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Last active March 3, 2020 18:09
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Save kenstone/5460000 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
.flex() {
display: -webkit-box;
display: -moz-box;
display: -ms-flexbox;
.flex-justify(@justifyStyle) {
-webkit-justify-content: @justifyStyle;
justify-content: @justifyStyle;
.flex-direction(@direction) {
.flex-align-items(@alignStyle) {
align-items: @alignStyle;
.flex-align-self(@selfAlignStyle) {
align-self: @selfAlignStyle;
.flex-order(@order) {
.flex-wrap(@wrap) {
/* These are the conditional mixins for the different syntax for IE10 Flexbox*/
.ms-flex-justify(@msJustify) when (@msJustify = space-between) {
.ms-flex-justify(@msJustify) when (@msJustify = space-around) {
.ms-flex-justify(@msJustify) when (@msJustify = flex-end) {
.ms-flex-justify(@msJustify) when (@msJustify = flex-start) {
.ms-flex-justify(@msJustify) when (@msJustify = center) {
.ms-flex-align-self(@msSelfAlign) when (@msSelfAlign = flex-end) {
-ms-flex-item-align: end;
.ms-flex-align-self(@msSelfAlign) when (@msSelfAlign = flex-start) {
-ms-flex-item-align: start;
.ms-flex-align-self(@msSelfAlign) when (@msSelfAlign = auto), (@msSelfAlign = center),(@msSelfAlign = baseline), (@msSelfAlign = stretch) {
-ms-flex-item-align: @msSelfAlign;
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Good work; maybe a little improvement in readability (and also with DRY in mind) would be wrapping all the conditional mixins of a specific vendor prefixed property into one mixing by using LESS' nesting

.ms-flex-justify(@msJustify) {
    & when (@msJustify = space-between) {
        -ms-flex-pack: justify;
    & when (@msJustify = space-around) {
        -ms-flex-pack: distribute;
    & when (@msJustify = flex-end) {
        -ms-flex-pack: end;
    & when (@msJustify = flex-start) {
        -ms-flex-pack: start;
    & when (@msJustify = center) {
        -ms-flex-pack: center;

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rjgotten commented Mar 4, 2016

Actually, rather than packing them together like that with when guards, you should leverage the fact that Less supports pattern matching. The following will give you appropriate compile-time errors when a wrong value is supplied by a consumer:

.ms-flex-justify(@value) {
  ._(space-between) { -ms-flex-pack: justify;    }
  ._(space-around)  { -ms-flex-pack: distribute; }
  ._(flex-end)      { -ms-flex-pack: end;        }
  ._(flex-start)    { -ms-flex-pack: start;      }
  ._(center)        { -ms-flex-pack: center;     }

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