; then set -- "${@:1:3}" "${@:5}"; tagui_web_browser="headless"; fi
if [ "$5" = "-headless" ] || [ "$5" = "-h" ]; then set -- "${@:1:4}" "${@:6}"; tagui_web_browser="headless"; fi
if [ "$6" = "-headless" ] || [ "$6" = "-h" ]; then set -- "${@:1:5}" "${@:7}"; tagui_web_browser="headless"; fi
if [ "$7" = "-headless" ] || [ "$7" = "-h" ]; then set -- "${@:1:6}" "${@:8}"; tagui_web_browser="headless"; fi
if [ "$8" = "-headless" ] || [ "$8" = "-h" ]; then set -- "${@:1:7}" "${@:9}"; tagui_web_browser="headless"; fi
if [ "$9" = "-headless" ] || [ "$9" = "-h" ]; then set -- "${@:1:8}"; tagui_web_browser="headless"; fi
# check firefox parameter to run on visible firefox browser through slimerjs
if [ "$2" = "-firefox" ] || [ "$2" = "-f" ]; then set -- "$1" "--engine=slimerjs" "${@:3}"; tagui_web_browser="firefox"; fi
if [ "$3" = "-firefox" ] || [ "$3" = "-f" ]; then set -- "${@:1:2}" "--engine=slimerjs" "${@:4}"; tagui_web_browser="firefox"; fi
if [ "$4" = "-firefox" ] || [ "$4" = "-f" ]; then set -- "${@:1:3}" "--engine=slimerjs" "${@:5}"; tagui_web_browser="firefox"; fi
if [ "$5" = "-firefox" ] || [ "$5" = "-f" ]; then set -- "${@:1:4}" "--engine=slimerjs" "${@:6}"; tagui_web_browser="firefox"; fi
if [ "$6" = "-firefox" ] || [ "$6" = "-f" ]; then set -- "${@:1:5}" "--engine=slimerjs" "${@:7}"; tagui_web_browser="firefox"; fi
if [ "$7" = "-firefox" ] || [ "$7" = "-f" ]; then set -- "${@:1:6}" "--engine=slimerjs" "${@:8}"; tagui_web_browser="firefox"; fi
if [ "$8" = "-firefox" ] || [ "$8" = "-f" ]; then set -- "${@:1:7}" "--engine=slimerjs" "${@:9}"; tagui_web_browser="firefox"; fi
if [ "$9" = "-firefox" ] || [ "$9" = "-f" ]; then set -- "${@:1:8}" "--engine=slimerjs"; tagui_web_browser="firefox"; fi
# export web browser variable for use when parsing automation flow
export tagui_web_browser=$tagui_web_browser
# check debug parameter to show run-time backend messages from phantomjs
if [ "$2" = "-debug" ]; then set -- "$1" "--verbose" "${@:3}"; fi
if [ "$3" = "-debug" ]; then set -- "${@:1:2}" "--verbose" "${@:4}"; fi
if [ "$4" = "-debug" ]; then set -- "${@:1:3}" "--verbose" "${@:5}"; fi
if [ "$5" = "-debug" ]; then set -- "${@:1:4}" "--verbose" "${@:6}"; fi
if [ "$6" = "-debug" ]; then set -- "${@:1:5}" "--verbose" "${@:7}"; fi
if [ "$7" = "-debug" ]; then set -- "${@:1:6}" "--verbose" "${@:8}"; fi
if [ "$8" = "-debug" ]; then set -- "${@:1:7}" "--verbose" "${@:9}"; fi
if [ "$9" = "-debug" ]; then set -- "${@:1:8}" "--verbose"; fi
tagui_test_mode=false; export tagui_test_mode=false
# check test parameter to run flow as casperjs test automation script
if [ "$2" = "-test" ]; then set -- "$1" "${@:3}"; tagui_test_mode=true; fi
if [ "$3" = "-test" ]; then set -- "${@:1:2}" "${@:4}"; tagui_test_mode=true; fi
if [ "$4" = "-test" ]; then set -- "${@:1:3}" "${@:5}"; tagui_test_mode=true; fi
if [ "$5" = "-test" ]; then set -- "${@:1:4}" "${@:6}"; tagui_test_mode=true; fi
if [ "$6" = "-test" ]; then set -- "${@:1:5}" "${@:7}"; tagui_test_mode=true; fi
if [ "$7" = "-test" ]; then set -- "${@:1:6}" "${@:8}"; tagui_test_mode=true; fi
if [ "$8" = "-test" ]; then set -- "${@:1:7}" "${@:9}"; tagui_test_mode=true; fi
if [ "$9" = "-test" ]; then set -- "${@:1:8}"; tagui_test_mode=true; fi
export tagui_quiet_mode=false
# check quiet parameter to run flow quietly by only showing explicit output
if [ "$2" = "-quiet" ] || [ "$2" = "-q" ]; then set -- "$1" "${@:3}"; export tagui_quiet_mode=true; fi
if [ "$3" = "-quiet" ] || [ "$3" = "-q" ]; then set -- "${@:1:2}" "${@:4}"; export tagui_quiet_mode=true; fi
if [ "$4" = "-quiet" ] || [ "$4" = "-q" ]; then set -- "${@:1:3}" "${@:5}"; export tagui_quiet_mode=true; fi
if [ "$5" = "-quiet" ] || [ "$5" = "-q" ]; then set -- "${@:1:4}" "${@:6}"; export tagui_quiet_mode=true; fi
if [ "$6" = "-quiet" ] || [ "$6" = "-q" ]; then set -- "${@:1:5}" "${@:7}"; export tagui_quiet_mode=true; fi
if [ "$7" = "-quiet" ] || [ "$7" = "-q" ]; then set -- "${@:1:6}" "${@:8}"; export tagui_quiet_mode=true; fi
if [ "$8" = "-quiet" ] || [ "$8" = "-q" ]; then set -- "${@:1:7}" "${@:9}"; export tagui_quiet_mode=true; fi
if [ "$9" = "-quiet" ] || [ "$9" = "-q" ]; then set -- "${@:1:8}"; export tagui_quiet_mode=true; fi
# check report parameter to generate html formatted automation log
if [ "$2" = "-report" ] || [ "$2" = "-r" ]; then set -- "$1" "${@:3}"; tagui_html_report=true; fi
if [ "$3" = "-report" ] || [ "$3" = "-r" ]; then set -- "${@:1:2}" "${@:4}"; tagui_html_report=true; fi
if [ "$4" = "-report" ] || [ "$4" = "-r" ]; then set -- "${@:1:3}" "${@:5}"; tagui_html_report=true; fi
if [ "$5" = "-report" ] || [ "$5" = "-r" ]; then set -- "${@:1:4}" "${@:6}"; tagui_html_report=true; fi
if [ "$6" = "-report" ] || [ "$6" = "-r" ]; then set -- "${@:1:5}" "${@:7}"; tagui_html_report=true; fi
if [ "$7" = "-report" ] || [ "$7" = "-r" ]; then set -- "${@:1:6}" "${@:8}"; tagui_html_report=true; fi
if [ "$8" = "-report" ] || [ "$8" = "-r" ]; then set -- "${@:1:7}" "${@:9}"; tagui_html_report=true; fi
if [ "$9" = "-report" ] || [ "$9" = "-r" ]; then set -- "${@:1:8}"; tagui_html_report=true; fi
# check speed parameter to skip delay and chrome restart between iterations
if [ "$2" = "-speed" ] || [ "$2" = "-s" ]; then set -- "$1" "${@:3}"; tagui_speed_mode=true; fi
if [ "$3" = "-speed" ] || [ "$3" = "-s" ]; then set -- "${@:1:2}" "${@:4}"; tagui_speed_mode=true; fi
if [ "$4" = "-speed" ] || [ "$4" = "-s" ]; then set -- "${@:1:3}" "${@:5}"; tagui_speed_mode=true; fi
if [ "$5" = "-speed" ] || [ "$5" = "-s" ]; then set -- "${@:1:4}" "${@:6}"; tagui_speed_mode=true; fi
if [ "$6" = "-speed" ] || [ "$6" = "-s" ]; then set -- "${@:1:5}" "${@:7}"; tagui_speed_mode=true; fi
if [ "$7" = "-speed" ] || [ "$7" = "-s" ]; then set -- "${@:1:6}" "${@:8}"; tagui_speed_mode=true; fi
if [ "$8" = "-speed" ] || [ "$8" = "-s" ]; then set -- "${@:1:7}" "${@:9}"; tagui_speed_mode=true; fi
if [ "$9" = "-speed" ] || [ "$9" = "-s" ]; then set -- "${@:1:8}"; tagui_speed_mode=true; fi
export tagui_turbo_mode=false
# check turbo parameter to run automation at 10X the speed of normal human user
if [ "$2" = "-turbo" ] || [ "$2" = "-t" ]; then set -- "$1" "${@:3}"; export tagui_turbo_mode=true; fi
if [ "$3" = "-turbo" ] || [ "$3" = "-t" ]; then set -- "${@:1:2}" "${@:4}"; export tagui_turbo_mode=true; fi
if [ "$4" = "-turbo" ] || [ "$4" = "-t" ]; then set -- "${@:1:3}" "${@:5}"; export tagui_turbo_mode=true; fi
if [ "$5" = "-turbo" ] || [ "$5" = "-t" ]; then set -- "${@:1:4}" "${@:6}"; export tagui_turbo_mode=true; fi
if [ "$6" = "-turbo" ] || [ "$6" = "-t" ]; then set -- "${@:1:5}" "${@:7}"; export tagui_turbo_mode=true; fi
if [ "$7" = "-turbo" ] || [ "$7" = "-t" ]; then set -- "${@:1:6}" "${@:8}"; export tagui_turbo_mode=true; fi
if [ "$8" = "-turbo" ] || [ "$8" = "-t" ]; then set -- "${@:1:7}" "${@:9}"; export tagui_turbo_mode=true; fi
if [ "$9" = "-turbo" ] || [ "$9" = "-t" ]; then set -- "${@:1:8}"; export tagui_turbo_mode=true; fi
# concatenate parameters in order to fix issue when calling casperjs test
# $1 left out - filenames with spaces have issue when casperjs $params
params="$2"" ""$3"" ""$4"" ""$5"" ""$6"" ""$7"" ""$8"" ""$9"
# initialise log files and set permissions to protect user data
echo -n "" > "$1".log; chmod 600 "$1".log
echo -n "" > tagui_r/tagui_r.log; chmod 600 tagui_r/tagui_r.log
echo -n "" > tagui_r/tagui_r_windows.log; chmod 600 tagui_r/tagui_r_windows.log
echo -n "" > tagui_py/tagui_py.log; chmod 600 tagui_py/tagui_py.log
echo -n "" > tagui_py/tagui_py_windows.log; chmod 600 tagui_py/tagui_py_windows.log
echo -n "" > tagui.sikuli/tagui.log; chmod 600 tagui.sikuli/tagui.log
echo -n "" > tagui.sikuli/tagui_windows.log; chmod 600 tagui.sikuli/tagui_windows.log
echo -n "" > tagui_chrome.log; chmod 600 tagui_chrome.log
# delete R integration files if they exist
if [ -f "tagui_r/" ]; then rm tagui_r/; fi
if [ -f "tagui_r/tagui_r.out" ]; then rm tagui_r/tagui_r.out; fi
# delete python integration files if they exist
if [ -f "tagui_py/" ]; then rm tagui_py/; fi
if [ -f "tagui_py/tagui_py.out" ]; then rm tagui_py/tagui_py.out; fi
# delete sikuli visual automation integration files if they exist
if [ -f "tagui.sikuli/" ]; then rm tagui.sikuli/; fi
if [ -f "tagui.sikuli/tagui_sikuli.out" ]; then rm tagui.sikuli/tagui_sikuli.out; fi
# delete chrome / headless chrome integration files if they exist
if [ -f "" ]; then rm; fi
if [ -f "tagui_chrome.out" ]; then rm tagui_chrome.out; fi
# default exit code 0 to mean no error parsing automation flow file
# transpose datatable csv file if file to be transposed exists
if [ -f "$1_transpose".csv ]; then php -q transpose.php "$1_transpose".csv | tee -a "$1".log; fi
# check if custom csv file is provided to be used as datatable
if [[ "$2" == *".csv" ]]; then custom_csv_file=$(cd "$(dirname "$1")"; cd "$(dirname "$2")"; pwd)/$(basename "$2"); fi
if [[ "$3" == *".csv" ]]; then custom_csv_file=$(cd "$(dirname "$1")"; cd "$(dirname "$3")"; pwd)/$(basename "$3"); fi
if [[ "$4" == *".csv" ]]; then custom_csv_file=$(cd "$(dirname "$1")"; cd "$(dirname "$4")"; pwd)/$(basename "$4"); fi
if [[ "$5" == *".csv" ]]; then custom_csv_file=$(cd "$(dirname "$1")"; cd "$(dirname "$5")"; pwd)/$(basename "$5"); fi
if [[ "$6" == *".csv" ]]; then custom_csv_file=$(cd "$(dirname "$1")"; cd "$(dirname "$6")"; pwd)/$(basename "$6"); fi
if [[ "$7" == *".csv" ]]; then custom_csv_file=$(cd "$(dirname "$1")"; cd "$(dirname "$7")"; pwd)/$(basename "$7"); fi
if [[ "$8" == *".csv" ]]; then custom_csv_file=$(cd "$(dirname "$1")"; cd "$(dirname "$8")"; pwd)/$(basename "$8"); fi
if [[ "$9" == *".csv" ]]; then custom_csv_file=$(cd "$(dirname "$1")"; cd "$(dirname "$9")"; pwd)/$(basename "$9"); fi
if [ "NO_CUSTOM_CSV_FILE" != "$custom_csv_file" ]; then
if ! [ -f "$custom_csv_file" ]; then echo "ERROR - cannot find $custom_csv_file"; exit 1; fi
cp "$custom_csv_file" "tagui_datatable_transpose.csv"
php -q transpose.php "tagui_datatable_transpose.csv" | tee -a "$1".log
custom_csv_file="$TAGUI_DIR/tagui_datatable.csv"; rm "tagui_datatable_transpose.csv"; fi
if [ "NO_CUSTOM_CSV_FILE" == "$custom_csv_file" ]; then custom_csv_file=$1.csv; fi
export custom_csv_file=$custom_csv_file
# check datatable csv file for batch automation
if [ -f "$custom_csv_file" ]; then
# min_column=`awk -F',' '{print NF}' "$custom_csv_file" | sort -nu | head -n 1`
# max_column=`awk -F',' '{print NF}' "$custom_csv_file" | sort -nu | tail -n 1`
# below counts the first row, otherwise edge cases will break this
min_column=`head -n 1 "$custom_csv_file" | awk -F',' '{print NF}'`
if [ "$min_column" -lt 2 ]; then echo "ERROR - $custom_csv_file has lesser than 2 columns" | tee -a "$1".log
else tagui_data_set_size="$(($min_column-1))"; fi; fi
# big loop for managing multiple data sets in datatable
for (( tagui_data_set=1; tagui_data_set<=$tagui_data_set_size; tagui_data_set++ ))
do export tagui_data_set=$tagui_data_set
# parse automation flow file, check for initial parse error
# check R, python, sikuli, chrome, before calling casperjs
php -q tagui_parse.php "$1" | tee -a "$1".log
if [ -s "$1".log ] && [ "$tagui_data_set" -eq 1 ]
then echo "ERROR - automation aborted due to above" | tee -a "$1".log; tagui_error_code=1; break; fi
# check if api call is made in generated js file to set appropriate setting for phantomjs to work
api=""; if [ -f "$1".js ]; then if grep -iq "api http" "$1".js; then api=" --web-security=false"; fi; fi
# start R process if integration file is created during parsing
if [ -f "tagui_r/" ]; then
Rscript tagui_r/tagui_r.R >> tagui_r/tagui_r.log 2>&1 &
# start python process if integration file is created during parsing
if [ -f "tagui_py/" ]; then
python -u tagui_py/ >> tagui_py/tagui_py.log 2>&1 &
# start sikuli process if integration file is created during parsing
if [ -f "tagui.sikuli/" ]; then
# start dummy first run to let sikulix integrate jython
if [ -f "sikulix/jython-standalone-2.7.1.jar" ]; then
java -jar sikulix/sikulix.jar -h > /dev/null 2>&1
java -jar sikulix/sikulix.jar -r tagui.sikuli -d 3 >> tagui.sikuli/tagui.log 2>&1 &
# start chrome processes if integration file is created during parsing
if [ -f "" ]; then
# echo "[starting chrome websocket]" | tee -a "$1".log
# get window size from tagui_config.txt to set for chrome, estimating into account the height of chrome title bar
width="$(grep width tagui_config.txt | cut -d' ' -f 2)"; height="$(grep height tagui_config.txt | cut -d' ' -f 2)"
if [ "$tagui_web_browser" == "chrome" ]; then height="$(($height + 74))"; fi; window_size="--window-size=$width$height"
# setting to run chrome in headless mode if headless option is used
headless_switch=""; if [ "$tagui_web_browser" == "headless" ]; then headless_switch="--headless --disable-gpu"; fi
# skip restarting chrome in speed mode and resuse 1st websocket url
if [ "$tagui_data_set" -eq 1 ] || [ "$tagui_speed_mode" == false ]; then
# check for which operating system and launch chrome accordingly
chrome_started="$(uname -s)"; chrome_switches="--remote-debugging-port=9222 about:blank"
if [ "$chrome_started" == "Darwin" ]; then
tagui_browser_command="/Applications/Google Chrome"
if [ "$tagui_custom_browser" == "Edge" ]; then
tagui_browser_command="/Applications/Microsoft Edge"
if ! [ -f "$tagui_browser_command" ]; then
echo "ERROR - cannot find \"$tagui_browser_command\""
echo "$tagui_custom_browser is at a non-standard location on your macOS, raise an issue on"; exit 1; fi
chrome_process_id="$(ps x | grep remote-debugging-port=9222 | grep tagui_user_profile | grep window-size | sed -e 's/^[ ]*//' | cut -d' ' -f 1 | sort -nur | head -n 1)"
if [ -n "$chrome_process_id" ]; then kill $chrome_process_id; fi
"$tagui_browser_command" --user-data-dir="$TAGUI_DIR/chrome/tagui_user_profile" $chrome_switches $window_size --no-sandbox > /dev/null 2>&1 &
if [ "$tagui_custom_browser" == "Edge" ]; then
if ! type "$chrome_command" > /dev/null; then
echo "ERROR - cannot find \"$chrome_command\" command on your Linux to launch web browser"
echo "update chrome_command setting in tagui/src/tagui and make sure symlink is created"; exit 1; fi
chrome_process_id="$(ps x | grep remote-debugging-port=9222 | grep tagui_user_profile | grep window-size | sed -e 's/^[ ]*//' | cut -d' ' -f 1 | sort -nur | head -n 1)"
if [ -n "$chrome_process_id" ]; then kill $chrome_process_id; fi
$chrome_command --user-data-dir="$TAGUI_DIR/chrome/tagui_user_profile" $chrome_switches $window_size --no-sandbox > /dev/null 2>&1 &
# wait until chrome is ready with websocket url for php thread
while true; do
ws_url="$(curl -s localhost:9222/json | grep -A 1 '"url": "about:blank"' | grep webSocketDebuggerUrl | cut -d'"' -f 4)"
if [ -n "$ws_url" ]; then break; fi; done
# end of if block for restarting chrome process
# launch php process to manage chrome websocket communications
php -q tagui_chrome.php $ws_url >> tagui_chrome.log &
# end of if block to start chrome processes
# check if test mode is enabled and run casperjs accordingly, before sending finish signal if integrations are active
if [ "$tagui_test_mode" == false ]; then "$CASPERJS_EXECUTABLE" "$1".js $params$api | tee -a "$1".log
else export tagui_test_mode=true; "$CASPERJS_EXECUTABLE" test "$1".js $api --xunit="$1".xml | tee -a "$1".log; fi
# checking for existence of files is important, otherwise in loops integrations will run even without enabling
if [ -f "tagui_r/" ]; then echo "finish" > tagui_r/; fi
if [ -f "tagui_py/" ]; then echo "finish" > tagui_py/; fi
if [ -f "tagui.sikuli/" ]; then echo "finish" > tagui.sikuli/; fi
if [ -f "" ]; then echo "finish" >; fi
# add delay between repetitions to pace out iterations
if [ "$tagui_data_set_size" -ne 1 ] && ! [ -f "end_processes_signal" ]; then sleep 3; fi
# check signal from end_processes command to terminate loops
if [ -f "end_processes_signal" ]; then rm end_processes_signal; exit 1; fi
# kill chrome processes on single first run or data set last run
if [ "$tagui_data_set" -eq "$tagui_data_set_size" ]; then
chrome_process_id="$(ps x | grep remote-debugging-port=9222 | grep tagui_user_profile | grep window-size | sed -e 's/^[ ]*//' | cut -d' ' -f 1 | sort -nur | head -n 1)"
if [ -n "$chrome_process_id" ]; then kill $chrome_process_id; fi
# end of big loop for managing multiple data sets in datatable
# check report option to generate html automation log
if [ -s "$1".log ] && [ "$tagui_html_report" == true ]; then tagui_user_id="$(id -gn)\\$(id -un)"
php -q tagui_report.php "$1" "$tagui_user_id"
# do custom reporting here with OS commands, built-in curl or your programming language
# for eg you can move files to your central server or post data somewhere using your API
# "tagui_report.csv" - use this for the TagUI report summary CSV file
# "$tagui_user_id" - use this for the running user workgroup\userid
# "$1.html" - use this for the detailed execution HTML log
# "${1%????}_error.png" - use this for error image (if any)
# give errorlevel 1 on error detected
if [ -f "$1".log ]; then
if grep -q "ERROR -" "$1".log; then tagui_error_code=1; fi
# remove logs if tagui_logging doesn't exist
if ! [ -f tagui_logging ]; then
if [ -f "$1".raw ]; then rm "$1".raw; fi
if [ -f "$1".log ]; then rm "$1".log; fi
if [ -f "$1".js ]; then rm "$1".js; fi
if [ -f "$1".raw ]; then mv "$1".raw "${1%.tag}".raw; fi
if [ -f "$1".log ]; then mv "$1".log "${1%.tag}".log; fi
if [ -f "$1".js ]; then mv "$1".js "${1%.tag}.js"; fi
# change back to initial directory where tagui is called
cd "$initial_dir"
# remove direct live mode generated files
if [ -f "live.tag" ]; then rm "live.tag"; fi
if [ -f "live.tag.raw" ]; then rm "live.tag.raw"; fi
if [ -f "live.tag.js" ]; then rm "live.tag.js"; fi
if [ -f "live.tag.log" ]; then mv "live.tag.log" "live.log"; fi
# returns 0 if no error parsing flow file, otherwise return 1
exit $tagui_error_code
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